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Jul 27, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming when I bought Warcraft: Orcs and Humans waaaay back in the late 90s.
Jul 27, 2020
I wanted to play World of Warcraft with my online buddies when it first came out, and I've been a PC gamer since.
Jul 27, 2020
World of Warcraft. I was a happy console gamer until a buddy of mine was like "Hey you should play World of Warcraft". I sat up all night watching videos on Google Video and went out and bought it the next day.


May 27, 2020
I can still remember the days of atari.
I got hooked on playing the 20c arcade games in the local café.
Apr 15, 2020
I use PC gaming to stay connected with my brother who moved out of state a few years ago. Now I have a big community of friends that keep the hobby going!
Mar 25, 2020
A friend in high school got me hooked on World of Warcraft. I've been a gamer ever since. And WoW is a game i'll always go back to even with a few breaks in between.
Jan 21, 2020
What got me hooked on PC gaming was after receiving my first PC in 10th grade, I randomly received a game for Christmas called Command & Conquer Red Alert. As a history buff at the time I was fascinated by the story and gameplay. But what really got me hooked is when I looked into modding, I was able to recreate an adaptation of a Tom Clancy novel I really enjoyed at the time. The freedom of being able to both create and enjoy (instead of just being stuck buying nintendo cartridges at the time) really highlighted the appeal of PC gaming to me.
Jul 27, 2020
I have gone back and forth playing on consoles and PC. Mostly because sometimes I may not be able to afford a new PC so a console was cheaper. But as far back as I can remember, me and my friends would get some of the newest games and look up cheats/trainers online. And I quickly realized that was something that I would never get on console. I can remember playing metal gear solid, and we were able to see the spawn trigger markers as well as no clip options. Or using my Sony Laptop to play Total Annihilation. And of course, it didn't take too long to start playing games that would become heavily modded like The Sims. I recently just upgraded from an intel quad-core, 16gb memory and Nvidia 1050. To a Ryzen 9 3900, 32gb memory, and Nvidia 2060S. The only thing really missing was a new monitor as I'm still using an old 5ms 60hz Lenovo. But I'll tell you what, the fact that this monitor is still running strong without any dead pixels after almost 8 years speaks wonders.
Jul 27, 2020
I got hooked into PC gaming is when my parents bought a compaq computer which was placed at my parent's store.

I was about 11-12 when I first played Warcraft 1, I was too into the game, and by the time I noticed I was locked in the store. Had to wait until my siblings/parents unlocked the door for me.
May 9, 2020
What got me started was apple iie we got in a yard sale. That was fun. Then my dad got me a PC from his buddy with Peter Norton's book Inside the PC. This was the IBM PC XT. I was curious so i started poking around and taking apart my PC to figure out how they work lol. This is back when they were all 640 kilobytes of ram mind you and still used 5.25 floppies. Used to play a golf game, silent service, and the one to rule them all: Barbarian! I remember the load times were so long, but I loved the whrring and clic noises the floppy drive would make.
Jul 27, 2020
I was like 8,9 and everybody was playing CSS and MW2 and I was like I need to get this and I started playing CS and COD and I'm still playing 10,11 years later before that I was a hardcore PS2 gamer for a few years and I think my father got me into gaming (first on PS2 then PC) with the original Conflict: Desert Storm and WRC games...I bought Conflict about a year ago and I enjoyed it just like when I was 8!
Jul 27, 2020
The first PC game I ever played was GuNZ: The Duel when it first came out. I remember being floored by the amount of skill required to play that game at its highest pace. I got into World of Warcraft after that and I haven’t stopped PC gaming since.
Jan 14, 2020
I suppose it was simply because this was what I played. And then as i got older and explored consoles, I just prefered the graphics and controls of playing on PC
May 4, 2020
Actually there are two games that got me hooked to PC Gaming. The first one was Phantasmagoria, which played like an interactive movie. The second was a LAN of Diablo with my young sister and nephew. They both were scary as s### for their time.
Jan 13, 2020
NBA 2K12, of all things. It was my first Steam purchase, and it played at 60 fps at max settings, even on my iMac's GTX 8800 GS (512MB). The difference between that and the console version the year prior absolutely stopped me in my tracks.
Jul 27, 2020
Playing some random RC cards game in my friends dad laptop. I then bugged my family non-stop for a PC and there it went. Initally played some MMORPG, following by other traditional RPG's! Divinity Original Sin my favorite so far.
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