Will be logging into Runescape daily this holiday for some daily challenges and trying my luck on getting some nice Christmas presents.
Horizon Zero Dawn?Christmas quiz for y'all: What fairly recent game am I?
An over-the-moon GOG reviewer says:
"This game is simply put one of a kind. It's like taking - Far Cry Primal - Crysis - Fallout - Skyrim and a brand new genius and well thought out storytelling and putting it in a blender. Everything about this game is top notch, absolutely fantastic!"
It's one of the few definite future buys on my wishlist, but I'm still holding out even tho it and its expansion—ie the 'Complete' edition, which doesn't have the recent sequel—are down at $16.49 on both GOG and Steam at the moment.
I'm leery cos it's both 3rd person and RPG, so there's a good chance I won't get much value out of its beautiful open world.
HZD indeed—key code for downloadable cookie going in the mailHorizon Zero Dawn?
Christmas is 12 days long. Maybe aim for New Years Day?The timing is terrible for the holidays since driving is still impossible, so I don't know if family will be able to get together like normal.
Ok, so i picked up Elden Ring in the steam winter sale, probably the only one ill grab for me. I had a 10 dollar off coupon so all in all cost me a little under 30 and i swear i wouldnt pay a dollar more.
It absolutely boggles my mind that this is GOTY. First off it is exactly like dark souls, i dont know how else to even look at it, it acts nothing like a non-dark souls game. Its literally DARK SOULS with open world which starts off extremely slow since your guy walks slower than a 1000lb sumo wrestler or something. You then get a horse to summon but this brings me to my next complaint.
Along with this is absolutely abyssmal keybindings (G FOR MAP!, E and Q for confirm/exit/back, E and arrow keys to use "pouch". E and arrow key left summons my horse, i cant change these bindings, its either E arrow key up down left or right, at least i havent found a way and its not exactly explained easily.) Just absolutely dumb assignments with terrible explanation of using skills too.
You cant just hit "I" and get an inventory, nope you have to hit escape then click on all the boxes you want to use, very unintuitive UI.
I die more times in combat from fumbling keybindings and trying to fling through a rolodex of skills allocated to only 1 slot
On top of that there is no real graphics settings, its really bland and i dont think you can do over 60 fps! Lame, its lame to see such a disregard for features like this on PC be beloved by the pc community.
I know this is a system i have to learn, but man it doesnt have to be so terrible imo. Yes its a beautiful game, the dark souls combat isnt bad if you like it, but this certainly shouldnt have won GOTY.
Luckily most of my family got stranded here, but a few people probably won't be able to make it. I'm relocating on the 28th so it has been a wild time for me. Having one of the worst blizzards in Buffalo history a few days before moving seems like a fitting send offChristmas is 12 days long. Maybe aim for New Years Day?
My wife's favorite book is a book called The Lamplighter, by Maria Cummins. It was published in 1854. You can't get it new anymore. She has a few really old copies of that book. She got her first one for Christmas a couple of years ago.Went to an antique bookstore a couple hours away and bought a pile of books for my wife, who collects them. The best find was a set of 1920's Jane Austen books that had hand written love letters folded and stashed in between the pages apparently from the original book owner, which is the sort of thing my wife loves even more than the books themselves. She looks for the books that have been scribbled in as opposed to the perfect ones, and I found several more that had lots of things written in the margins.
Ah, the birth of a legend, perhaps?book called The Lamplighter, by Maria Cummins