What monitor to buy (if any) with a possible graphics card update in 12-18 months

Nov 28, 2020
Hi there

I'm all new to the PC upgrade gig - I have just got back into gaming (after kids) and previously was on Xbox.

My current PC is pretty new, and was bought for work. It has decent CPU and RAM (Intel i9-9900K an 32 GB ram) and an OK GPU (GTX1650). Currently running a pair of old 1080 acer 21in monitors, 60Hz.

I'm keen to upgrade one monitor to something a bit better, so maybe 24-27in with a better refresh rate (maybe 144hz) and IPS etc. However, I know my graphics card can't really sustain anything above 1080p - apparently 1440p will be doable but at pretty low refresh rates. So it seems to me there is little point going for a 4k or 1440p monitor.

However, in the next year or so I may well upgrade my graphics card to something top-end(ish) eg maybe something like a RTX 2070 Super or the like. I'll never go top-top, but probably can spend around £400-£500 at the time. Whatever, I'd want something that can handle 1440p and ray tracing, and maybe 4K.

So here's the question (sorry for the ramble). If I upgrade my monitor now, what should I do? Buy a better monitor that my current system can't handle yet? Or just get a decent 1080p panel that will work for me now? By the way, there's no way I'll be able to get both at the same time, even if I wait - even though the money argument is the same, splurging £1,000 in one go just isn't an option with the wife, even if 2 x £500 is.....!

Any advice happily received - I am happy to splurge on a better monitor now if it will be "future proof" - but not if it will look pretty shonky on my current set-up!!! (I have no idea if eg a 1440p monitor can be set to run well at 1080p - and is is the same as a decent 1080p monitor?)

Hi. What if you could get a both a good 1440p monitor and a better GPU for around £500? A 1660 Super will do O.K at that resolution with some lowered settings, and you can upgrade down the line further.

You wouldnt get ray tracing unfortunately but you could later on. Ray tracing looks nice and all but the performance hit is still huge and it will be a while until its a feature in every game.

I don't like using 1080p on a 1440p monitor, it looks like there's vaseline on the screen. Although it might be something some people can get used to. 2560 and 1440 don't divide into 1920 and 1080 it causes a smeared effect as pixels dont match 1:1. Its something you should check out yourself a little more as it might not bother you as much.

If gettting both doesnt appeal, I'd upgrade the monitor first anyway. Check out Rtings, Display Ninja, Hardware Unboxed on Youtube for more in depth monitor reviews. You can surely find something very nice for £500 and deal with the 1650 @ low settings or 1080p I'm sure, until you can splash out again.
Nov 28, 2020

Hi. What if you could get a both a good 1440p monitor and a better GPU for around £500? A 1660 Super will do O.K at that resolution with some lowered settings, and you can upgrade down the line further.

You wouldnt get ray tracing unfortunately but you could later on. Ray tracing looks nice and all but the performance hit is still huge and it will be a while until its a feature in every game.

I don't like using 1080p on a 1440p monitor, it looks like there's vaseline on the screen. Although it might be something some people can get used to. 2560 and 1440 don't divide into 1920 and 1080 it causes a smeared effect as pixels dont match 1:1. Its something you should check out yourself a little more as it might not bother you as much.

If gettting both doesnt appeal, I'd upgrade the monitor first anyway. Check out Rtings, Display Ninja, Hardware Unboxed on Youtube for more in depth monitor reviews. You can surely find something very nice for £500 and deal with the 1650 @ low settings or 1080p I'm sure, until you can splash out again.

Thanks for the response. Although a sensible idea, I simply won't be able to "sell-in" a double purchase with the good lady wife,. And I really plan to hold out on GPU until such time as a decent 1440p/ray tracing/possible 4k card comes out affordably (for example, today's announced RTX3060Ti is a great start) in the next 12-18 months.

So I have pretty much decided I'll go for a decent 24/25in 1080p monitor now, and as and when I do get a better GPU I can consider another monitor upgrade - I run a multi-monitor set-up, as does my wife for work, so anything bought now won't go to waste....!
It will be quite the wait for the next gen of RT cards considering they just released the 3000 series! 18 months at least I'd say going by the last few gens.

Just flicking through the GTX 1650 performance at 1080p looks like you'll be dealing with medium settings if you want to get over 60 fps. If you didnt realize that already. Anyway have fun, you'll easily get a 144hz plus 1080p monitor for your budget.