Hello world,
I am looking for some recommendations to build a durable gaming PC and I hope you can help me sort it out!
By saying future-proof I intend that I would like to invest more on the main pieces (I assume Motherboard and Graphic card?) to then upgrade the rest in the future if needed.
I would like to play AAA games of tomorrow, eventually, even in 4k (mid-high settings), I hope the budget allows that.
Thanks a lot in advance!!
I am looking for some recommendations to build a durable gaming PC and I hope you can help me sort it out!
By saying future-proof I intend that I would like to invest more on the main pieces (I assume Motherboard and Graphic card?) to then upgrade the rest in the future if needed.
I would like to play AAA games of tomorrow, eventually, even in 4k (mid-high settings), I hope the budget allows that.
- Budget: up to £2000 but I'd like to stay around £1500
- Approximate Purchase Date: September-beginning of October
- Use Case: Gaming
- Are you buying a monitor:No
- Your Monitor Resolution and desired frame rate: 4k
- Parts Preferences: I guess AMD would be cheaper without compromising quality,NVIDIA graphic card (I was aiming for a 3080 -probably the best quality/price for my goal)
- Additional Comments: I like RGB stuff and transparent cases.
- Shop preference: No preference, whenever I can find the graphic card.
Thanks a lot in advance!!