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Feb 5, 2020
I first got into PC gaming after my parents got me a prebuilt HP desktop with Windows XP back in 2001. I installed Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos and never looked back! 🤘 My first upgrade was a Soundblaster card and a radeon GPU ❤
Jul 27, 2020
I've been playing PC games since I was 5 and the first ones were dangerous dave, super mario bros, and spiderman. I don't really remember how I felt at that time but it must have been great as I'm still playing PC games 15 years later
Jun 1, 2020
Playing retro games in my old house share, 7 of us lived in a massive townhouse and almost every night we would all chill playing games like Woms, and Pax Galaxia with a few too many beers.
Jul 27, 2020
has to be overwatch and csgo that hooked me in originally, i used to follow the esports leagues for both games but could never afford a pc until reccently when i built one! would love the monitor as mine just broke with uncanny timing xd
Jul 14, 2020
What got me hooked is:
A) The graphics. PC was obviously first to go 3D and that was such a MASSIVELY HUGE shift at that time.
B) PCs are different from consoles in that they have multiple uses and that was and still is intriguing to me.
C) So many games. I don't know that I could pick just 1 but to name a few: Spider-Man Cartoon Maker, Descent, Monster Truck Madness, Die by the Sword, FXFighter, Doom, Worms, Rebel Assault, Syndicate, Fallout, Command & Conquer, Diablo, and all the sequels to those games as well. I'd also be remiss to not count The Oregon Trail and Prince of Persia as those were the first two videogames I've ever played, and both were on PCs.
D) PC Gamer. My friend got me on those magazines. At first I used to give him my lunch money cause his mom worked in the city and apparently there was only 1 newsstand in all of New York City (lol kids) that sold them. Eventually I figured out how magazines worked and that I could get it sent to my house, but alas. I was always insanely excited to get the latest issue and see what was coming, reviews of what was out (PC Gamer were always a rough crowd so when they gave a good rating, you KNOW it was GOOD), and Of Course the DEMO DISC!! that was a HUGE influence on me. I got to try out all these awesome games and discovered so many through those discs. I also have very fond memories of the Christmas issues that were like 400 pages. Those were the best christmas presents. I still vividly recall one Xmas issue that was green on the cover. I think my mom probably still has it back in my childhood home.

I have fond memories of playing console games and playing PC Games, but I've always found the PC Games memories to be my fondest and most memorable. The upgradeability of PCs made them these wonderous machines. I mean you have to understand being born in the 80s and raised in the 90s meant I saw PC tech go from these real basic Apple II machines (which were revolutionary in and of themselves, but that's where my journey started) at school to Windows 95, then the advent of the internet, and also the advancement of cellular devices. I mean it was an incredible time to be alive. I still very vividly recall being insanely excited to go to "CompUSA", before Micro Center existed, and walking in and basically losing my marbles checking out at all the latest tech and begging my mom for computer parts and to buy me games. I still remember buying and bringing home the Voodoo card and trying to figure out how to install it and once I got it working how incredible it made my machine process these quite literally unbelievable graphics (you have to consider at the time consoles were barely doing 16bit 2d so this was quite a leap). And then with Online Multiplayer. That came such a long time before consoles. I mean I recall playing Syndicate Wars and Red Alert having to call my friend and be like ok hook the phone to the computer! I'm gonna dial you now. And have the computer dial my friends phone number to play. I mean that alone was like insane tech to me as a kid.

Anyways PC Games rules, always has, always will. And that fact is what got me hooked.
Jul 27, 2020
i got hooked on pc gaming after i found half-life 2 when i was 8, was my favorite game for some time until dark souls crept into my life lol
Jul 27, 2020
Got hooked to PC gaming because of the customization, high FPS , graphical fidelity and ended up gaining more knowledge and experience from having to build one!
Feb 6, 2020
Pretty much always have been into video games. Started playing computer games when we got an Apple IIc back around '83.
Mar 31, 2020
Civilization 2 since it didn't need a GPU. Originally it was going to be Star Wars Republic Commando but young me didn't know you needed a GPU as well xD.
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