I was very young, but it was around the time that 56k was blazing fast for internet, and if you could get/afford DSL out in the middle of nowhere, you were a legend. I watched the few friends I had play Diablo (I remember the controversy our parents had about us playing a game called Diablo), that was pretty cool. I watched them play XCOM, that was alright. But then one day I watched them play Starsiege: Tribes... and from that moment on I knew I had to FLY.
For whatever reason, flying in a video game was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. It blew my tiny mind. Unreal Tournament did too. I spent the hours skiing across Raindance and Broadside, spamming "Shazbot" and "Damnit!" much to my parents dismay, and maybe just as much time sniping people off the top of Facing Worlds and hopping from building to building in Morpheus. UT also had a killer soundtrack for the times...
Before my pee sized noggin could recover from that implosion however, I was also shown games like DAoC (Dark Age of Camelot). Again, the thought of abandoning reality for the creations within those online worlds took me whole and completely away from my problems.
I haven't changed much, I'm still hiding inside these games.