I got stuck in something even worse! "Middle distance" phone calls! In the USA back in the early 90's, local calls were free, long distance calls costed money but there was some competition just starting to show up, but calls that were beyond local but not long enough to be long had no competition at all. So, it actually cost a lot more to make a call to a phone about 100 miles away than it cost to call a phone 1000 miles away! (Still cheaper than calling overseas, though.)
My Air Warrior days ended fast when I moved to a small town for a while. However, I was able to take part in GEnie's various forums. I would get all my responses done off-line, call in, very quickly post each one of them, pull in all the new posts, and log out. When reading, we would all have to take into account that the person responding might have seen any of the posts made in the last day or two!
P.S. No clue why I didn't just call a number that was further away.