Question pc games crash all the time

Jul 17, 2020
I am desperate. My games crash after playing 10 minutes on my new pc and i dont know what to do.

My pc specs : CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X​
GPU: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2080 Super​
Motherboard: ROG STRIX B550-I Gaming​
32 GB RAM​


Community Contributor
The first thing you always do in this situation, especially with a new PC, is to check to make sure all the drivers are up-to-date. Lots of times brand new PC's ship needing updates.

You need to do the above no matter what. But here's what I suggest you do if that doesn't fix it. If the computer is brand new and you don't have a ton of crap you are afraid to lose, just do a reinstall of Windows. You can try a repair first.

Other tools you can use to try to narrow down problems are the Event Viewer that comes with Windows, which will allow you to possibly see why you crashed. Then there's something like UserBenchmark, which can narrow down hardware problems if you know how to read the results.
Feb 17, 2020
Don't use Userbenchmark - there are much better ways to assess system performance.

Also, avoid driver updater utilities - any software that claims to be able to automatically update your drivers is usually best avoided. Even things like Nvidia's Geforce Experience can sometimes have issues with installing drivers.

Agreed with the clean Windows installation suggestion.

Have you also checked CPU and GPU temperatures? Particularly at the point games are crashing?
I highly doubt its a windows being reinstalled kind of a fix. What exactly do the games do in terms of crashing? Is every game going the same way? I agree, try to find out the temps of your gpu/cpu, also usage. Reply with an update if you can.
Feb 17, 2020
I highly doubt its a windows being reinstalled kind of a fix.

. . .

Crashes can very often be caused by software, OS, drivers. Reinstalling often helps rule that out. It's a very sensible thing to suggest. There are plenty of other potential causes and other things to try too, but you have no basis whatsoever for that unhelpful statement.
I do considering ive dealt with crashing games before and never was reinstalling windows the solution, at least not in my path, why go through a windows install when its not going to be that significant? If it is, then that sucks, i wouldn't want to have to uninstall and reinstall the OS just cause some games are crashing.
Feb 17, 2020
Crashes can be caused by driver issues, software conflicting with the games, or a problem with the Windows install e.g. caused by an update. As well as many other things. This does happen, even if it's not happened to you personally.

There are lots of other causes to check for as well of course. And as you say if it's an install that's got a lot of programs installed on it and user files that need to be backed up and restored, it might not be the most convenient thing to try first. Though if @ZedClampet is right and it's a newish Windows install that won't take long to set all back up, that's less of an issue. And it might well be a lot quicker than troubleshooting every other possibility one by one.

Point being: A windows reinstall might fix the issue, would rule out a lot of possible causes, and is a valid thing to try, even if it's not tried first...