The currently playing and random game thoughts thread (Jan 9 to Jan 15)

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Jan 22, 2020
Started my Satisfactory build last night, so still sort of in the early stage of running about shoving resources into mini production lines by hand. Made a basic iron production chain in what will eventually be a receiving dock for my first factory.

The resource nodes spotted about the dunes are going to throw a few spanners in the works as I try to stretch an factory floor over the top of them. I know miners can collect resources even through foundations as long as they're lined up right, but I don't really want a miner sitting haphazardly on my ground floor so I'm considering hiding the miner in a closed off basement and piping the resources up by conveyer.

I had to convince myself to start again but I'm already feeling back in the groove, and missing a few updates has everything looking all shiny and new.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
here it is
Nice :)

So it takes them 24 hours to think up a new word?
No, it's all automated with a DB of 2,500 words. The system picks a new random word every day, so even the dev can enjoy playing.

wife, who guessed it
Cookie for Ms Pifanjr!

very popular Dutch TV show, called Lingo
It was originally a US show which made its way around the world. Very similar yes, and also similar to the board game Mastermind which I used to play a lot.

Apparently Wordle is gaining popularity due to Twitter:
"Over 300,000 people played Wordle on January 2, 2022, up from 90 players on November 1, 2021"

ETA, you snuck in while I was posting :)
It's the same game as Mastermind
Very similar indeed, as are the dozens of variations of Mastermind which have been marketed, and probably hundreds of pen & paper variations.
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Community Contributor
Nice :)

No, it's all automated with a DB of 2,500 words. The system picks a new random word every day, so even the dev can enjoy playing.

Cookie for Ms Pifanjr!

It was originally a US show which made its way around the world. Very similar yes, and also similar to the board game Mastermind which I used to play a lot.

Apparently Wordle is gaining popularity due to Twitter:
"Over 300,000 people played Wordle on January 2, 2022, up from 90 players on November 1, 2021"

ETA, you snuck in while I was posting :)

Very similar indeed, as are the dozens of variations of Mastermind which have been marketed, and probably hundreds of pen & paper variations.
Well, I'm not so interested in word puzzles these days even though I used to do the crossword and crypto every day in the paper years ago. I'm going to send the link to my wife, though. She plays word games on her phone all the time. She'll probably love it.
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Community Contributor
Sometimes a reboot doesn't fix your problem.


Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
To avoid cluttering these threads, I made one for Wordle—come and join in if your words are worth :)

Jan 11, 2022
Currently playing Sunless Sea. Gave it up a long while ago, dug it up to give it another go, and will soon give up again. Such exquisite writing, but the game mechanics are not on par. :( It plays like a Sisyphus simulator.
Currently playing Sunless Sea. Gave it up a long while ago, dug it up to give it another go, and will soon give up again. Such exquisite writing, but the game mechanics are not on par. :( It plays like a Sisyphus simulator.

You can mod/cheat so that the ship goes faster, but that takes away from the atmosphere of the game. I think it's a game you need to be in the right headspace for to enjoy.
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My random thought right now is i feel gaming hardware is going backwards with how these companies (nvidia/sony) are dealing with "shortages". Making new more expensive cards? Making older game consoles? We really are going through a dark time in gaming and i find it harder and harder to convince people to switch to PC whenever the opportunity comes up.

As for games. I beat Days Gone! Now, by beat, i mean the main story, all the side quests (except for those that come up in endgame, not sure how many more but i got the ones done so far that were available at the time of writing) and respected all the camps as high as i could go. The only real thing left to do is take out "hordes" of these zombie/freakers and its added a decent replay value. Its always a rush to try to tackle a mob of 200+ of these guys with all the firepower i have.

Overall, a solid 9/10. Very enjoyable, i recommend this to anyone that likes survival/horror and third person, also bikes lol.


Community Contributor
Just played Back 4 Blood with some friends. Unfortunately, they wanted to play on Nightmare difficulty, and that was about too much for me. That game is seriously hard. I wasn't having much fun. When we got to the first saferoom, I excused myself from the session. I'll play some games on the highest difficulty, like Vermintide for instance, but not shooters, not at this point in my life.

Game feels just like Left 4 Dead. Probably most shooter fans would enjoy it.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Still playing Elex. I managed to get a new achievement yesterday that I didn't get on my first playthrough: Splattermaster (fallen to death 20 times). I've never been one to try for 100% achievements, but I do like getting the obscure ones, especially when they're for doing something stupid. Or doing something stupid multiple times.
Belated Happy Birthday Zed & littler Zed!

I'm playing Hot Wheels Unleashed atthe moment. The best thing about it is the graphics. It looks amazing. The driving is pretty good once you get used to it. Seems large sections of the single player are behind a pay wall though which is unfortunate. Though I'm not too far in.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Hmmm, I got Splattermaster about 10 minutes before beating ELEX. I wonder if I came about it honestly or if I did some cliff diving in the epilog? I got 43/50 so no Safecracker achievement. Did you get that one, @mainer?
I did get Safecracker, but somehow missed Locksmith, as I had only 75 of 100 locks picked. Some of those safes I cracked must of had the electronic lock that uses the hacking skill. I'd like to get the Locksmith achievement this time, as well as Picture Album and Human. I think I was close to human last time but fell a bit short.

Those are probably the only ones, but there are 2 hidden achievements that I have no idea about.

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On a Journey
It feels like wordle has infected forums. blames Brian

random Gaming thought: when I fell over in December, I wish I had known then I would have 2 months off as I would have probably played Diablo 2 again. But then the weather this Summer reminds me of when I used to play wow, as I get 2 days of sun and then 5 of mixed sun/storms. It reminds me of wow in 2008, every time I would be ready to raid, a storm would show up. So I can guess it would have just annoyed me more than wasting that time playing nothing. No point fighting it this year. Maybe next year we will be on fire again...
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I started a new game of Conquest of Elysium 4. I needed a game I could play while watching our daughter while my wife was away for most of the day and Theme Hospital doesn't work that well if I can be interrupted at any time and Halcyon 6 has too many new mechanics to play without being able to give it my full attention.

I decided to play on a huge map with the max number of AI players (16 I think), like a sort of Battle Royale. It's going fairly well, there's only 5 other AI left, but I did lose my main cultist right after I upgraded him and the remaining AI have pretty big armies now. I'll probably need to pull back a bit and consolidate what I've conquered so far because I'm spread too thin.

I did just summon my first demon lord (after save scumming about 5 times), so that's been fun. The biggest fun in the game for me is seeing all the crazy overpowered stuff you can eventually pull off.
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