Persona 4: why do so many people love this game!? The enemies were funny and I liked the surreal climbing-into-a-TV, but otherwise? Blah. The story was somewhat interesting, but only somewhat. The battle system was average at best. Teddy "helpfully" telling you how many enemies there are and constantly giving you encouraging words got downright insulting - seriously, I do not need you telling me how great I am every time I defeat an enemy. The dungeons were awful, randomized messes.
All fair comments tbh. I loved persona 4 golden my first playthrough i clocked nearly 100 hours and maxed out all the characters to level 99. but i got it on the PS vita and it did get me wondering whether JRPGS really better played on handhelds or consoles. I mean, on the pc i have far more options and frankly i would rather play something less simple/grindy then JRPGS.
Anyway my list of failures grows ever larger these days, but heres the games i can remember:
La -mulana This game is tough and gets increasingly insidious the further you get into the game. The puzzles get increasingly more cryptic, the level design more brutal and mean spirited with more instanta kill traps, punishing bosses and fewer save games in between. You can't even grind your way to victory 90% of the time as all you get is cash and there's only so much you can do with it. I hate it and i'll go as far as saying this is harder then dark souls. at least in that game i could grind, get different weapons, armor etc and try a different strategy.
Act of war - high treason the expansion to the act of war RTS game. The game crapped out on me. The sound stopped working for some reason and wasn't helped that the game was bloody mediocre as well. Beat the main game and that was enough for me.
Binding of isaac, enter the gungeon, chainsaw warrior - roguelike games i can never get the hang of and they're too tedious to play each time. Part of the problem is that the randomness means that luck plays a pivotal for success. my patience is limited and i have a massive game collection damn it!
Door kickers - Fantastic game, got too difficult. The Cell campaign was too tough. The first mission is just too tough to do successfully for me.
Frozen synapse - tactical game was far too difficult. Got about 2/3 of the way through and i had enough.
Downwell. So, so very close. Another roguelike i couldn't beat. Got to the final boss and couldn't beat it. Shame.
Endless legend - far too difficult even on easy. humiliating retreat.
Fortified - Boring tower defense game.
gun monkeys - the game is dead. no point playing it. i installed it, had a look and then crossed it off as beaten.
Grey goo - couldn't beat the final mission. Far too difficult for me. Even on normal. Part of the problem is that the Grey Goo faction just doesn't sit well with me. I could say i was rubbish at RTS games, but i think the faction was just crap.
The incredible adventures of van helsing 3. The game kept crashing. I haven't forgiven the devs for screwing over my save game file as well. i had a save game i kept for the first 2 games with all the unique skills, my character and millions of gold flushed away. A middle finger to those who bought the first 2 games and committed hours to it.
jalopy - too boring.
kholat - boring walking simulator. With no narrative path to follow it was just me walking around randomly hoping to get the story. No thanks.
luftrausers - Too difficult to unlock all the parts. So i gave up on it.
Monaco - didn't think it was too fun single player.
Pid - i hate this game with a passion. awful controls and fustrating gameplay. Looks better then it plays.
Pixel puzzle ultimate - jigsaw puzzles. You must be joking. After glass masquerade i thought i could do with some more jigsaw puzzles. But that game is too boring.
Punch club - Too grindy for my liking. Minimal activity from the player. So it was too boring.
Slayaway camp - Cool idea, but there was too much and the puzzles got too hard. So i stopped.
Space chem - boring chemistry puzzle game. Visually boring and generally boring to play.
Kill team - Game kept crashing.
World of goo - puzzle game i didn't understand.
Ghost recon advanced warfare- The pc version of the xbox360 game was terrible. Poor Ai and to top it off it did my eyes in. I stopped for health reasons. Probably the only game to ever do that.
thats most of them, but i think theres a few more....