Do any of you like non-computer games? I have a co-worker that even though he's a whiz on the computer, his hobby is actually those modern board games. He says he likes it precisely to not constantly be in front of a computer and to socialize.
I haven't played many of the modern ones but I remember especially how laboured it was to set everything up. Well.. sometimes laboured, other times, momentous (for instance when dad would get the good chess set out).
When I first got into computer games I always felt a certain fascination with card and board games because of the fact that you could play against "the computer". As an only child, this was a great boon. But I also learned a lot of these games through their digital versions. For instance learned Othello/Reversi/Iago because an uncle had it on his Macintosh. I later learned Gin or Poker variations too. And, even, the mahjong type of game in Yakuza, which I have never even played in a non-digital way.
There is, however, a certain satisfaction about interacting tactilely with a deck of cards or a board game piece. This musing isn't going anywhere but if you'd like to suggest some board or
card games, traditional or modern, digital or otherwise, I'd like to hear about them.