What are you playing this weekend? (25-26 Sept)

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Jun 8, 2021
Same for me with one of Kojima's, MGS5 Phantom Pain iirc. I can assure you, the pain was real, crawling around in a bloody hospital with mostly cinematic bits interspersed with crawl from under that table to under the next one. I think there wa some other guy with me, and if he got killed by patrolling whatsits, you got to start over—but I could be wrong about that.

Uninstalled, no desire to revisit. At least with the Far Crys, I actually want to play the games, so there is some incentive—I know the dev only screws with the player for the intro. Who knows where else Kojima would have interposed his 'artistry'?

When MGS 4 came out, I was over at a friends place. He was playing the game and a cutscene came on. He suddenly got really irritated and threw the controller down. At the time I didn't know why. We left to go get chinese food from the restaurant down the street. He left the game on and I asked him if he wanted to pause it cause he might miss something. He said it was fine. We were gone about 20-30 minutes and came back and the cutscene was still going.


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Yakuza 0 starts out with a fairly long tutorial. You can't save until you can find a phone booth, so it was quite some time before you got to save. However, you were also pretty safe. If your computer crashed, you would be in trouble but you aren't likely to get yourself killed.

MGS5, not so much. It does have some checkpoint saves, but not so many that I didn't end up seeing a lot of sequences far too often. NieR: Automita also pulled that stunt and it didn't have checkpoint saves! Definitely not a happy way to start a game. It does drive up the intensity and the sense of accomplishment once you finish, but the tedium of having to repeat the tutorial stuff is NOT good at all!

Y'awl aren't going to get any sympathy from me on long videos, though. I'm fine with those! I do appreciate them giving me a quick option to save the game after 10-15 minutes just in case of a crash or some such.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
long videos … I'm fine with those
Oh yeah, I'm totally fine with those, and long tutorials too—I'll almost always watch thru both for first time play.

What I object to very strongly is no option to skip the damn things on replay—that's the problem. Same with cutscenes farther in, some of which can really drag on—kinda like being at another wedding with the same Best Man.

Options are a GOOD thing!
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Aug 10, 2021
........for anyone left on the forum who isnt royaly fed up with the MGS series LOL theres a largeish konami sale on steam now,just spotted the phantom pain for six pound something..or other-ive had it before on console i think but im tempted to get it again as i woudnt pay more than that for it.

so,i have bought in the past hour, AWAY-the survival series (thats the game where you play as a sugar glider) and spyro-reignited trilogy (its in the konami sale for eight pound i think),ill be playing those two definately this week and weekend as well as calico (i strongly recommend this to all the cat lovers here), ive not dedicated enough time to it lately as ive been rebuilding a website.
Call me strange, but I enjoyed MGSV TPP's prologue. Sure it was at least 45 min long, but it set up the story nicely, and finished with some good action. The visuals were amazing too. I also liked the fight against Quiet, and the Sahelanthropus boss fight at the end of Chapter 1. However I didn't like how Chapter 2 was really just the same missions done again with added challenge, kinda lame.
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I liked the fights, so doing similar ones with added difficulty worked fine for me. The "jeep exposition" - not so much. Too much important info to skip, but so so boring.... and why the frak are they playing a song now!? That might be the worst in-game cut-scene I've ever sat through.
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