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Feb 15, 2020
What got me hooked in pc gaming was when my neighbor invited me to come to a near computer rental to play Counter-Strike and the rest is history.
Jan 30, 2020
I already got into PC Gaming when I was veeeery young. I played Empire Earth and Age of Mythology when I was barely old enough to play properly. Took me a long time from that to actually having my own PC tho, since consoles were cheaper so I had to make do with my dad's laptop whenever I could. Fun times tho.
May 2, 2020
I had owned a pc for quite awhile and never got into pc gaming preferring console gaming for a long time until i found out about the freedom pc gave you, mods made games which had become boring after playing through them twice had been given a whole new life after finding various mods and tweaking settings to make games seem more difficult.
Jun 2, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming because my father played Return to Castle Wolfenstein and I played it when he was at work. Also my sister and me loved to play some different danish PC games. Those were fun times.
May 10, 2020
I got into PC gaming after seeing a space pc game at bestbuy. First PC game I picked up was that game, can't remember the title, and MechCommander 2. First video card was an AMD x1300.
Mar 4, 2020
My dad is a software engineer- we had a computer from the moment I could remember, and there are so many MS-DOS games that I'll never remember the name of that I played and enjoyed. When I got old enough to remember, there were so many more that I cherish; from Encarta's Mindmaze (which was amazing when I was little), to Total Annihilation, to Age of Empires, to dozens of early computer classics, I was very fortunately to be steeped in great software from the beginning.
May 2, 2020
CSS , Diablo 2 and WoW is what got me into PC gaming, my brother both had Vanilla WoW and D2 I played WoW from time to time but CSS was my main game with all the surf, zombie escape, bhopping modes
May 2, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming messing about on my Mum's old slow-as-hell computer. I spent hours and hours messing about in Source games like HL2, CSS and GMod. I still hop on them now for a nice reminder of the easier days!
Apr 20, 2020
I got hooked into PC gaming when I moved to the US back in 2008. I had no friends and I was struggling to meet new people at school because I was sort of an outcast that also came from another country and my English was still choppy.

Luckily, one day, I discovered KAT. After that a family friend gifted me COD 4 which somehow helped me discover XFire and the clan community. I joined a clan in which I made friends that I still talk to till this day. One of them actually gifted me a couple of games. We were having so much fun playing COD 4 and whatever other game was out at the time. We would log into ventrillo and then we switched to Teamspeak. There was no discord back then haha.

Anyway, that was my sincere story of how I got into PC gaming. I owe my life to the people in the clan that took me in as a stranger, and turned me into a friend.

Do you ever wonder what the people you were playing games with over a decade ago are up to nowadays? I realise that I did not even know their real names. Only their nicknames that we had on XFire. I havent spoken to those people in over a decade and back then they were my closest friends. They are the reason why I got into custom PC builds as well. Helped me pick out parts that would be compatible and upgrade my pc along the lines as well.

Thinking back on those days, I just wish I could figure out a way to get in touch with them and just tell them hi, I hope you are doing fine!

Too many people have come through our lives and left an impact, and then get lost along the line. Either disappearing for whatever reason, or being that they are no longer with us. But deep inside we know, they will always be with us no matter what <3
Jul 6, 2020
I saw a lot of people in my family started playing PC gaming like my cousins, and it made me want to start PC gaming myself, it looks really fun and you’re able to do a lot of fun and cool stuff on the games.
Jan 13, 2020
My dad and I used to play Doom, linking our computers together directly with a crossover cable...Then he helped me build my first computer for Christmas to play the original Half-Life. I'm sure he regretted sending me down this path! :LOL:
May 2, 2020
My first games were some older games that my parents got running on our old Compaq tower, things like Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago and The Oregon Trail, and some old Scooby Doo games. Oh, and of course Minecraft.
May 27, 2020
Playing multiplayer doom (or was it wolfenstein) over a crossover serial cable in my student house - over 25 years ago. Back when computers were beige and the internet barely existed!
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