May 11, 2020
I’m planning on upgrading my system. I want to buy the RTX 2080 Super from ASUS. But it’s Price has increased to about $CAD 1200. And it’s rumored that NVIDIA is gonna release the new 3000 series soon. Or I could get the Razer Raptor display( which is 144Hz, 1440P, 27 inch).

my current pc specs:
GTX 1060 6GB

my monitor:
some old dell monitor. It’s like 24 inch. 1080P, 60Hz and 8ms response time. And it’s thick.

so I’m not sure if I should buy the monitor now(I’d have to play at lower graphics settings because the card won’t be able to handle the better monitor) and wait for the 3000 series or just buy the card.

Im just looking for opinions because I’m really stumped at what my best option is.
Feb 17, 2020
If it's either / or - i.e. you can't do both - do neither.

A 2080 Super is going to waste on a 1080p monitor. On the other hand, you might find the experience from your 1060 disappointing on the monitor.

Some options:

1) Don't buy either. Wait until you can buy a GPU and monitor pair worthy of each other. In a few months there might even be a new generation of GPUs out or on the horizon :)

2) Don't buy a 2080 Super. It doesn't have to be a 2080 Super. You just want a good 1440p gaming card. That could be the 2070 Super or the RX 5700 XT, which is usually a lot less expensive. Could you do that, and buy the new monitor as well?

Same logic could apply to the monitor too I guess, if there's an alternative offering the same sort of thing for a better price - depends on your local prices.

3) If you absolutely must upgrade something now - I can understand the impulse - then the monitor. Worst case scenario you have to play at 1080p on it, which might not look as good at 1080p on a 1080p screen. But at least you get a better quality panel b) Freesync / adpative sync via your 1060, AND the monitor is far more 'futureproof' than the GPU.

Bottom line - the one thing I think you shouldn't do is buy 2080 Super if you can't get a monitor worthy of it at the same time.
May 11, 2020
If it's either / or - i.e. you can't do both - do neither.

A 2080 Super is going to waste on a 1080p monitor. On the other hand, you might find the experience from your 1060 disappointing on the monitor.

Some options:

1) Don't buy either. Wait until you can buy a GPU and monitor pair worthy of each other. In a few months there might even be a new generation of GPUs out or on the horizon

2) Don't buy a 2080 Super. It doesn't have to be a 2080 Super. You just want a good 1440p gaming card. That could be the 2070 Super or the RX 5700 XT, which is usually a lot less expensive. Could you do that, and buy the new monitor as well?

3) If you absolutely must upgrade something now - I can understand the impulse - then the monitor. Worst case scenario you have to play at 1080p on it, which might not look as good at 1080p on a 1080p screen. But at least you get a better quality panel b) Freesync / adpative sync via your 1060, AND the monitor is far more 'futureproof' than the GPU.

Bottom line - the one thing I think you shouldn't do is buy 2080 Super if you can't get a monitor worthy of it at the same time.
Thanks for the suggestion, i want to buy a monitor right now. but doing my research people say the razer just isn't worth it. Im looking for a 1440p, above 60Hz, and is G-sync compatible. Do you have any suggestions?
Feb 17, 2020
I wanted to check this before posting so didn't include it above, but 'even' the RTX 2060 Super would be a very nice pairing for the 1440p monitor.

You'd get higher FPS at 1440p with it than you do with your 1060 at 1080p:

So you've got lots of alternatives to a 2080 Super that give a very nice 1440p experience. :)

Thanks for the suggestion, i want to buy a monitor right now. but doing my research people say the razer just isn't worth it. Im looking for a 1440p, above 60Hz, and is G-sync compatible. Do you have any suggestions?

How much is that Razer Raptor monitor in CAD?

There are lots of very good 1440p 144hz gsync compatible IPS monitors out there.
e.g. ASUS TUF Gaming VG27AQ (apparently 580 CAD on Memory Express
LG 27GL850-B (their Nano IPS panel has got rave reviews, it's been very hard to source in the UK) - 700CAD on Memory Express. That's pretty well my dream 1440p monitor.

Lots of other fine ones but those were the 2 standout ones that PCpartpicker listed as being in stock.

The LG 27GL83A-B wasn't listed as in stock but is like the 27GL850-B but cheaper with a few relatively minor features cut iirc.

Lots of VA panel options of course. LG 32GK650F-B, MSI Optix MAG272CQR, and all that sort of thing.
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Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
I wanted to check this before posting so didn't include it above, but 'even' the RTX 2060 Super would be a very nice pairing for the 1440p monitor.

Yep absolutely! I'm running a 2060 with a 1440p monitor and in by far most games I get either 144 FPS or close to (120-140). Only game so far that had trouble reaching it was RDR2, but I'm not sure if that was my PC or the game limited at 60fps.
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