Tooooo hot for video games! Arrrg! (Well, energy demanding ones, anyway.)
On the video clipping front, a topic from last week....
You can clip a video after posting it to YouTube. It's a little hard to use (you
must preview to save!), but the real killer is that YouTube takes a ton of time before it does it. I uploaded one last night then clipped it while it was still processing the HD portion. It's been a day and the low-def update still hasn't finished! The high-def of the original video never did get done.
What does work well is the free
ffmpeg program. It's a command line program that can do tons of things, thus the instructions are... well... way bigger than Forewarned's, that's for sure. If you're doing simple things, though, you can easily do a little searching and find the command line you need. For cropping:
"D:\Program Files\FFMpeg\bin\ffmpeg" -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:01:18 -i %1 -c copy output.mp4
The first is where I've got ffmpeg on my computer.
-ss 00:00:00 is where to start the part of the video you want to keep (in this case, the very beginning)
-to 00:01:18 is where you want to end the video
-i %1 should be -i inpuname.mp4, but I stuck this in a batch file so I could just drop my video on the .bat to crop it.
-c copy tells it to copy the timespan out
output.mp4 is just the name of the file to make.
That will crop a big video very quickly - just a few seconds for a 10 minute video!