Dungeons of Naheulbuek, and I bought the dlc as it came out. It's easily the best money I sent on games in since dragon age.
The only other game I spent full price on in that time frame was around the same time in fact days was crusader king iii, then a year or so later the first expansion. Though I like the game, it's not far enough better than ckii yet, even though over all I Like it more. I have about 1k hours in ckii and had stopped playing it around 2018 when battletech came out, which was another I spent full price and played a ton. so in that sence the 150 hours I put into it honestly would have been better waiting. then again there really hasn't been much I even wanted. before BT, I have to go back ti dragon age
midnight suns is something I picked up last summer and loved it and paid 40 and dont regret it at all, tge game is fantastic! Even that price puts it in rare air as i almost never pay over 20. I just got Lamplighter on humble and it's not awesome but it's good, but i still like it way more than another people love called x-com 2. (Thats a game i got free and it still wasnt worth it in my book, battle tech is 100x better if i want to play a tactical squad game) i'm gonna grab wasteland iii next and depending on how I like the demo, foundation seams very promising, it also like 20 something bucks on sale now. The new dragon age is basically the only other game I want but I typically wait a year and games to get under 20 because so often even popular games I don't like.
For example what stop me buying full price, world of war craft, quake 3. Fallout 3, and Oblivion are games that bored me to tears after barely a few hours hence being a huge waste of cash. Are they bad games? With so many games I love to play I don't spend a single second on anything I don't.
All that said I'm a huge deal hunter, my steam account averages just over 3 at last check per game and I have about 300 total.,(my older games box collection with stcker prices at the same price for 21 games back when i did buy at full price.). I think that's all you need to know about how I feel in pricing. My budget demands it, but in reality price has not made me like things more, in fact I'm far happier picking up 5 games for 12 bucks and liking only one than buying the latest game people rave about and making it a few hours and never playing again.
It's basically the nfl draft. Give me 15 picks and I'll get something great, give me 2 picks even picking 1st and it's total hit or miss and more likely leads to regret or just wasting cash.