Random Game Thoughts Thread - December 18-24

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
gaming industry numbers
Thanks for that, I have last year's also, but no easy way to compare them. One interesting item:

New Releases—41
New IPs—8
I've been playing a lot of Hearthstone, specifically the single player Tomb of Terror adventure with the different starting options for each class. I consider it to be one of the best roguelike deck-building experiences. At least I used to, but they seem to have messed up the enemy AI somehow. Most notably, the enemy sometimes just straight out stops doing anything, as if it has just given up. It also has failed to defeat me when it was clearly able to do so multiple times.


Community Contributor
I don't know the exact number in the game, but you've gotta be pretty close at 600.
Apparently I wasn't that close, as I just looked and it says I have 731 cars in my garage. There might be a few duplicates in there that I haven't given away yet, but not many.

(Edit: Somewhere else it says I have 608 out of 669--I can't believe I have that many duplicates!)

Played some Warhammer 40k Darktide last night. I'm not as obsessed with it as I was with Vermintide 2, largely because you can't play solo.

Failed my first mission last night. I was defending the rear during a hoard and didn't realize everyone else had moved to a different area. I got surrounded, which would have been okay, but then a special showed up and netted me from behind. I'm, not sure what the group was doing, but only Guido came to try to rescue me, and he died in the attempt. The other two players died moments later. Officially that was my fault for not realizing the group had moved on and getting trapped by a special. A little to my defense, specials are not nearly as recognizable in Darktide.
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If you see a guy in a cage on the beach, @WoodenSaucer, be sure to do his quest. Talk about a Greek tragedy!
So far, I'm only at Level 2, close to Level 3. So I'm kind of leery about taking quests. But maybe I should do a couple of the early ones to be able to level up a little. The first one I saw was a guy at a cave on my way down to the beach to save the girl. I didn't do it, but maybe I should go back and check it out.

Yay, only 20 years later, we can almost play Crysis

I can't believe AMD's FX processors were the first to come close to 9GHz. That's been quite a while. Those things were like running salamander heaters, but they were pretty powerful.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
It's going to be a bit hit and miss playing PC games this holiday weekend for me as we're getting a large storm moving in later today & tomorrow. All rain & no snow, but the winds will potentially gust to 65 mph which could definitely cause power outages. My UPS is good for about 20-25 minutes so I have time to shut everything down, but who knows how long power will be off.

This is a bit of a rant here on my part, but the Steam Forums for The Witcher 3 are starting to annoy me with all their negative comments about performance issues and going so far as to bash the developer CD Projekt.

Are there legitimate performance and/or optimization issues? Yes, there are numerous reports of performance issues with the Next-Gen edition, both in various forums and in the media, and players have a right to voice their concerns. But, as in the case of the Steam Forums, when players just start bashing the Next-Gen update, or even worse, start bashing the developer, it becomes a case of just being as negative & hateful as possible, and less about voicing actual concerns.

We talk about Steam "review-bombing", but this situation is more akin to Steam "forum-bombing", where comments are made not to list concerns/problems, seek advice, or list possible solutions; but more of an attempt to be as hateful as possible. I look at some of these posts, and I swear (frequently), that some of them are made by the same person using different login names, as the wording of the posts is just too similar.

CD Project has made some mistakes, as all game developers do (especially in the marketing of CP2077), but they continually support & update the games they release (and for all intents and purposes The Witcher 3 Next-Gen is a new release), so it annoys me when some of those Steam Forum posts mindlessly start bashing the developer rather than rationally discuss the relevant issues. End of rant.
It's going to be a bit hit and miss playing PC games this holiday weekend for me as we're getting a large storm moving in later today & tomorrow. All rain & no snow, but the winds will potentially gust to 65 mph which could definitely cause power outages. My UPS is good for about 20-25 minutes so I have time to shut everything down, but who knows how long power will be off.
That's weird that you're so far north of me (Indiana), and you're only getting rain. It's raining a little here right now, but about to get cold and turn into snow. Tomorrow for most of the day, our windchill could get as low as -40F. Gonna be a rough day. Tomorrow is my anniversary, too.


Community Contributor
RAIN!? You mean molten ice, falling right out of the sky!? That stuff is corrosive! Put a little salt outside and watch - the rain will melt it in no time. Let's hope your house can stand up to it! Better keep a raincoat handy, just in case some leaks in. You don't want to follow in the Unfairly Accused Witch of the West, @mainer!

I'm sitting in -7F (-20C) right now. We got a little snow, but not enough to be worth going outside to shovel.

Still, at least I can just turn on the furnace and electric blanket.

Edit: Egosoft posted a teaser yesterday indicating they will be announcing something tomorrow morning. It was just one of the odder NPCs humming a little tune. Even current players probably won't get what it's about, never mind people who aren't playing the game at all. For those of us that have been playing long enough to recognize that song, though, and what it must mean, it counts as massive hype! Understatement for the win!
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Community Contributor
In Vermintide 2 at the end of each mission you got one ore more free loot boxes of various quality. You clicked on them, and they opened up and gave you 3 items. It was fun and easy. People complained endlessly about "loot boxes" even though these were completely free.

Fast forward to Darktide. At the end of each mission, you are shown a number of random equipment unlocks. It's a loot box without the box, except that you don't actually get any equipment. It's just unlocked and you have to save your money up to buy it. Needless to say, equipment is much harder to come by. But, hey, everyone is happy because there are no loot boxes.

Everyone's mindless complaining is causing me to have less fun.


On a Journey
loudest fan in my room

I can't hear PC now

not sure if it got hot in my room today because the fans in PC actually worked or if it was because it was 29c outside... probably both.

Our houses here not designed for those temps, we more likely to be positive 40c than negative.
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It's going to be a bit hit and miss playing PC games this holiday weekend for me as we're getting a large storm moving in later today & tomorrow. All rain & no snow, but the winds will potentially gust to 65 mph which could definitely cause power outages. My UPS is good for about 20-25 minutes so I have time to shut everything down, but who knows how long power will be off.

This is a bit of a rant here on my part, but the Steam Forums for The Witcher 3 are starting to annoy me with all their negative comments about performance issues and going so far as to bash the developer CD Projekt.

Are there legitimate performance and/or optimization issues? Yes, there are numerous reports of performance issues with the Next-Gen edition, both in various forums and in the media, and players have a right to voice their concerns. But, as in the case of the Steam Forums, when players just start bashing the Next-Gen update, or even worse, start bashing the developer, it becomes a case of just being as negative & hateful as possible, and less about voicing actual concerns.

We talk about Steam "review-bombing", but this situation is more akin to Steam "forum-bombing", where comments are made not to list concerns/problems, seek advice, or list possible solutions; but more of an attempt to be as hateful as possible. I look at some of these posts, and I swear (frequently), that some of them are made by the same person using different login names, as the wording of the posts is just too similar.

CD Project has made some mistakes, as all game developers do (especially in the marketing of CP2077), but they continually support & update the games they release (and for all intents and purposes The Witcher 3 Next-Gen is a new release), so it annoys me when some of those Steam Forum posts mindlessly start bashing the developer rather than rationally discuss the relevant issues. End of rant.
Buffalo about to get demolished again. Full on blizzard warning here, which is pretty rare. Usually it's just a winter storm warning. It seems pretty likely that I'll lose power. Flash freeze, high winds, 1-3 feet of snow. Blizzard conditions for around 30 hours. This hasn't been a kind winter so far :LOL:


Community Contributor
Buffalo about to get demolished again. Full on blizzard warning here, which is pretty rare. Usually it's just a winter storm warning. It seems pretty likely that I'll lose power. Flash freeze, high winds, 1-3 feet of snow. Blizzard conditions for around 30 hours. This hasn't been a kind winter so far :LOL:
OMG, are they going to try and play football in that?? Oh good, the Bills are playing away tomorrow, down in sunny... Chicago? The folks making up NFL schedules live in southern California, don't they?

Look, the wind is starting to die down here, and we should start warming up some tomorrow. Not a lot, but at least there will be two digits in the temperature. How about we decide the AFC championship tomorrow instead of going through all the motions? ;)
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Temp extremes, you guys are down in the teens or lower for temps, I am going to get 95F next week. I would happily swap.
Whoa! I feel like I've heard where you live, but I forget. Are you in Australia, or something?

Dang, man! I thought it was bad here with a -30F windchill. Thankfully my water pipes didn't freeze.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
That's weird that you're so far north of me (Indiana), and you're only getting rain. It's raining a little here right now, but about to get cold and turn into snow. Tomorrow for most of the day, our windchill could get as low as -40F. Gonna be a rough day. Tomorrow is my anniversary, too.
Yeah, we're 52F today, which is really abnormal for this time of year, and tomorrow the forecast high is only going to be 18-20F. Had the temperature been cold enough during the storm, we'd be looking at 1-3 feet of snow, like what @Ryzengang is experiencing in Buffalo (Buffalo is just getting hammered so far this winter).

And happy anniversary! Brutal weather outside often makes for a cozy day for being inside with loved ones.

Temp extremes, you guys are down in the teens or lower for temps, I am going to get 95F next week. I would happily swap.
I'm sitting in -7F (-20C) right now. We got a little snow, but not enough to be worth going outside to shovel.
With a 100F difference in temperature, I think you guys should swap places for a day or two.

How about we decide the AFC championship tomorrow instead of going through all the motions?
It will come down to the Bills or the Chiefs, nobody in the AFC really comes close. Home field advantage could be huge, especially if the game is in Buffalo.
Yeah, we're 52F today, which is really abnormal for this time of year, and tomorrow the forecast high is only going to be 18-20F. Had the temperature been cold enough during the storm, we'd be looking at 1-3 feet of snow, like what @Ryzengang is experiencing in Buffalo (Buffalo is just getting hammered so far this winter).
That's nuts. This morning, the temp here was -9F with a windchill of like -33F. The crazy thing is on Thursday next week, we're going to be back up to the 50s. We only got a couple inches of snow where I live, though, thankfully.

And happy anniversary! Brutal weather outside often makes for a cozy day for being inside with loved ones.
Thanks, man. It really has been a chill day. Nice to just hang out and relax with the wife today.
A friend of mine gifted me Disco Elysium today as a sort of early Christmas present, but also just because he thinks the game is great and my wife and I should play it.

Thea 2 is still great. I still have pretty much no clue about what I'm supposed to be doing, but the world building is absolutely great at immersing me into the game.

Regarding the weather, it was -6°C last week with a lot of ice on the sidewalks, but now we're up to 10°C again.
Ok, so i picked up Elden Ring in the steam winter sale, probably the only one ill grab for me. I had a 10 dollar off coupon so all in all cost me a little under 30 and i swear i wouldnt pay a dollar more.

It absolutely boggles my mind that this is GOTY. First off it is exactly like dark souls, i dont know how else to even look at it, it acts nothing like a non-dark souls game. Its literally DARK SOULS with open world which starts off extremely slow since your guy walks slower than a 1000lb sumo wrestler or something. You then get a horse to summon but this brings me to my next complaint.

Along with this is absolutely abyssmal keybindings (G FOR MAP!, E and Q for confirm/exit/back, E and arrow keys to use "pouch". E and arrow key left summons my horse, i cant change these bindings, its either E arrow key up down left or right, at least i havent found a way and its not exactly explained easily.) Just absolutely dumb assignments with terrible explanation of using skills too.

You cant just hit "I" and get an inventory, nope you have to hit escape then click on all the boxes you want to use, very unintuitive UI.

I die more times in combat from fumbling keybindings and trying to fling through a rolodex of skills allocated to only 1 slot

On top of that there is no real graphics settings, its really bland and i dont think you can do over 60 fps! Lame, its lame to see such a disregard for features like this on PC be beloved by the pc community.

I know this is a system i have to learn, but man it doesnt have to be so terrible imo. Yes its a beautiful game, the dark souls combat isnt bad if you like it, but this certainly shouldnt have won GOTY.
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I didn't play at all yesterday - though surprisingly I haven't lost power yet. This is easily the worst winter storm I've ever seen. It's just insane here. It's basically been a nonstop blizzard for like 24 hours now. The timing is terrible for the holidays since driving is still impossible, so I don't know if family will be able to get together like normal. But overall everyone is safe and I haven't lost power so I can't really complain too much.


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