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Page 22 - Love gaming? Join the PC Gamer community to share that passion with gamers all around the world!
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Apr 20, 2020
I love this. Back when I was helping with the Special Education a decade or so ago, these options weren't as available. I'm so happy to see this as an opportunity to enable gamers of all kinds to play instead of just watching.
Jan 14, 2020
I'm very curious on how that tech works. I would be interesting to try it for a little while. Anyway keep up the good work and and help those peoples that need your help to go back to this hobby :D
Jul 3, 2020
My best friend's son is severely disabled from birth. They have daily struggles and kid been bullied a lot at school due to his looks by both kids and their parents. He prefers being at home and learns a lot by playing games. While being at the laptop - he is just as any other kids, his mum forgets about all the struggles and can rest. And her son meanwhile is finding entertainment in doing simple things and feeling like 'everybody else'.
It's truly is a good and a very important cause. Modified joypads and eye-control devices sound like something from the distant future but I am so happy to know that they are real and they exist now.
May 5, 2020
This is amazing! Gaming is truly for anyone! Happiness come from various places and gaming is truly something anyone can enjoy. Glad to see this happening!
Jul 3, 2020
I hope that this charity can continue thru Covid. It makes a huge impact not just on the patients but the families as well. There are programs all over the world like this. Hopefully one day spinal problems will be curable.

Steve's story was one of hope. That guy has a lot of courage, strength, and determination. He has a positive outlook given his circumstances. SpecialEffect seems to have helped in that area.

I wonder if game designers will incorporate some mechanism to allow for specialized controls or aparatus via some sort of downloaded update for control schemas in the future. Most people with disabilities have specialized hardware for their specialized needs so it might not be possible. But if some overall format was found it might help the larger disabled population.
Jul 3, 2020
More accessible controllers paving the way for a better future I hope. Everyone's gonna have a way easier time playing any game regardless of their disability, which will most definitely be cool.
May 29, 2020
Just learned that you can organise your own gaming marathon or event , and raise donations by signing up through JustGiving or Tiltify and specialeffect will help max out your fundraising and fun.
May 5, 2020
Most of the time, I'm just not thankful enough for the blessings that I've been blessed with. Gaming has been such a huge outlet for me and the amount of good times and joy that I've been able to partake in is just something that I can't do without. I'm so happy to see Special Effect help the disadvantaged and help them enjoy and be a part of this absolutely amazing community. I can't wait to see the effects be experienced by more and more people in the days to come. :D
Jan 24, 2020
I had no idea there was an active interest in making the gaming life better for incapable individuals. This is awesome!
Jan 13, 2020
Special Effect have always been an amazing charity, glad to see them constantly getting the recognition they deserve.
May 2, 2020
I've had my own experiences while studying with people with physical disabilities: none of them were into videogames, and not because they did not like them, but I'm sure that with an iniciative like this, that would change in a blink of an eye.
At least, here in Mexico there is nothing like this, so I hope to see SpecialEffect take off and help more and more people!
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