Watcha playing this weekend? Oct 23 - 24

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@Brian Boru besmirched my image in another thread, so I'm dragging out my old monitors and am going to play all 3 Dark Souls games simultaneously.

Other than that, I'm actually not playing this weekend. Got to take a break, rest my eyes and do some other things.

I really am in the mood for some good melee, though. God of War coming to PC has me all hyped up. But I must resist....

So what are you playing?
I played a little bit of a new co-op campaign in Total War: Warhammer 2 as Noctilus, with my friend playing as Clan Skryre. Only fought one battle not on auto resolve.

I'll have to see if I can get another evening free to continue. There's a lot of cleaning that needs doing and my wife will probably need my help taking care of some stuff as well.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Usual Far Cry 5—so nothing new to see here, move along.

Discovered you get some good-to-great dialog if you mix n match your Gun For Hire sidekicks. Try bringing Adelaide and Hurk along to Fort Drubman to meet Hurk's dad, who of course is also Adelaide's ex :)

Not a fan of the platforming in the game, which usually involves swinging around from platform to platform on your grappling hook. I don't like platforming, so am not much good at it—therefore the last kind of play I want to have to redo 2-3 times. Grr. Not much of it tho, thankfully.

I have a bunch of missions and side missions pending, but generally set an objective like capture these 3 outposts or collect a dozen collectibles for each session. Most of the fun is in the journey there of course, rather than the destination.

My new hobby is taking out 2 baddies on a quad with one shot—jump in front of 'em on the road and line 'em up.


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My new hobby is taking out 2 baddies on a quad with one shot—jump in front of 'em on the road and line 'em up.

Had a great moment the other night in 6. There were two planes after us. Shot one of the pilots with my sniper rifle, which changed the direction of his plane, and he slammed into the other one, creating a very satisfying fireball. Don't recall ever getting two planes with one shot before.

Shooting pilots is really fun in these games, especially helicopter pilots. I love the chaos of an uncontrolled helicopter. My son usually uses a rocket launcher on aircraft, but that's not nearly as fun as just sniping the pilot.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
My son usually uses a rocket launcher on aircraft, but that's not nearly as fun as just sniping the pilot
I completely agree. I also discovered that if you put 3-4 50cal in the plane body, it goes down—tricky to hit tho, having to aim ahead of its flight. I had a pilot parachute out of a doomed plane once, I wonder why not more often.

The GFH AI is pretty good, at least relative to companions I've had in other games. They hang away a bit, so not always underfoot, and very rarely run across my line of fire. Also pretty good shots, and good at sneaky kills.

One side quest I can't figure out is to roadkill 4 x antlered animals for Chad the chef. I drive at 'em, they dodge. I reverse out of the tree or rock I've gotten impaled on, keep trying and finally get a satisfying bump n crunch. Jump out to skin 'im and what happens? The nasty little ****** jumps up and runs off! I quit mission in disgust :mad:

Just occurred to me… I wonder can you get roadkill with a chopper? That'd be easier to maneuver… Or maybe that's easier to manure, we'll see.
Anyway, advice welcome :)


Community Contributor
I completely agree. I also discovered that if you put 3-4 50cal in the plane body, it goes down—tricky to hit tho, having to aim ahead of its flight. I had a pilot parachute out of a doomed plane once, I wonder why not more often.

The GFH AI is pretty good, at least relative to companions I've had in other games. They hang away a bit, so not always underfoot, and very rarely run across my line of fire. Also pretty good shots, and good at sneaky kills.

One side quest I can't figure out is to roadkill 4 x antlered animals for Chad the chef. I drive at 'em, they dodge. I reverse out of the tree or rock I've gotten impaled on, keep trying and finally get a satisfying bump n crunch. Jump out to skin 'im and what happens? The nasty little ****** jumps up and runs off! I quit mission in disgust :mad:

Just occurred to me… I wonder can you get roadkill with a chopper? That'd be easier to maneuver… Or maybe that's easier to manure, we'll see.
Anyway, advice welcome :)

Maybe you aren't going fast enough or are driving an ATV? IDK. My son won't let me drive, but he kills everything with the vehicle. We probably hit 20 animals/people on every trip. It's one of his favorite things. Of course, we do kill the occasional innocent civilian, but that's just how war is, right? Right? At least we don't get Karma taken away like in FC4.

BTW, are you driving with a controller or KB/M? I always keep a controller next to me for driving sequences, like those side mission races. You can just seamlessly switch between the two control methods. KB/M is easy enough, but I think it's even easier still with a controller.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Maybe you aren't going fast enough or are driving an ATV
IDK either. I avoid driving when I can, so skill level is around bicycle level. By ATV, you mean a quad? I've been driving trucks, whatever's handy in the area.

We probably hit 20 animals/people on every trip
That's probably what I should do—if the GCE [great chopper experiment] doesn't work. Just drive up and down a road in the vicinity of elk—bit of a grind probably… especially when I run over 'em! Grinds my gears, this does :D

controller or KB/M?
KB/M, don't have a controller—it's not that important :)
Besides, it would probably only improve me to mountain bike grade.

Thanks for the deer thoughts ;)
Usual Far Cry 5—so nothing new to see here, move along.

I have to ask, what keeps you playing this game? Its a good FC dont get me wrong, but you seem to always be playing it, what keeps you going back all this time?

As for me? Usual Destiny 2-nothing new here, move along lol. This with Far Cry 6 of course, and thatll probably be it, unless i open Crysis 3 remastered to go a little further.


Community Contributor
I have to ask, what keeps you playing this game? Its a good FC dont get me wrong, but you seem to always be playing it, what keeps you going back all this time?

He just started playing it. The first time he quit because he was frustrated by the kidnapping sequences, but now he has a mod that gets rid of them. Anyway, it's actually his first playthrough.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
what keeps you playing this game?
It probably just looks like that, due to my big mouth :D
My FC play hours per Galaxy:
4—none shown, hundreds for sure
4 Primal—721
5 New Dawn—602

Those times are way overstated as gameplay, because I usually leave the game running minimized when I switch away from it. But they are relatively a good indicator—eg I replayed FC3 ~5 times.

So 5 is only a child in my FC family so far :)

The main draw in all of them is the flexibility of play which the open world provides. Eg last night I revisited one of the base jump locations just to have another long wingsuit ride for fun. Other times I might try to see if an apparently unclimbable mountain really is, or deep dive to see what might be at the bottom of some lake.

The attraction is the world Ubi creates, I find it great fun to explore. Very well constructed, and full of life, much of which is random and antagonistic. Objectives can be approached from many directions and with varied playstyles. In short, great fun.

5's number is further buffed by me having tried to play it twice before. I quit early in first play, later in second play. Now on 3rd play, which I can hopefully finish now that the Resistance mod I use allows that.
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More X4! I've made my "final save," though. The game keeps track of what you do so, if you start a new game, you can mark certain quests as completed. I want to get a couple of them done, so I'll have the option to mark them as completed when I start a new game (likely a few years from now - whenever they start getting close to finishing X5).
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I got a day all alone in my apartment last Monday while off work, something that hasn't happened probably in over a year. I really should have spent some time cleaning stuff, but since I was running on two hours of sleep I didn't really have the energy to do much. Which effectively meant I played Total War: Warhammer 2 for about 6 hours or so.

So I got to continue my Thorek Ironbrow Vortex campaign. I finally got rid of the High Elves in the west who had been a pain in my butt by taking one of their settlements and then defeating the army that tried to retake it by funneling them into two small corridors and smashing each unit. One of the Lizardmen factions meanwhile took out the Skaven that had been bothering me for a while, which was a nice surprise. This freed me up to accept my ally's request to join the war against the Tomb Kings, which allowed me to get their city containing an artifact, after which I was finally able to travel to the East and kick out the High Elves there who had taken a few of my settlements.

Now I'm incredibly rich and I'm surrounded by friendly Lizardmen factions. I've decided to see if I can stay friendly with them and just send my armies north to take a few of the other cities with artifacts first. We'll see how that goes when I find some time to continue.
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