Help with Ethernet cable choice for gaming

Aug 7, 2023
Hi - excuse any ignorant or noob questions as l'm only just learning the technical stuff for home networking etc.

I have bad connection upstairs where I have my gaming PC and so I'm planning on running an Ethernet cable from the router downstairs (which can't move) upstairs under the carpets / pinned to the skirting boards.

I've done some research on what standard Ethernet cable to buy and the comments vary.

I considered this one:

It's durable for outdoor use but I'm sure that's not an issue for indoor's CAT6A 10GB and I know everyone has an opinion and what's worth it or not.

It will also need to be quite flexible so maybe cat5e is better?

I now understand that my upload and download speeds won’t make any difference if I’m connected via Ethernet. So if it’s still not a really smooth experience when cabled up I’d need to consider a new ISP or a better router

Can anyone let me know if that Ethernet cable will work well for gaming and if it's future proof as I don't want to have to dig it out of the carpet and replace it any time soon. Even better if anyone can give me any alternative recommendations (UK based) if needed that would be good?
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CAT6 is most likley a massive overkill but prices on cables are so meh (in my opinion) that you might aswell get one.

When it comes to gaming, any cable will do just as good as any other, most cables in your stores in Europe will have non branded cables that work just fine, i wouldn't trust a cable from Temu or Alibaba though, you'd probably end up with a shoestring :D
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On a Journey
Can anyone let me know if that Ethernet cable will work well for gaming and if it's future proof as I don't want to have to dig it out of the carpet and replace it any time soon.
nothing is future proof but I don't think Ethernet will be made useless for a while. Its always useful to have a wired network in the house.
Cat6A is more than capable of carrying most signals you likely to get over internet, and also home connections for a reasonable amount of time. I can't see future and don't know if some amazing new technology won't make it redundant next year... but you should be fine.


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