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I finished The Invincible. It only took 9 hours, and I think I spent half an hour trying to figure out what was going on when a bug stopped my progress. (Re-loading my last save fixed it.)

This is what I would really call a walking sim. There's NO gameplay, really. There's a little shooting toward the end, but its inconsequential (I think you can get an achievement if you do it well). There's no puzzle solving. The only interactivity is dialog and a couple of path choices. Outside of the last half hour of play and excluding achievements, only one of the choices you make makes a serious difference to how the game plays out.

If you are playing this game, you're playing it solely for atmosphere and story. Luckily, it's good at that. The story is based on a planet crafted by Stanislaw Lem, who's one of the great science fiction authors of the last half of the 20th century. The story itself isn't Lem's, but it does have the same feel as one of his stories. The atmosphere is great, too - very 1950's with some terror mixed in as well.

The normal retail price of $30 is ridiculous, though. Even the $20 sale price is too high, IMHO. Hopefully, it will come down to a reasonable price in another year or so.
As previosuly mentioned finished another Doom Wad, this time its DBP65 - Doom sanguine holylands another small doom wad from the doom boards. This one is a gothic themed map pack, its quite nice as we have swinging doors, reskinned enemies and color palette tweaks to make it much darker and less garish.

Nothing stood out as horrible, the last 2 maps were easily my favorite as they had the best level design and ideas.



well i've completed arcade paradise and honestly, good riddence. it only took 23-24 hours to reach end game and it was tedious as hell. The problem was that i spent more time doing laundry then playing and i did play the games it wasn't great. The arcade games themselves were mostly poor imitation of good / successful arcades. At worst they were bloody awful, either unplayable or really terrible to play.

i think the problem is the lack of content. its the same thing day in and day out and only the money kept me going. But you won't be missing much playing it.