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Mar 13, 2020
Counter-Strike 1.6 got me hooked when I was 6 years old, it's still a very good game thanks to Pawn, which brought us Zombie Plague, JailBreak, Terrorist in Town and much more mods, playing them alongside friends makes it even more fun, another aspect are the several communities out there which are still alive and where I've meet some very nice people.
Jun 2, 2020
I used to play league of legends on my grandmas work computer when I was 11. I would get like 15 fps and it would take like 5 minutes to load but I loved it. I then got a pc with 1060 graphics card and good sticks of ram. But I really got into it when my cousin showed me what 240 fps looks like.
May 27, 2020
I saw a friend of mine playing Escape from Tarkov, and I was immediately hooked. This game is what finally convinced me to make the jump into PC gaming. Talk about a learning curve.
May 28, 2020
I got into PC gaming with Loadrunner, and buck rogers, then onto Warcraft orcs and humans, I love the customization thats availible in PC gaming, thats why I Keep playing
May 2, 2020
First got hooked into PC with multi-user dungeons AKA MUDs! The MUD that really started this for me? LegendMUD which is still active even until today!
May 4, 2020
What got me into PC gaming was my friends I played with moving over, and seeing how much cheaper it would be over time. The amount of sales and being able to keep the game without having to get a new system was another selling point
Apr 21, 2020
As one of the older gamers, I've been playing games since the Commodore 64 and was fascinated by them. But the first games that really got me into games was "Duke Nukem 3D" in 1996 and "Unreal" in 1998. I've been addicted to games ever since, and they work well as pain management tools as well!
May 1, 2020
I was watching my mom play Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos as a kid. She pulled up a chair next to her and let me play and hooked me on to PC gaming. I am glad she did!
May 2, 2020
i got into PC gaming when dad was playing Unreal Tournament 1999 back in 2000. Dad was a real influencer, i watch him play video games. at that time he passed it on to me.. i played UT1999, Tomb Raider, NFS, The Sims, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Diablo and Requiem: Avenging Angel. it was one of the best games i played back then. best memories with dad <3
May 2, 2020
I got into playing World of Warcraft with my friend during high school and there was no turning back. Lol
Jul 6, 2020
It's hard to say what the specific start was. One of the earliest PC video games I played was Big Red Racing, along with Dangerous Dave and the original Prince of Persia.

The things that really got me into the scene big time though? It's a toss up between Marathon 2, Descent 2 and, at some point, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 (phew, lots of sequels there!). Earthsiege 2 was also another factor.

All of those aside; the first games I actually bought? Probably Jedi Knight 2, and Age of Empires.

Bonus; there was also the short version of Descent 2 (Destination: Quartzon) that I got with one of those early "VR" (pretty much just 3D) headsets. Good times....
Jan 30, 2020
Pretty sure it started with Warcraft 3 and the custom games. Many hours were spent in Tower Defense, Windermaul, 10 Hero/X Hero siege, Angel Arena, The Black Road, and more. Loved every minute. Sad to see what happened with reforged because I really wanted to go back to play those again.
May 7, 2020
First and the best game for me will always be Heroes of Might and Magic III. 1000+ hours, lot of "One more round", sleepless nights, and many "Hot seats" parties with friends. All of it on old pc with intel pentium ;p Good old times.
May 1, 2020
Warcraft 2 was my hook. Made the switch from my NES.
Prior to that I only was able to play on my Commodore 64, so my game selection was limited. But going over to my friends house and watching him play Warcraft 2 was a game changer.
Mar 31, 2020
I built my first PC solely for the purpose of audio engineering. I play pretty much every instrument I can get my hands on, and I got to be really good friends with a phenomenal drummer. But, since we live in a small and sparsely populated area we had a hard time finding other band members. So instead, we just got into recording our own stuff so that we could write songs together and he and I would just perform each instrument one at a time to flesh out a full band.

One of my buddies who helped set up my parts list insisted that I get a decent graphics card so I could play some games on it, even though I had an Xbox and wasn't really interested. I bought Skyrim and tried a couple mods, and I was blown away at what a more intuitive and enjoyable experience I had compared to playing on my 360. I also assumed that I would never be able to figure out mouse and keyboard play style and that I would just always use a controller. Now I think the only games I use a controller for are Skyrim and GTA V.

I honestly never thought I'd be spending much money on computers aside from a powerful CPU and lots of RAM, but I currently have a 1070 and my next parts list is configured with a 2080. I don't think I'll ever be without a good, up-to-date PC for the rest of my life.
Jul 6, 2020
I was very young, but it was around the time that 56k was blazing fast for internet, and if you could get/afford DSL out in the middle of nowhere, you were a legend. I watched the few friends I had play Diablo (I remember the controversy our parents had about us playing a game called Diablo), that was pretty cool. I watched them play XCOM, that was alright. But then one day I watched them play Starsiege: Tribes... and from that moment on I knew I had to FLY.

For whatever reason, flying in a video game was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. It blew my tiny mind. Unreal Tournament did too. I spent the hours skiing across Raindance and Broadside, spamming "Shazbot" and "Damnit!" much to my parents dismay, and maybe just as much time sniping people off the top of Facing Worlds and hopping from building to building in Morpheus. UT also had a killer soundtrack for the times...

Before my pee sized noggin could recover from that implosion however, I was also shown games like DAoC (Dark Age of Camelot). Again, the thought of abandoning reality for the creations within those online worlds took me whole and completely away from my problems.

I haven't changed much, I'm still hiding inside these games.
Jun 26, 2020
My introduction to PC gaming started with TIE Fighter. I was a kid who loved Star Wars and that game just blew me away. What really sealed the deal was Diablo, though. It was my first online game. I remember my dad worked at a radio station and one of the DJs was talking to me, lent me the cd so I could install the shareware version of it. I spent so much time playing that... I think you could progress through two levels and that was it... only one of the 3 classes, too. But there was quite the little community in there that stuck solely to the shareware version. Eventually I got the full game, and loved it. That game really set in motion my love of PC gaming, to the point where I got to spend 10 years working in the video game industry before moving to a place that has nearly no industry. PC gaming has really shaped a lot of my life and I love it.
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