When is the last time you rage quit a game?


Community Contributor
I'm talking about anything that could make you rage quit. Could be bugs, could be you fail a particular section over and over.

The last time I rage quit was a couple of months ago in Total War Warhammer 2. I was playing as the High Elves on the highest difficulty with the most difficult starting point (so I really shouldn't have had any complaints no matter what happened), and I had been drawn into a war with a nearby Skaven faction. And for five turns in a row, whenever it was the AI's turn, I got ambushed by armies that weren't even showing on the map. It didn't matter what stance I put my armies in or how close they were to one of my cities. Every turn it was an ambush, and every turn it was 3 Skaven armies against one of my armies. I had no choice but to manually fight each battle, but when it happened the last time, it happened to an army that had been encamped within garrison range of my capital. My reaction was a little embarrassing. I ran out of curse words and started inventing new ones. I was so mad I refused to shut the game down the usual way and killed it in Task Manager.

One thing I absolutely never do when I rage, though, is damage equipment. I'm not someone who punches a monitor or fires a mouse against the wall. At least I have that going for me.
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I cannot remember the last game I rage quit. It's probably been years since the last time.

And for five turns in a row, whenever it was the AI's turn, I got ambushed by armies that weren't even showing on the map. It didn't matter what stance I put my armies in or how close they were to one of my cities. Every turn it was an ambush, and every turn it was 3 Skaven armies against one of my armies.

This seems to be a common complaint in Warhammer players. Personally I haven't encountered this yet, though I play on normal only and maybe they don't do it on lower difficulties. Actually, one of the last times I fought Skaven I ambushed them.
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The last time I properly rage quit was Counter Strike a couple of years ago. I was the last man alive on my team and got killed with a second to go. I got voted off the server by my team and never played it again. :cautious:

I've found that the players are mainly toxic teens so I decided playing the game was inviting punishment on myself that I couldn't be arsed with anymore.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I've had many more games rage quit on me—aka crash to desktop—than the other way round. Usually my worst is I get frustrated with some roadblock and just quit the game normally, and then find a cat to kick.

Last time a game really angered me was Far Cry 5's capture sequences, when after the second one—which was also bugged, to add insult—I looked it up and discovered they were:
♣ Unavoidable;
♦ Total of 9 or 12 in the game.
I quit in disgust and didn't return to the game until the Resistance mod fixed the problem ~6 months later. It's the only time I've ever emailed a CEO about a game being unfit for purpose, like having quick chess puzzles in the middle of a checkers/draughts game!

I don't mind bugs in games—as I have a slight knowledge of software dev, and what the reality is like in major multi-year projects across multiple studios—they're like potholes in roads, interesting TV series being cancelled after 2 seasons, or being caught in a rain shower. IOW, just irritating parts of life. They don't bother me personally anyway, as most are fixed or community patched by the time I buy a game.

players are mainly toxic teens so I decided playing the game was inviting punishment on myself
Shame nothing seems to have changed in 20+ years since I looked into C&C multi-player :(
Add in hanging around in lobby, rushers, and cheaters—who needs it?
Oct 15, 2021
I think it's been a long time since I rage quited for real. But from times to times this happens: I'm playing a game and having fun with it for quite a long time, exploring every single detail and going slow and enjoying everything, but as I reach the final levels, I'm soooo tired of the game, that any single stupid death will frustrate me so hard to the point I may rage quite and not touch the game ever again to leave it unfinished.


Community Contributor
I don't mind bugs in games.

Then you haven't come across some of the bugs I've come across. I mean, floating people or missing audio is nothing. I don't know. Maybe you are more easy-going, but when I couldn't finish XCOM2 because the final fight was bugged to the point that I couldn't do anything, that bothered me. Somehow, even though I've been coding since the early 80's, I still haven't learned to shrug off having to quit a game after 64 hours at the final boss fight. And when a Subnautica bug wiped my save file, I wasn't too happy either. Then there was the Forza Horizon 4 bug that prevented me from playing multiplayer for 6 weeks. I could go on and on.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
as I reach the final levels, I'm soooo tired of the game, that any single stupid death will frustrate me so hard to the point I may rage quite and not touch the game ever again to leave it unfinished
I hear you, had that when I couldn't beat Ull in the final boss battle in Far Cry Primal. However, I did replay it sometime later and just quit before the boss battles—the other one v Batari is easy but boring. But the rest of the game is great, so not a problem.

I've also had cases where the games change halfway thru—Crysis and Crysis Warhead—so I just replay the enjoyable first half until that point.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Maybe you are more easy-going
Yes and no. I still get pretty annoyed, but can shrug and move on, to the benefit of my TBP pile.

The worst is if it's a game I'm really interested in, then I'll be heard spitting and muttering for a while. I'll update drivers—after a system disk image!—look for a mod or community patch to fix the issue, but if nothing is available, by then I've relaxed and I just move on.

But as I said, I buy games so long after their release date that most of what's fixable has been, so no doubt I don't meet the same level of problems as you or most players do.
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