Next up: The Elder Scrolls VI

Come on, guys. Starfield is almost done, and you guys just want to skip over TES VI and start talking about Fallout 5. TES VI is my most anticipated game ever, and I just want to remind you guys that it's next on the list, not Fallout 5! Let's not skip it, please! :D

Anyway, what do you hope for in TES VI? Where do you think it will take place? What do you think the story will be like?
Come on, guys. Starfield is almost done, and you guys just want to skip over TES VI and start talking about Fallout 5. TES VI is my most anticipated game ever, and I just want to remind you guys that it's next on the list, not Fallout 5! Let's not skip it, please! :D

Anyway, what do you hope for in TES VI? Where do you think it will take place? What do you think the story will be like?

I have no idea, but I am curious to know what you think Woody?
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I have no idea, but I am curious to know what you think Woody?
At first, I thought it would be set in High Rock, but these guys make some good points about it being in Hammerfell (I'll put the link below). They interviewed Todd Howard, and even though he didn't give any real info, he did verify that they have decided on a location, probably a long time ago, and also that you can get some hints from the trailer. So that means the trailer wasn't just some generic, meaningless terrain.

If it is in Hammerfell, that's the home of the Redguard. There is plenty of tension and drama with those guys, so it could be a pretty interesting game.

As for what I want out of it, I really hope for some major technical advancements from Skyrim Special Edition. I was a little disappointed when I found out they're not creating a new engine for the game. But evidently, they have done a major overhaul on the engine they're using. Seeing Starfield actually gave me some hope because it does look significantly more advanced than Skyrim, especially the models and facial animations.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
what do you hope for in TES VI?
I hope it'll provide a good testing ground for the new techs they're planning to use in Fallout 5.

Where do you think it will take place?
It should start underground, and then move above ground when… umm, when the player vaults over something. Maybe? Or when se fallsout of a cliffside cave—yeah, that could work.

What do you think the story will be like?
Post-apocalyptic for sure, lots of 'mind the fallout' dangers and 'clean up the fallout' quests.
I'm mostly hoping for a combat system that feels more satisfying.

I'd also like an overhaul of the magic system. One major improvement would just be a quick cast system, such that you can cast a spell without having to equip it and unequip it. There's a ton of spells in Skyrim I hardly ever used because switching back and forth was too obnoxious.
I'm mostly hoping for a combat system that feels more satisfying.

I'd also like an overhaul of the magic system. One major improvement would just be a quick cast system, such that you can cast a spell without having to equip it and unequip it. There's a ton of spells in Skyrim I hardly ever used because switching back and forth was too obnoxious.

Given the keyboard situation on PC. Surely you can bind skills to several different keys and cast them as a quick cast system? If not can you not mod it to do this?
Given the keyboard situation on PC. Surely you can bind skills to several different keys and cast them as a quick cast system? If not can you not mod it to do this?

The other problem is that you only have 8 hot keys to set for all your items, powers and magic and there's far more than 8 I'd like to use. So just making macros wouldn't work. It's possible there's a mod for this already though, I've never looked.
I hope it'll provide a good testing ground for the new techs they're planning to use in Fallout 5.

It should start underground, and then move above ground when… umm, when the player vaults over something. Maybe? Or when se fallsout of a cliffside cave—yeah, that could work.

Post-apocalyptic for sure, lots of 'mind the fallout' dangers and 'clean up the fallout' quests.

I'd also like an overhaul of the magic system. One major improvement would just be a quick cast system, such that you can cast a spell without having to equip it and unequip it. There's a ton of spells in Skyrim I hardly ever used because switching back and forth was too obnoxious.
The favorites option is helpful with that, but it could be improved upon. But I only play with a controller, so I'm not sure what it would be like with a keyboard and mouse. I never could get into playing these games with a K&M. That's one reason I couldn't get into Oblivion. I'm sure it's a great game, but it sucked to try to play it with a controller on PC, so I just didn't get very far into it. I could try it out on a console where the game was made for controllers, but I don't think you can mod it on console, and I can't bring myself to play something that looks so outdated.


Community Contributor
I don't know where the game will take place (Hammerfell is a very possible location), but if it's at least Skyrim quality, then I'm already preparing my 200 hours of free time. ;) I'm counting for a solid single player experience without any online elements. As for the story, I'd prefer another jump into the future of Tamriel. It would be nice to see how the political aspects of the continent changed. Of course it's hard to expect anything else than "save the world once again Chosen One", but I'm perfectly fine with it as long as it's properly executed. :)

I'd also like an overhaul of the magic system. One major improvement would just be a quick cast system, such that you can cast a spell without having to equip it and unequip it. There's a ton of spells in Skyrim I hardly ever used because switching back and forth was too obnoxious.

Yeah, the magic system could use some improvement. One of the main problems with it is that on higher difficulty levels magic seems way underwhelming. So a pure mage build is not a good option...
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
For those of you who want Morrowind with Skyrim graphics, have you been following Skywind? They're basically remaking the whole game in a Skyrim mod.
I've been following both Skywind and Skyblivion's development, though in truth there aren't many public updates, but what they have shown looks truly amazing. I'm hopeful that they'll actually release some day, but I believe both have been in development well over 10 years. They're huge projects worked on by dedicated, and unpaid modders in their spare time, and I have to admire their perseverance.
TESR Skywind - Home
The Elder Scrolls Renewal - Skyblivion
Jun 22, 2022
Firts of all excuse my english.

Im a big fan os RPG genre, Zelda Link to the past change my point of view in games. So... Skyrim was one of the most satisfactory games that i played, so beatiful in many aspects.

Putting things on the ground, this is what i expect:

Combat System: needs a lot of improvement, battles needs to be chalenging, and for me this means you have to think before you go to a fight, and have patience. i dont like that games that the only thing you need to do is beiing a tank and then slash everything in the way (skyrim), y also dont like the mechanic that you have to learn all the patterns and movements and die a hundred of times to beat an enemy (Dark Souls) maybe something like Valheim could be good. another thing i want is damage cant be the same if you hit different body parts, one slash or arrow in the in the head must be an instakill, same for the player.

... continue
@Hugh That was a great post! With Skyrim, I think some of the things you talked about, you would be more satisfied if you just tried different play styles than what you're used to, and you'd find what you're looking for without any changes to the game at all. Like you talked about building up bow skills, and then all of the sudden, every enemy is a ninja. In my opinion, archery goes really well with the stealth side of the game. If you can build it up, it works best for sniping, rather than in up close combat. And you said some of the skills on the tree are useless, but maybe if you messed around with your play style, you'd find that some of them aren't as useless as you thought. Like I never messed with enchanting skills at all. But then after playing through and maxing out my smithing skills, I decided to mess around with enchanting the weapons I built, and it was very useful. When I did that, I wished that I had been building that skill all along.

But you also have a lot of great ideas for how to make the game better, too. I hope they incorporate some of those ideas into TES VI!
I cant write the entire opinion beacuse the forum tells me there is a spam conflict
so ive adjunt a image with my thougts on this.


I actually like that combat in TES is less about skill and more about numbers. I don't want to have to perfectly time a parry or a dodge. I like being able to pick up the game and just be able to play without having to learn a new combat system. TES games are the type of game I play when I want to relax a bit, so I'm fine if I can just swing my sword over and over until the other guy stops moving.
Jan 14, 2020
I was a little disappointed when I found out they're not creating a new engine for the game. But evidently, they have done a major overhaul on the engine they're using.

I think the Creation Engine has a sort of Ship of Theseus situation going on. I mean how many changes, tweaks, overhauls, and upgrades can they do to an engine before it's no longer the same engine?