Win A Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Signed By Mike Pondsmith!

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May 20, 2020
He'd be a cybernetically enhanced mercanary who would be mute, after an accident at his previous work. He would only go by the nickname Nightmare. He would wear a demon mask to hide his identity. His right arm and left hand would be replaced with new cybernetic limbs. His throat would be replaced with a cybernetic implant that would allow him to send out radio signals instead of speech. The accident of his last work was that was betrayed by his squad from a PMC: "T6S". They chopped of his right arm and ripped out his throats. Now he works as a merc and hunts down T6S members on his spare times. He would mostly use SMGs and smoke grenades.
May 20, 2020
My char is 'TheShadow' - Hard to see, only a rumor in the streets, but absolute deadly. Silence is her passion, she snipes you from the distance or get close to you and take you down surprised.
May 1, 2020
My character would be a young hooker turned Robin Hood who steals from her wealthy and powerful clients to support the marginalized poor and ultimately graduates to taking on the corporate elite and igniting a class war.
May 6, 2020
I'd definitely play a Netrunner inspired by Case from Neuromancer -- talented, but reluctant to get his hands dirty in terms of killing anyone. Just all in all a bit skiddish. That's likely the character I'm gonna go for when 2077 drops as well, as Neuromancer is a huge reason I'm into this genre!
May 20, 2020
My character would be a female huntress brought up as a street kid, usually using long range weapons along with semi-auto handguns. she'd do work like being a bounty hunter, smuggling, stalking and (if convinced) be a general long range support for dirty work, keeping an eye out for potential threats and taking them out if needed. she'd usually be hooded not wearing anything flashy but when she isn't doing a job she shows off her glowing tattoos, large amount of piercings in which she can store small amounts of drugs, and her hair (basically the same from the first gameplay demo but longer).
for skills she'd probably do a little bit of netrunning on the side but apart from that she'd be charismatic and very insightful about whether people are telling the truth or not.
as far as cybernetics goes she'd probably have expensive vision enhancing and bullet drop prediction eye cybernetics and mantis claws for climbing up walls to get better angles on targets (along with the addition of having a sharp melee weapon in hand (play on words for "on hand" lol))
This would be my dream characters :3
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May 3, 2020
My ideal character would be someone who had a rough childhood but got out of it by joining the military then later went AWOL because he thought he had to use what he learned in the military for the greater good but taking the good path is not always easy. He was considered to be the lesser evil in his own eyes. At first he became a bounty hunter, sure he got some pretty bad criminals off the streets but he then realized the greater evil were the corporations running night city. It became his life goal to cause disturbance or even abolish these corporations even if it costed his own life. Also, He was never given a name by his parents because he was given to an orphanage. Since then he has never given himself a name instead always uses different alias.
Skillsets/: Military Training
Some Cyber Warfare Training
Easily Manipulate Certain People
Stealthy and of course very capable with Knives and Swords
May 21, 2020
Ideal character?
A slacked-jaw, 4 eyes with just enough implants to make you think he's a techie. Albeit, the thought quickly subsides as he cleaves heads come guns or prosthetic butchery. With a laidback Laissez-faire attitude, you wouldn't even bat an eye at him till he's X-layers deep into your own mind. Stop breathing, stop bitching, all he got on mind is a pure angel telling him to keep swinging.

Let's call him Jack.
My ideal Cyberpunk character would be a total normie, not cyberpunk at all. I'd love to see how the freaks and geeks reacted to them. In a cyberpunk dystopia, it's the normies who seem weird.
May 20, 2020
My ideal character is Corpo agent clawing his way up the ladder of success with one hand free to push those coming up beside him straight to the bottom.

Starting from nothing in Charter Hill, he acts as a go between for corpo's and common street thugs and solos, furthering his interests into the bargain. His fellow agents don't let him forget about his humble beginnings which drives him to maintain a ruthlessly efficient approach to his assignments.

Preferring to keep his skill set hidden, he eschews the flashy chrome implants of most corpo security and instead utilizes the latest bioware from Europe to prepare him for any would-be attacker he might meet in the winding back alleys of Night City. He's focused, driven and totally dedicated to his Corp. Until a better deal turns up.
May 5, 2020
My character would be heavily augmented and I would love see what gameplay consequences those augmentations got.
Jan 13, 2020
My character played music and almost succeeded in breaking through to the mainstream. A series of terrible decisions put an end to that dream and sent him crashing down the rabbit hole of 'ethical hacking' jobs for disgusting clients.

He lives one night at a time, dreaming of escaping his scum jockey persona and living clean and true, in a place where nobody remembers his name.
May 15, 2020
Hmmm its hard to nail down exactly what my character would be class-wise, but I'd say definitely a more street kid type. And certainly not a hero. Born and raised in the worst parts of Night City, his mind more or less is a cess pool of vice and sin that he has grown accustomed too. Cold, ruthless and unforgiving and would rather kill his way to what he wants rather than try and get it any other way. Wether he's motivated by money or by bloodlust its hard to say with him. But then again, this could all be rumour, things whispered about him. in actualality theres reasons for the way he is, but it would be his own fault if he persished without anyone knowing the truth. He has moments of redemption, but they are very small, so small that some would wonder if they could even count?
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