The currently playing and random game thoughts thread (Jan 2 to Jan 8)

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Anyone else sensing this girl is on a slippery slope?

Should we warn him?

My wife has been gaming on and off throughout her life, but she never got very deep into it. She finds a game she gets very invested in, plays it to death for a month or so and finds something else to do. I don't think most of her childhood friends gamed and her parents only bought Apple products, so she has very little experience using a mouse and keyboard for gaming.

I tried introducing her to Black & White, one of my favourite games ever, but it was not a great fit for someone who has little experience with a mouse.

She does fine with a controller though. She's got back into Skyrim a few days ago with the new free Creation Club content and has been playing through the game on survival.

It's been very interesting seeing how differently she experiences games.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
very little experience using a mouse and keyboard
I've no idea if these might be helpful, so for what it's worth :)


Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Re post #24

So c'mon, no one here uses words? Ok, quick tut:

Get a Launcher, install it high up facing forward;
Then install a Configuration & Customization device in the Launcher—C&C is a fav of mine.

Next phase takes time, acquiring supplies and backups—but totally worth it, because…

…you will then be Wordsworthy!

Wordle 200 2/6

Read that and weep—playing fairly, can only be beaten if you guess the word first go! But don't despair, 2nd place is up for grabs…


Community Contributor
Working from home, I don't usually take a lunch break, but I might play about 15 minutes of Legend Bowl here in a bit. I only had time to customize a team this morning, and it's driving me crazy that I never got a game in to see how it played,
Jan 14, 2020
Personally, I could do without all the padding. If you aren't going to make a great side quest, then don't make one at all. Let the game be 30 hours instead of 60.

I'm with you on this 100%. It's one of the main reasons I've never actually finished an Assassin's Creed game (despite having played most of them for at least a couple dozen hours). It's probably also why I've not finished Dragon Age Inquisition.
So, how has my 2022 started? My router promptly died on Jan 1st and I have COVID at the moment. Not a particularly encouraging sign for 2022 :ROFLMAO:. I got the new router set up today so I'm back online at least, which is nice. I feel like garbage, though.

In terms of gaming, I've been mostly playing Trails in the Sky which is probably my favorite JRPG that I've tried so far (as someone quite inexperienced in the genre). Additionally, I've started to play Borderlands 3. To be honest, it's largely because it's taking up 125gb of storage and I'm really tight on space at the moment. Regardless, BL2 is one of my favorite games of all time so unsurprisingly I'm enjoying BL3 quite a bit.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Assassin's Creed Origins for the first time as I got it for a good deal on Epic Games. The story is supposedly one of the best, which is one of the reasons I'm buying it.

I really liked Origins. I'm a big Ancient Egypt nerd so that one was fun for me. I'm on Odyssey now and have passed the time it took me to complete Origins (40+ hours), and although I'm enjoying it, the game is going to take forever to complete! I'm going to skip Valhalla cause I simply don't have the time!

The two games I got during the Holiday Sale on Steam were Valheim (gotta see what the fuss is about) and Teardown.

Teardown is immediately addictive and I can see why people love it so much, it's really entertaining and challenging.
Valheim I think I need to spend some more time with. It's certainly a survival game, so all I've really done so far is chop trees and build a mediocre hut. I'm ready to get going on fighting some bosses but have the feeling single player will be a grind. We'll see where it takes me.

Are there enough players to get matches made? Sounds kind of fun. Might gift my copy to my son.

Theres usually just 1 server with most of the players, you might find one with 1 or 2 people in them (usually afk) but the one with the players, ive seen it go from 30 or 40, up to 99. Forgot to mention its a 100 player team battle, so 100 players per server.

And congrats on the grant! Don't smoke all that extra money, Cheech. :)

Thanks! haha, who says i have to pay for what i smoke ? ;)
Somewhere on here, I was talking about how I have a backlog of games I want to try to play this year (probably the resolutions thread). I have a huge backlog that I don't care about, but a handful that I do want to play. I've been slowly making my way through Dishonored 2, and I just nabbed the Tomb Raider trilogy for free. Then I also would like to go back and play AC: Origins.

But I done screwed up last night, and I bought Horizon: Zero Dawn on the last day of the Steam Winter sale. I've wanted to play it for a long time, and I finally pulled the trigger. So Dishonored 2 is going on hiatus, and the rest are getting put on hold.

I'm going to try to not get any more games before finishing some of these. Of course if Breath of the Wild 2 or TES VI come out, I'll buy them and start playing them on Day One.


Community Contributor
Somewhere on here, I was talking about how I have a backlog of games I want to try to play this year (probably the resolutions thread). I have a huge backlog that I don't care about, but a handful that I do want to play. I've been slowly making my way through Dishonored 2, and I just nabbed the Tomb Raider trilogy for free. Then I also would like to go back and play AC: Origins.

But I done screwed up last night, and I bought Horizon: Zero Dawn on the last day of the Steam Winter sale. I've wanted to play it for a long time, and I finally pulled the trigger. So Dishonored 2 is going on hiatus, and the rest are getting put on hold.

I'm going to try to not get any more games before finishing some of these. Of course if Breath of the Wild 2 or TES VI come out, I'll buy them and start playing them on Day One.

You may have to go into a cryochamber for TES VI


Community Contributor
AAAARRRGGH!!! Rage quit (for the night) last night after Wasteland 3 pulled a bonehead.

I was in a big fight but doing well. The baddies had a nasty warbot on their side, but I've got Chiefette's Nerd Stuff up to 10, so she hacked the robot and it fought for me. Additionally, it got a static field around it that hurt anything (friend or foe) that came close to it with a little zap. Eventually, the warbot shakes off the hack, but the zap field sticks around until the next turn.

Unfortunately, my cat, which has gotten fast after 20 levels of fighting, decided to attack the warbot. It ran up to it, got zapped, and decided it was best to move out of the field to avoid being zapped again, so it runs a few steps away. Major Tomcat still has plenty of moves left, though, so it decides to go attack... the exact same warbot again! Zapped again. Runs again. Attacks again. Zapped again. Repeats a few more times. Dead cat. All in the same turn, so there was no chance to heal it.

You can't revive pets so I either lose Major Tomcat forever or I do the whole battle over again. Rage quit. Played a little Mechwarrior 5.
Re post #24

So c'mon, no one here uses words? Ok, quick tut:

The squares did not show up for me on mobile, I only just saw now that I'm on desktop what it was supposed to show.

I'm playing Total War Troy and every time I'm about ready to take over a settlement that generates food, one of my allies gets there right before me and takes it over. I'm about to declare war on every-damn-body.

I know your pain. I got the region trading mod for Warhammer 2 so I'd have the option to switch cities with allies if they happened to nab a city before I could take it. Haven't used it yet though, because although the dwarves took a city in my Repanse campaign, I have nothing I want to trade them for it. I nabbed Sudenburg from them though after they asked me to join their war and they destroyed one of their stacks, so I don't feel too bad about it.
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Community Contributor
I know your pain. I got the region trading mod for Warhammer 2 so I'd have the option to switch cities with allies if they happened to nab a city before I could take it. Haven't used it yet though, because although the dwarves took a city in my Repanse campaign, I have nothing I want to trade them for it. I nabbed Sudenburg from them though after they asked me to join their war and they destroyed one of their stacks, so I don't feel too bad about it.

The region trading mod was one of my favorites. They actually added region trading to the game for Troy, but it's crazy expensive to pull off. I've given a region I didn't want to the AI in exchange for vast sums of resources, but I haven't bought or actually traded regions yet.
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
First major snowstorm of the year today, but wind doesn't seem to be a factor so there shouldn't be any power outages. I started replaying Elex a few days ago as it was high on my list of games for 2022, and before the release of Elex 2 on March 1st.

Man, I forgot how brutal the beginning is, as I've died several times already. But I've gotten back into the flow of how Piranha Bytes creates games, and am doing better and up to level 5. Run away and pick and choose combat carefully.

The world of Elex just feels so huge, and you'll never know what you'll find when exploring, which is the best part. The facial animations and character models aren't AAA, but the exploring and NPC/companion interactions are fantastic to me.
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