Please Stick to Games

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Apr 17, 2020
I've been a loyal fan for more years than I can recall. First you started having autoplay videos with sound (thankfully that seems to have gone away) but now you are adding biased political agenda stories. This is not CNN. I don't come to PCGamer to read the words Republican or Democrat. I get enough of that in my life. This site is my escape from that. Please, do not let your writers use this platform as their soapbox. I would be very sad to lose my daily dose of PCGamer.
Nov 24, 2019
Hey there,

Games are entertainment, and art form, but also meant to be an escape, so I can totally understand where you are coming from on this. A few items in no particular order in response.

Firstly, all registered, logged-in members of the forum don't see any ads in the forum, at all. We should probably figure out a way to convey that *before* users register, but there it is.

As for politics, you'll find that on the Community side of things, our forums are, per rules and guidelines, politics-free with limited discussion not related to games, gamers, and gaming. Well, with exceptions, like as related to civics with Alpha Centauri, or candidate selection in Stardock's Political Machine, where there is a deliberate and obvious overlap in systems and gaming function, rather than to prompt any kind of factional or tribal discourse that goes well beyond the scope of our shared subject matter.

Over on the Editorial side, there are stories that run once in a blue moon that do have a political component to them, but these are invariably in the interest of informing the audience about items directly pertinent to gaming. In the case you might be referencing that may have prompted your post - an article regarding the FCC and broadband access - access to high-speed internet is utterly essential for modern gaming, and so the impact to readers here is fairly clear.

Hope this helps to answer and assuage some of your concern, Udu. As an aside, let me offer a warm welcome to the forums - glad to have you with us! :)



Apr 17, 2020
I appreciate the response. I do find myself back here because of a new doom and gloom article that does nothing but criticize their view of America. On Memorial day. And simply hide it behind a thinly veiled association to a game that isn't even real. I'm sorry ... I loved this site, but I dont come here for someone's oped piece on American politics.
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Jan 22, 2020
I appreciate the response. I do find myself back here because of a new doom and gloom article that does nothing but criticize their view of America. On Memorial day. And simply hide it behind a thinly veiled association to a game that isn't even real. I'm sorry ... I loved this site, but I dont come here for someone's oped piece on American politics.

If your fortitude has been sufficient to keep you with us since this post, could you tell us what article you're referring to?


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Part of what separates PC Gamer from many other gaming editorials is that, yes, occasionally they discuss topics other than "It has a little something for everyone."

If the endgame was just "good graphics, great gameplay, spend your money," I probably would have dropped out of the entire gaming scene a long time ago. But I've learned to learn from the games I play. I've learned to let them re-shape my incredibly small perspective of the universe. It was only in a video-game community where I learned to accept my first real major failure in life... one that I couldn't just hit "reload" on and start over. To perhaps coin a new phrase... it's "gaming above a ninth-grade level." It's important to understand these connections between our entertainment and personal development. There is nothing wrong with just being a consumer and only being interested in that level of content, but if that was the only option of journalistic opinion, that would truly be fake news.

The article is intriguing because we know Rockstar isn't the only content creator facing this problem. What about Southpark? Or just comedians in general? This kind of writing stands tall in the face of people who continue to talk about the movie Idiocracy like it hasn't already happened.

The mere mention of the letters "GTA" heightens emotions. It seems like people who have never played the game still have a story to tell about it. I saw a friend once after 4 or 5 years and her first comment was to inform her friends on how I drive (so realistically) in the game. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a compliment or not... "Should I be crashing in to everything and destroying every vehicle I get behind the wheel of? What's the right way to play this damn game? I wonder how someone else might feel about this content? ...And why on earth is this the first thing this person remembers about me??"

It would truly be something if such a stirring, emotional piece of entertainment would make the politically zealous also question their own beliefs in such a way. Game reviews aren't going to get us there. Critical, honest journalism will.
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