Warcraft 3 - probably the best RTS in history

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Surprise! Surprise! Another update has been released on the Public Test Realm. It adds highly demanded custom campaign option and introduces balance changes for the fist time in more than two years. Earlier we got two updates that added a ranked system and clans. Someone is really working on this game again!
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Apr 1, 2023
Warcraft 3, when I was about 12 years old I used to play around the clock. Recently bought Reforged. Wouldn't say it got better, but I still like it. Although many people really didn't like the update.
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This is hilarious. I just wanted to play some custom maps today and it appears the game doesn't like AMD CPUs anymore. Since 1.36 update that is... FPS have dropped by half and there are frametime spikes every 3 seconds or so. They're quite gentle on my PC, but people are reporting that in some cases the game is unplayable because of this. I have 80-100 FPS. Before the last patch I had 150-170. The CPU utilization doesn't go above 20-30%. GPU utilization hovers around 30-40% even with V-sync off. It's funny that a multi-billion dollar company can't properly fix a game for three years. :LOL:


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I recently stumbled across a mod that remakes the entire Orc campaign from Warcraft 2 on Warcraft 3: Reforged engine. It's called Warcraft: Chronicles of the Second War and looks very professional. The mod features cut-scenes, voice acting, new map art on loading screens and other assets that makes it hardly distinguishable from content prepared by Blizzard in terms of quality. It's already available to download:

Too bad that there's no Human campaign yet, but the same team already announced that they're already working on it.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=420SUSIuU3c
Jul 22, 2024
I tried Warcraft 3 in some co-op skirmishes, but my main experience with RTS games was with Age of Empires, which is much slower, especially on lower difficulties. So by the time I built a few units I would get swarmed by a massive army from the AI. I just stuck to mods after that, I don't think I ever tried the campaign.

I had a similar problem with Starcraft, but as a teenager I attended a video game camp where one of the camp counsellors taught us how to play well enough to defeat the AI. I even ended up 2nd in a free for all 8-player game. Could've probably been first if I had spotted and killed the research vessel before all of my cloaked wraiths were killed.

I did play the campaigns of Starcraft 1 and 2, except Legacy of the Void, which I hope to get around to sometime in the future.
Frankly, I always preferred DOTA 2 more than a Warcraft 3. However, I agree about the AoE it's a much slower pace and easier to play. Did you try AoE 4?
I like the concept of Starcraft, however, I think Gates of Pyre has better gameplay.
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Jul 30, 2024
So I decided to revisit Warcraft 3 after 10 (?) years and give the Reforged version a try. Maybe it's my hunger for a good AAA class RTS, but I'm absolutely charmed by the game. The gameplay is just astoundingly good and it didn't age a bit. I've spent probably around 25 hours in the last 4 days in the game and I still don't have enough.

The fun that this game gives me is a lot bigger than the one provided by Starcraft 2 which I revisited last year. I'm mostly playing official campaigns right now and it's nice to experience the story that preceded World of Warcraft once again. There's almost no timed missions as opposed to Starcraft 2 which relied on them heavily. Of course we can argue that timed missions prepare better for online play, but what the hell? I'm playing single player campaigns to have single player fun!

As for the Reforged version, as we all know time heals the wounds. I'll probably be the first person that you've met which says a lot of good things about this version, but from the perspective of two and half year that have past since its release date, I can say that the game received a lot of undeserved bashing. Yes, Blizzard didn't deliver everything that they've promised, but the core of Reforged is in place. All assets were redone from scratch and they look absolutely gorgeous even by today standards. The new models are so good that Warcraft 3 Reforged could have been released as a new RTS and no one would notice that the engine is from 2002.

The game still lacks ranked mode. The appropriate patch is on the PTS for a few weeks, so we should see it being implemented in the near future. Broken promises don't affect the gameplay though. It's probably the best RTS in history (sorry Starcraft lovers ;) ) and with the new assets it just rocks!
Warcraft is good but I enjoy starcraft better and Gates of Pyre, much like starcraft. It playtest is in a few days from now, on Aug 2nd


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