12th Gen Gaming FPS + Resolution/Refresh Rates?

Aug 22, 2021
I would love to hear from anyone who has a 12th gen build and a 3070ti or something close to that.
I’m interested in hearing what FPS you get at Pretty High or Full settings so I can use that info to help me decide what Resolution, Screen Size and Refresh Rate Monitor I should buy for my system in particular!

I’ve seen loads of benchmarks but they’re usually at a lower spec’d system and I’m curious to match apples for apples as it were.

Please note I'm not interested in switching to another Gen CPU or AMD and I'm ONLY interested in NVIDIA GPU's that are close to mine ok!

Also, I would be really interested in seeing FPS with Ray Tracing both On and Off if possible and maybe DLSS too?!

I’m most interested in graphically heavy/amazing looking AAA modern games.

They’re probably the ones you see in recent benchmarks – just to give you an idea of what I mean.

I haven't gamed for like 5-10 years and even then I was pretty new so...

I really like games like Tomb Raider (2013 onwards), Far Cry, Bioshock, Crysis, Wolfenstein/Doom - series’ like that as well as more open world games whether like skyrim or more like Day Z etc or utterly pointless but fun, puzzlers, physics games all sorts!

I am most interested in the solo campaigns, maybe try out some co-op things (eg portal 2).. but also very interested in online multiplayer – especially FPS like Insurgency etc.

When it comes to online shooters – I don’t like the idea of stripping all the settings down to the basement floor just to get highest fps possible! So that’s not something you need to bother with.

I’m looking at 2K 144hz or higher at least for now, but also considering 1080p at much higher than 144hz…. But also maybe –but probably not – 4K.

My concern with 4K is that from the benchmarks I’ve seen, my card would tend to do ‘at least’ 55-80ish if not more (for the most GPU intensive games)… and it seems like it’s cutting it a little close to the minimum 60hz for my liking. I don’t like the idea of going below that based on what I’ve heard.

Plus it would negate the point of getting a high refresh rate monitor… that’s why I’m thinking 2k is the best balance?

I’d like to get a monitor to suit a resolution/refresh rate that will still be pretty decent for a long time to come without having to change any of my hardware.

I say this because I imagine as future games get more graphically intense – my fps are likely to drop over time.

That’s why I’m leaning towards 2K.

While I’m also considering 1080p for the even higher refresh rate… I think I’d still prefer the idea of 2K as it seems I should still get roughly 80-120+ fps in most hardcore games (for now) and I could get a bigger screen without it looking as bad as 1080p?

What are your fps in what games (please list the vital system specs – specific CPU, GPU, RAM, maybe type/model of storage for your system/gaming drive etc)?

What do you think I should go with?

Thank you for your help
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I would love to hear from anyone who has a 12th gen build and a 3070ti or something close to that.

Currently building a system with this set up and would also like some info if anyone here has one. I know we can go look at youtube, but it would be nice to find someone in these forums who can answer personally with what they are getting.

Currently have the build almost done except for the CPU/MOBO. Was planning on going with an i7-12700K. Its running around 400 bucks atm and it seems to be benchmarking higher than AMD's counterpart and last gen i7-11700k (i think it tops the 11900k in some tests too).

To answer your other questions, a 12th gen intel build with a 3070ti will absolutely crush games at 2k. Im currently running a 3070ti in a i7 4790k and i can tell you it does really well for most games, unless they are CPU heavy, which is negated by even a 10th or 11th gen CPU and a 30xx series card. So if you are actually trying to just find a good cheap CPU, 11th series are at a great price right now because of the 12th gen drop, it shouldn't have a terrible impact on whatever you were planning on playing.

Obviously the newest release in CPU's will help "futureproof" your system longer, but personally think that buying an 11th gen still is viable for that as well. Again, im using a 4790k (going on like 7 years now) and im still playing games that release in 2021 with high frames, maybe not as many as i could get with a better CPU but its enough for me personally until i can get a new build finished.

With that said, im currently playing Days Gone which released this year on PC, its a little older Playstation game, but it was polished really well for PC and with my setup im getting generally over 100 FPS in that game at max settings in 2k and between 60-75 at 4k. This is because this game is more GPU dependent, so my older CPU doesnt hurt it all that much. If i had a 12th gen though, id say id get maybe 10-15 fps boost? Its really not ALL that much different if the game is GPU heavy and your using a 30xx series, but thats my guess as to what im losing using an old CPU.

As for resolution id go with 2k over 1080p personally. You can get 2k monitors with high refresh rates like 240 but if you are looking to match frames with that refresh rate at 2k, youd simply need a 3090 or something. Thats why people lower settings in games when playing in MP. They are trying to match their refresh rates with their frames for peak fluidity, and that can take a lot out a gpu, esp. a 3070ti.

Also ultrawides at 2k are nice too (had been using one for a while) if you can get one. Im not a 4k user simply because i dont need the 4k, but you might. Im currently using a 32inch curved 165 hz 2k monitor and its gorgeous (albeit some ghosting but thats because i have a freesync monitor instead of a gysnc one)

I do know that even with my current build, i can play a good amount of my games in 4k at max settings with my 3070ti. Of course im not getting 100+, more around or right at 60 and games like cyberpunk 2077 or far cry 6 i cant run at max settings in 4k but i feel thats simply due to my old ass CPU im using with my 3070ti causing some bottlenecking.
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Aug 22, 2021
Im currently using a 32inch curved 165 hz 2k monitor and its gorgeous (albeit some ghosting but thats because i have a freesync monitor instead of a gysnc one)

Do you notice any difference at all between a 144 and 165hz monitor or is that just negligible?

Now - I could be wrong but....

I read somewhere recently that you can some how get freesync or g-sync support for any monitor now even if it wasn't officially supported when you bought it?

Some free software either from nvidia or 3rd party? I'm not sure - might want to look into it. Shoot me a PM if you find anything?


Surely there have gotta be loads of 12th Gen gamers out there... help a guy out please?

If that's not you - but you know some - please point them over here !



Community Contributor
Ummm, this is the PC world. We don't have generations.

As for difference between 144 and 165Hz - only if you're in top tier competitive gaming. Basically, if you have to ask, the difference isn't going to matter to you.
Aug 22, 2021
As for difference between 144 and 165Hz - only if you're in top tier competitive gaming

Are the two speeds usually a similar price or big jump?

Does the higher Refresh Rate of 165hz also denote a slightly higher quality/spec'd monitor compared to a 144hz?

Are the two speeds usually a similar price or big jump?

Does the higher Refresh Rate of 165hz also denote a slightly higher quality/spec'd monitor compared to a 144hz?

Well, the point is, you have to have hardware that is capable of hitting frame rates that high, or it doesn't make a difference. If you can only hit 100fps, it doesn't matter whether you have 144hz or 165hz.


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