It might sound rather cheesy, but aside from all of the wonderful story bits and side-missions I'm a big fan of soaking in all of the surroundings. Walking the streets and admiring all those small details that most players pass by. The sounds, textures, character conversations, hidden environment stories and easter eggs. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for everything this game has to offer and then some, but there's something particularly grounding about walking a curated world and soaking in all the sights. Telling all my friends about little things I found, or new ways to tell a story. Those are what really makes a world feel alive.
I couldn't really convey all the times I rode a bike to a mountain base and hiked up to the top in GTA5, or kept riding off into no-man's land in Red Dead. Or even collected 400 seeds in Breath of the Wild, but those times that you can lose yourself in the world and characters in between the beats of it all are very near and dear to me. Cyberpunk 2077 is seeming to have a lot of personality and attention being poured all over it, so I really can't wait to sink my cyber-tooth in. Maybe a special little card could really make everything pop and show itself in it's best way possible. Here's hoping!