Anyone know a good shooter/rpg like game?

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Mar 17, 2020
You should try The Outer Worlds. If you loved the new Fallout games, you should love this one as well. It's even superior in many ways than Bethesda's Fallouts.
This right here! I downloaded from epic yesterday, mainly because it was on sale then there was that weird $10 coupon they give you. The story, graphics and environment our nothing short of amazing. You really feel the repercussion from your choices in this game. That and they give a power hammer to smash people with... it's a win win.


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This right here! I downloaded from epic yesterday, mainly because it was on sale then there was that weird $10 coupon they give you. The story, graphics and environment our nothing short of amazing. You really feel the repercussion from your choices in this game. That and they give a power hammer to smash people with... it's a win win.

Obsidian has clearly switched from isometric RPGs to FPP RPGs. I'm waiting impatiently for details on Avowed. I wonder whether it'll have an open world. The Outer Worlds is partially open-worlded and I enjoyed its concept very much. I hope that it'll be the same with Obsidian's new game.
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Jul 13, 2020
The Outer Worlds is a clear choice here. Obsidian learned well from Fallout New Vegas and made a quirky and fun, better Fallout game.
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Jul 13, 2020
Graven seems more as a homage to old Hexen games and it comes out in 2021.

I recommend Borderlands 1 and 2 but Borderlands 3 is far more realistic, excellent sound, and a great atmosphere to be in.

Borderlands is a great looter shooter series with varying quality in storytelling.
2nd title is imho the best story wise but Borderlands 3 certainly does improve in gunplay.
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I recommend Borderlands 1 and 2 but Borderlands 3 is far more realistic, excellent sound, and a great atmosphere to be in.

The most annoying thing for me in Borderlands was the randomness of loot and low inventory capacity. It's a good proposition, but not everyone will like it. I caught the game for free on Epic Games Store and played for a few hours. It didn't get me involved for some reason.

When you say shooter/rpg I'm a bit complexed, but when I think a bit more about it I would say Graven describes exactly that.

Graven is a very good proposition, but the game is still months from its release date. I'm quite excited to play this game.
May 3, 2020
I have a similar probiem and recommendation, which I'm surprised no one has mentioned.
I have tried all of the above recomendations apart from outerworlds but still keep going back to the same game.
Destiny 2.
Non of the games above even come close to playing as well as Destiny 2. The gun play and control is second to non, all the games above feel clucky and clumsy by comparison.
It has a massive roster of desirable weapons and armour to collect.
I was a big fan of borderlands 1/2 and fallout 4 before this and now those game just seem unplayable (borderlands 3 was really unenjoyable for me).
IT can be played in multiple different ways, as a solo shooter or online co op shooter or as a competative shooter (the later holding very little interest for me).
Another big pull for this game is that, every week it is updated with new content and things to do, keeping you coming back for more.
Also Cyberpunk in a few week.
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Jul 13, 2020
If you like a certain immersion I can recommend Far Cry Primal.
You'll be a prehistoric man who can tame beasts running around fighting other tribes while upgrading your own.
it's fun I guess.
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