Weekend Question: How much time do you spend on MMO character fashion?

PCG Jody

Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I ask the PCG staff a regular Weekend Question and post the answers on the site. If you'd like to throw in an answer here, I'll squeeze the best into the finished article!

This week's question is: How much time do you spend on MMO character fashion?

Do you care how your character's clothes and armor look in MMOs or do you just wear whatever mismatched jumble of accessories gives you the biggest bonuses? Have you ever spent hours getting the perfect clothes to complete your outfit, or used transmog to make sure you stay looking slick no matter what loot you find?


On a Journey
Levelling up I would wear whatever has most useful stats.
Once max lvl, I never really cared what it looked like but a lot of time I would try to get full sets. Last MMO I played was Age of Conan and I know I tried to get an entire set but I never got invited to the one dungeon the last part had a chance of falling in. He already had several Raid sets (up to T3 I think) but there were sets you could only get by doing dungeons in an expansion area. Was a fun game, dead now. I would love to run around in there now.

What things look like is never really a priority for me. Which makes me sad as all I see is the same old games being released in prettier form and that isn't progress in my eyes. It doesn't make the game actually more fun to play.


Community Contributor
Just whatever gives the best bonuses, which could be a mess:

(from Star Wars: the Old Republic)

City of Heroes/Villains was a breath of fresh air. You didn't get armor, so you wore whatever you liked.


Community Contributor
The MMO I used to play let you transfer the stats of any equipment onto any other equipment, so you could be wearing the best armor in the game, but have it look like any other piece of clothes that you liked.

I did spend a decent amount of time doing that. I had friends and family playing the game, so I thought it was fun to create nice outfits. I would travel to venders in different worlds and buy what I needed or grind for crafting materials to make what I needed.

It wasn't a main focus of mine, but when I got tired of grinding for money and breeding pets and farming bosses, I needed to have something to do.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I like to use some time to make myself look fabulous. Here is a picture from Runescape where I am at the Deep Sea Fishing hub with my water lycan pup. I do like to have different bonuses on my character and I'll override those items with better-looking clothes so I can still have the bonuses while looking good.
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Community Contributor
The only MMO in which I spent a decent amount of time in the last years is The Elder Scrolls Online. The game has this characteristic that most outfits look quite aesthetic, so I don't have a problem that characterized Cyberpunk 2077 (yeah, it's not an MMO) where there was a challenge to find good looking clothes. Of course there are better and worse looking armors in TESO, but I usually go for the statistics. It's nice to have a good looking hero, but it's even better to have a hero who has chances to survive encounters with enemies.
The only MMO in which I spent a decent amount of time in the last years is The Elder Scrolls Online. The game has this characteristic that most outfits look quite aesthetic, so I don't have a problem that characterized Cyberpunk 2077 (yeah, it's not an MMO) where there was a challenge to find good looking clothes. Of course there are better and worse looking armors in TESO, but I usually go for the statistics. It's nice to have a good looking hero, but it's even better to have a hero who has chances to survive encounters with enemies.
Being a big Skyrim fan, I really wanted to love ESO. But man, no matter how hard I try, I just can't get into it. It's just not the same. Bring on TES VI!
It was basicly the only thing i did in Wow the last few years i was still playing now and then. Runing old dungeons and raids geting transmog and seing the content in the newer expansions. In Elderscrolls online it was more fund mixing and matching than in WoW but i don't play that anymore either now, no mmo for me :)
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You guys should just cut out all the boring RPG stuff, and stick to playing something like the Kardashian game. That way you only have to focus on dressing up and stuff.

Not a surprising stance from somebody who uses a preset when playing Skyrim...

I just started a new Skyrim game and just went with one of the presets. I probably spent less than 5 minutes this time.


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