I feel compelled to first say I have been able to increase both difficulty level and graphics settings with the latest patch, but learning the nuances of how to get valuable items like a good ship early in the game certainly have helped as well. I've even found that it is possible to grav jump to another system in between waves of a tough dog fight if you for instance have no Ship Parts to make hull repairs during combat. When you jump back, even if you've taken time to pay for repairs at a landing port, the fight you were in will have saved your progress.
I used to run the game at 50% res scale, now I can run it at 65%, even with better performance outdoors than I was getting before. The lowest my FPS dips to now is about 45, whereas before it would go under 40 at times. This means I usually have snappy movement and aim (before it was quite often laggy). Visually the textures are also sharper, most notably faces of NPCs. I'm running a mix of Low and Med settings at 1080p due to my hardware, but the game still looks much better than FO 4 did at much higher settings.
While the ships can make a huge difference in dog fights, and the weapons you carry when you find better ones can dish out quite a bit more firepower, the effectiveness of the latter is determined somewhat by when you take on quests. It's been a bit of a guessing game as to what level of weapons to expect where, but typically enemies will be more closely matched to your player level. So waiting too long to do missions like the ones shown here can result in MUCH tougher fights. Most videos I've seen of the 2nd and 3rd missions shown, are typically done at far less than half the player level I'm on here.
The Ship Builder continues to be my main nit pick about the game, as I (and many others) find it difficult to use. That said, It's not too hard to acquire multiple ships, and you are allowed to have up to 10. So if you have trouble building one ideal ship that does everything well, you can if you choose opt not to build and instead use different ships for different purposes. About the most I've done with the Ship Builder is upgrade the weapons and engines on the starter ship you're given. The reality is, despite what some have said about barren planets and finicky Ship Builder, there is MUCH to do in the game, so no one feature makes or breaks it.
These are 3 of the main missions from the tail end of the Crimson Fleet and UC questlines. I started on Easy mode, which the first mission shown is done on, but the other two are on Normal.
Crimson Fleet - Legacy's End
UC - War Relics
UC - Hostile Intelligence
I feel compelled to first say I have been able to increase both difficulty level and graphics settings with the latest patch, but learning the nuances of how to get valuable items like a good ship early in the game certainly have helped as well. I've even found that it is possible to grav jump to another system in between waves of a tough dog fight if you for instance have no Ship Parts to make hull repairs during combat. When you jump back, even if you've taken time to pay for repairs at a landing port, the fight you were in will have saved your progress.
I used to run the game at 50% res scale, now I can run it at 65%, even with better performance outdoors than I was getting before. The lowest my FPS dips to now is about 45, whereas before it would go under 40 at times. This means I usually have snappy movement and aim (before it was quite often laggy). Visually the textures are also sharper, most notably faces of NPCs. I'm running a mix of Low and Med settings at 1080p due to my hardware, but the game still looks much better than FO 4 did at much higher settings.
While the ships can make a huge difference in dog fights, and the weapons you carry when you find better ones can dish out quite a bit more firepower, the effectiveness of the latter is determined somewhat by when you take on quests. It's been a bit of a guessing game as to what level of weapons to expect where, but typically enemies will be more closely matched to your player level. So waiting too long to do missions like the ones shown here can result in MUCH tougher fights. Most videos I've seen of the 2nd and 3rd missions shown, are typically done at far less than half the player level I'm on here.
The Ship Builder continues to be my main nit pick about the game, as I (and many others) find it difficult to use. That said, It's not too hard to acquire multiple ships, and you are allowed to have up to 10. So if you have trouble building one ideal ship that does everything well, you can if you choose opt not to build and instead use different ships for different purposes. About the most I've done with the Ship Builder is upgrade the weapons and engines on the starter ship you're given. The reality is, despite what some have said about barren planets and finicky Ship Builder, there is MUCH to do in the game, so no one feature makes or breaks it.
These are 3 of the main missions from the tail end of the Crimson Fleet and UC questlines. I started on Easy mode, which the first mission shown is done on, but the other two are on Normal.
Crimson Fleet - Legacy's End
This is the final mission of the Crimson Fleet quest if working as an undercover agent for UC. Your task is to conquer the Crimson Fleet at their main base the Key, after recovering the mass amount of credits from the Legacy ship you were pretending to steal for them. This is one of the biggest payoffs quest wise early in the game, which nets you 250,000 credits regardless which side you take the treasure to. This was before the latest patch, so even the indoor fighting (which is typically higher FPS then anything outdoor), felt a bit laggy, even at 50% res scale.
UC - War Relics
This is the penultimate combat mission of the UC questline where you're tasked to find an old bot named Kaiser to help you deal with Terramorphs, a hostile alien species which UC had given special abilities during the colony wars. I love Kaiser, he gets in your way a bit at times during combat, but I find his tendency to go "hmmm" every now and then to be cute. It was also funny how his head was stuck in a rotating animation when it came to discussing how the Terramorph would be dealt with, as if he was trying to hypnotize me into thinking it had to be killed.
Andreja was actually more of a problem than Kaiser was in this mission, because she wouldn't stay where I told her to, which caused me to have to go get her as I could not make the battery he needed while she was in combat.
UC - Hostile Intelligence
The final combat mission in the UC questline, where you're tasked to go to Londinion to collect Aceles samples. Aceles are a near extinct species larger than Terramorphs, which are harmless to humans unless provoked, and were "hound dogs" of the Terramorphs that turned on them and ate them. These samples are to be used to make an aerosolized microbe capable of wiping out the Terramorphs. I liken the Aceles to sort of dino version of an Afghan Hound. This is one of the spookier missions I've played so far, especially if you play it at level 40, vs less than 15. At that level the Terramorphs can regen their armor like 3 times. I acquired some heavy hitting weapons on this quest just before encountering them, one of which has very high DPS, but things can get out of hand easily. This is because it's dark, they can use an invisibility cloak, and they have an attack that can blur your vision a bit and make you hear discouraging voices. The very last Terramorph is fought in brighter lighting, but it is larger and tougher, and can influence other lesser aliens that spawn in to fight for it.
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