Headphone random conversation

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Okay, so far most of the ones I have are in my head. No real forward depth, plenty of wideness in the S12 linked above and HD600, it doesn't seem to help the Dunu Vulkans as much. That is played through the Aune in Mode 2. It sure added to effect in the two pairs it worked on.

It seems nano should be holographic though... so I may find out in a few months.
The 2020 revision Ananda is. Not as good as the Arya but there's a $1000 price difference for a reason.
As you know I am still working out what I like, the Nano already cost $900 here whereas the Organic are $2000. Susvara are only $7500 and we don't have the newer versions of it yet.

Might have to pick up a pair of Maxwell if I can't get game sounds through the amp. Considering everything I am looking at is more than their price, could get them first. Amazing, I could buy the things I started this thread to buy... but after the Nano's

Nevermind that, worked it out now. So if I use the Aune with Tidal I have to set it to exclusive mode to get FLAC to play. But I assumed that setting only applied when Tidal was open.
But if I Turned my Amp on anytime and swapped windows default sound out to Aune, the volume would be muted and I couldn't work it out. That explains why no sound in Youtube.

Just then I thought, I wonder what happens if I disable exclusive mode in Tidal and then run a Youtube video... it worked. I haven't tried a game yet but I am no longer muted so I assume it is working normal now. Its just annoying I have to change setting every time I use Tidal app.

I was about to ask a question on Tom's, glad I worked it out myself.. I often do.

Might buy some cheap IEM at some stage. I haven't looked for a while. And all the ones I have saved links for aren't cheap. Maybe I shouldn't look now as what happened last time is it took me so long to save the money after deciding what Amp I wanted that by time I had it, I wasn't really excited anymore.
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have you tried tip rolling (in other words, tried different tips) as that can improve experience. Naturally it helps to have spares and most reviewers assume everyone has an entire box full of them. I might pick up a few packs of some types next year.
Or just get them with another set of IEM. Not really finished buying them, just other things get in the way. All the ones I am interested in aren't cheap. That is the problem.

10 years of Heavy Metal concerts from 1987 to 1997 probably didn't help my hearing either :)
Trying to be deaf before you leave concert was part of the adventure. Muffled noises for a few hours after was normal.

I have been using these last 2 days
as they need more power than my DAP could give but seem happy on my Aune. They were too quiet before... now I need to be careful.
Only thing I don't like about them is their cable is too short. Not buying a new cable for them as they not expensive enough to make it worth it. But I don't have much room to move around with them on.

I think Crisp is like Snappy. Its got a clean break to the sound. I am just guessing
Word has many meanings:

Hardly call Crisps a delicacy, its their name for potato chips.

Being Australian, I can translate UK to USA as I been doing it all my life. Then we throw our own words in to confuse everyone
The Hexas came with a coupple of different sizes etc, i get the nerve vibration in my ear no matter what i use, i can try realign the earpiece a bit to avoid it and it works better when i sit than lying down. I am happy with them so far, they have made my games more immersive.
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Just then I thought, I wonder what happens if I disable exclusive mode in Tidal and then run a Youtube video... it worked. I haven't tried a game yet but I am no longer muted so I assume it is work

Tidal updated their desktop App. It now disables Exclusive mode at shutdown. Now I have to turn it on every time but at least if I did set Aune as default, anything else can use it if I don't change Tidal that day. This is the preferred option.
Tidal updated their desktop App. It now disables Exclusive mode at shutdown. Now I have to turn it on every time but at least if I did set Aune as default, anything else can use it if I don't change Tidal that day. This is the preferred option.
Then today it was back to exclusive at start... I don't know anymore. Its playing with my mind.

Going to replace the cable that came with HD600, the hardest part of the entire thing is choosing what colors to make the cable(s). I can choose up to 3 colors, hard to find 3 that don't clash.
I want to use a different connection on my Aune, it offers more power and means I don't have to turn the headphones up as high.
I just feel like buying something else I think...
Tidal is just confusing. I just check it every day now.

So @anort3 convinced me today to spend more money... only as a pair of headphones that normally cost $USD1599 are on sale for $USD650 (Australian prices: Normal = $2370, Current $960) and I would be crazy to ignore that discount.

I wasn't going to get that model, but Anort found & pointed out the discount. The ones I was looking at sell for USD599 so price difference isn't that large to make me stop - I wouldn't bother looking at them at their normal cost.

They have been replaced, there is a newer model so its possible the discount is long term. I found one video from last month showing price was $750 last month on the same shop.

I don't know how long sale is for, there is no end date showing on website ... this reminds me of the Bathys last year. No indication of when sale ends.

I probably order them on Monday morning so i can pay some off right away. They get shipped from China so they shouldn't take long to be delivered.

I won't be buying any more over ear headphones once I get these. They are way better than anything I can get for less, only things that beat them cost way more.
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Oops! :p

I still can't believe they're this cheap now. $1599 at release. $1299 when I bought them.
The worst part was not knowing when sale ends. It might not end at all, or I might miss it.

Getting headphones that cost $2600 normally for $1110 was just too hard to ignore.

So I weakened and ordered one pair now. Not like waiting longer would change anything. Just reduce opening balance on my card but I will fix that on Monday and for rest of year.

Hifiman store only took paypal so I bought it on their Amazon store. I do have a paypal account but I have no idea what its called. Was easier to just use credit card on Amazon.
Amazon page showed it was a limited time offer, so I still don't know if by waiting I might have missed it. And had to buy an Ananda instead.

I had forgotten some things like sales tax, that added $95 to cost. And Import duties.They should show up end of next week now.
I won't be getting anymore things this year (apart from cables maybe). I know, I have said that before. This was unexpected. I really don't need anything more now. This is way better than I was expecting to buy. Only things that beat them cost 3 to 4 times more. So yes... I am finished. I hope I like them.

I asked Hifiman when the clearance sale ended and they said, whenever the stock for item runs out. Since I ordered it on Amazon and they only had 4 left, I guess I cut it fine.

Shame I didn't think to order it on Tuesday but either way it wouldn't have been here this week.
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Getting headphones that cost $2600 normally for $1110 was just too hard to ignore.
I don't think this is accurate. I think they had reduced price of the arya to $USD1300 before the sale, which translates to $AUD1930, So I saved about 800. I got them for half price.

One advantage to ordering from USA is although it is Friday night here for me, its still early Friday morning in USA, so they might process the order more today. Order tracking shows its almost ready for shipping. Doesn't matter, not expecting it before Thursday. Not entirely sure where it gets shipped from.

Reading reviews and hear that after you listen to these, it ruins your appreciation of your older headphones (exception being if you have better). I saw one shop suggesting people come in and try them out... evil lol. They not ideal to listen to if you can't afford them. That is good advice with most good things though. Better to not know what you missing out on. Its always the case that there is something better but is it worth buying.... I can see HE1000 SE in a shop here, just a cheap pair... only 5k. there is always better. I doubt I ever get those.
it got shipped from USA on Friday night and took just over 12 hours to cross the states and be on its way here.
I guesstimated it would take 10 hours to fly here and since its a Sunday, they might not mark it on their system until tomorrow.

I think the 7 days delivery is max time they have to deliver it with the Freight option I chose. looking at tracking number shows its estimated to show on Wednesday. Wonder what its going to do for 3 days...

It showed up early. I wasn't expecting it and was listening to music at time.

I know it will need time to get worn in so I won't comment on it now. It sounds okay, not bad by any stretch of imagination. I have read its sound stage does grow over time.

My Quiet corner (almost worth $AUD4000)

wish it wasn't just the camera that saw display as blue
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Seems I have a small head. Lucky I am not using the smallest size slot on headband... guess could have worn a hat if it was too big.

they don''t move around once on head, even if i do random head banging. Leather strap keeps it on my head.

Interesting photo sees them as silver, as they are black. Must just be cameras as I seen it happen in other peoples photos too. It must depend on the angle as above photo in previous posts sees them how I do. Stealthy
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its funny when the hardest part of choosing new cables is what colors to choose. They offer too many... and my ability to match colors isn't amazing. Nor is my memory... can display two on screen at once, what was 3rd again?
Doesn't help two of them were on the same webpage. I did cheat and take a screenshot of all 3, and put them into a word document so I could see all 3 at once.

Sure, could be boring and just choose one colour/pattern but it doesn't cost more to use 3. Why not colour code them so you know which cable is for which ear pad. I don't want my left cable in my right ear, might be a little confusing in some songs. Arya earpads having full rotation sure can tangle the stock cable.

Still not convinced, might change again... but I have a month or so before I even order them.
Want to get longer cables that have different attachments for amp as currently two of them can only use 6.35mm connections, and I they should be better on another one. Won't need as much volume

@anort3 probably get the Hart Audio cables, and then maybe get a better one for Arya next year. See if I can notice any sound changes using the Hart cables, they meant to be warm according to Wave Theory. Copper cables do that.

New headphones make me want half my life back again to listen to all my music again. Every few songs I hear something in songs I have heard countless times before, that I never noticed before. Currently i can hear a bass line in a song that wasn''t obvious before... it was always there, I just couldn't hear it.
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Jan 15, 2020
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New headphones make me want half my life back again to listen to all my music again. Every few songs I hear something in songs I have heard countless times before, that I never noticed before. Currently i can hear a bass line in a song that wasn''t obvious before... it was always there, I just couldn't hear it.
Pretty cool isn't it? I always know I love a new pair when they make me want to listen to all my music again.
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