Headphone random conversation

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I have only used headphones the once since getting them (to play games in) and it was my bathys for a few hours. I only stopped as a sound effect in one game was driving me mad.
I might try my IEM attached to a DAC that in turn is attached to PC via USB, next time to play a game. They don't squeeze head as much as some headphones might.
I got side tracked... one day I might buy a gaming headset but right now I don't really need to.

I have had my DAP a month now. It was meant to have 100 hours burn in, its probably added up to that in the last few weeks. Try to listen to music sometime in the day, for a few hours. The last few times its been to keep me awake.

I can't tell if it sounds any different as I have also been using new headphones that weren't great at blocking external noise themselves until last week, and that greatly effects the amount of bass you get. I swapped the eartips to a bigger size - I originally thought I had largest on.. instead I had smallest lol. They sound much better now... I should wear other IEM occasionally too. Only one set of ears and 3 new sets of headphones in the last 6 months... I blame @anort3 (since CT not here).

I haven't felt need to alter its sound signature at all. Which is funny as it has so many ways to do it. One reason I chose it was for one of them. Guess headphones don't really need it.

So there are still (many countless) things I don't understand...

I don't know why these headphones

are easier to drive than these ones

Is it the frequency response? Or fact 2nd ones are planars?

and if my dap:

can run these: (focal hadensys- comes with 3.5 and 6.5mm connectors - No balanced)

as if they can't I just buy something else in a few months. No point if they going to be underpowered.
BTR7 might be able to run them but I bought dap for a reason.
Jan 15, 2020
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You have to look at both impedance and sensitivity when looking at how 'hard' something is to drive. Lower impedance is easier to drive and 16 ohms is very low. Higher sensitivity is easier to drive. So the 109db set would get louder with the same power than the 101db pair.
Jan 15, 2020
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You should be fine with your DAP. Can't it run a Sennheiser HD600 or 650? Those are 300ohm headphones and WAY harder to drive than just about any IEM.

Some planars really need power though. More than their specs would suggest.
If I get the Bluetooth version of the K7 I can attach it to dap via BT and at least be able to use the dap as a source. That way i might be able to listen to music longer than I can if I just use DAP in class A High Gain mode. Some days I want to listen longer than a charge lasts. I expect it doesn't use as much power in Bluetooth mode.

Or I get a 3.5mm line out to RCA cable and attach DAP via line out and get actual Hi Res music as opposed to the compressed version over BT. DAP doesn't use AMP in line out mode so should last longer than it does when using them. It could be charging while it runs (though I do hear a hum on headphones if I charge them using DAP now)

It can only receive BT, it can't send. Can't use as base station for BT headphones as such. The Non BT version is cheaper but the BT one might be more useful later... who knows. I have bought everything in the wrong order all year.

So SPL = Sensitivity? So the focals are 105. They are in between the two IEM I have, and its impedence is 26 which is higher than the others but still classified as low (divide is 50) since headphones can be up to 600.

I am not buying anything now. Just research.
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I was saving towards a future pair of headphones but one thing led to another and I bought a pair of these tonight.

Mainly as they are $220 less than normal and I didn't really want to miss the discount. They were cheap enough it won't stop me buying something else later on, just slow me down a little. It was a pair I wanted to listen to, just to see if I like their sound. Still working out what I like.

If DAP can't run them well, I know my BTR7 can. It might make sense to use it anyway attached to PC. It comes with a 3 metre cable so its not exactly designed for mobile use. Open back not ideal for keeping noise out. Or in.
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I found the box for the PXC550 a few days back, so I put the old ones back in there. '


I had watched reviews of the HD600 and all the reviewers got a bigger box than I did... not amused. they got a storage box, I just got a plastic bag.

My DAP needs all its power to run these, my dongle seems to do it better.

I just pick one of these up in a few weeks to drive them and anything I might buy later.
Then I should really stop for a while.
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HD600 Headphones didn't grab me. I find myself getting bored listening to them, I don't think DAP is pushing them hard enough to wake them up. Went back to using the 1st set of IEM I bought, which don't need to be run as hard to be way louder. Hd600 needs High gain, these IEM are happy on low but i normally use medium gain to get about same level volume. This was to be expected but I don't want to run DAP at 100% volume so I will buy a desktop combo to fix that problem. Use IEM on DAP and wired headphones on something more capable.

I am not getting A K7, I hadn't really looked at alternatives and now I am stuck between either a
Topping A30 Pro Amp & D30 pro DAC Stack
Topping L70 Amp & E70 Dac Stack

The two Amplifiers sound different, and A30 Pro isn't a balanced Amp whereas L70 is.
A30 seems better suited to IEM as it has a low gain mode. Nevermind, they both do
So I will grab it unless it disappears from the store I can see both packages on.
I can get the E/L70 stack on two websites so not concerned about it. Both combos at most a year old so shouldn't randomly disappear. The A30/D30 combo isn't showing on the Topping website so there is that.

Both will have more than enough power to wake the HD600 up as well as a pair of Planar IEM I have that just seem too quiet on my DAP.
They can run almost anything I am likely to buy, its only headphones I can't afford that it can't run.

I only have one balanced cable, rest of headphones are single ended, so even one difference really doesn't matter to me. The main difference seems to be sound then
A30 Pro is an older model that used to cost the same when it was launched. In a typical Topping fashion, it’s also a powerhouse. But these two amps do sound slightly different. A30 Pro has a more laid-back midrange with thinner vocals that are further away from you. L70 sounds fuller and warmer in the midrange, all tones feel fuller and the vocals are bigger and closer. This also means that the A30 Pro develops a slightly more spacious soundstage.

A30 Pro doesn't have a remote, but it can be controlled with the DAC which has a remote.
Both E70 & L70 have remotes which seems excessive. Would make more sense to have one... but nope.

It seems one difference is these can use a switch on the back to allow both units to be turned off at same time.
ask me tomorrow and it probably changed again.
Hifiman EF400 current choice.
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Jan 15, 2020
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Hd600 needs High gain, these IEM are happy on low but i normally use medium gain to get about same level volume. This was to be expected but I don't want to run DAP at 100% volume so I will buy a desktop combo to fix that problem. Use IEM on DAP and wired headphones on something more capable.
High gain is usually recommended for the best sound on any amp. Volume is just gain. It's not making the device use more power or anything so don't worry about cranking the DAP up to 11.

HD600 Headphones didn't grab me. I find myself getting bored listening to them, I don't think DAP is pushing them hard enough to wake them up.
Possible but a laptop or even the headphone out on your PC will probably drive them well enough to give you a sound impression. Yes neutral can be boring. The HD600 is also good enough to expose flaws in recordings so stuff you really like might sound terrible on the 600 if it's not well mastered.
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Anort and I had already had that conversation. I clearly posted that before talking to him in Discord. My feelings on headphones seem to change based on music as well. I need to get used to how they sound. They don't compare to my IEM well. But different sound signatures.
Interesting to know about volume and battery usage. One day I will let dap get below 40% power before I charge it again.
I knew that about recordings, I had noticed that with my Focals already.

I just noticed the EF500 which replaced the EF400... its only been out a few weeks.

It is cheaper than the 400 , and can be connected via Ethernet so can stream from dap or PC. Also has Coax connection and USB B/C (like 400)
I will give it the Ethernet cable that currently goes into my PC, PC can use wifi.
not many reviews, only been out a month. Means I won't waste all night looking at reviews.
The power out from balanced is 4.5watts whereas unbalanced is only 1.32 -

It only has two headphone outs - 6.5mm unbalanced and balanced xlr outs.

I can find an adapter that is 4.4mm to xlr - https://www.ddhifi.com/en/product/xlr44b-2022/ but i may not have a use for it.
I can run all my headphones off a 6.5mm connection.
someone mentioned lack of 4.4mm balanced and was told that desktop amps generally don't include those yet.

Its unclear what output impedance is on both headphone outs. The 500 had a high OI and could change the sound of low impedance headphones. I read a forum thread and the 500 should be fine for IEM.

The sound stage isn't as wide as 400 but then its $250 less. 400 getting hard to find. I was going to compare it 600 's price but when I got to a shop, they didn't have 400 and its how I found the 499/500 (499 is cheaper again but doesn't sound as good. different R2R dac inside) and have been looking ever since.

Doubt about its IEM compatibility has me looking at topping stack again. Its more capable of running everything I own now. Ef500 is better suited to over ears, which I only have one set of. I prefer to use all the headphones I own now.

just research anyway, I need to save to buy either.
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need to buy a cable to link them. All the weaknesses of dac are fixed by the amp. Might be able to just buy the dac and if need be, get can afterwards.

Not many reviews yet. Can only been out about a week.
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Zen dac 3 is a dac/amp combo unit that runs off USB C. It gets its power from USB, it doesn't have its own power source otherwise. can run it off a phone.

Max output power
4.4mm balanced -
up to 70mw @600 Ohms
up to 300Mw @32 Ohms
6.5mm Single ended -
18mw @ 600 Ohms
210mw @ 32ohms

One of these days I will know if that is enough. it is for the IEM for sure but not sure about HD600
if that is all I need I will pick it up in the next few weeks.

would I be right in thinking if its 18mw @600, then its 36mw @ 300, or is that too simplistic?

  • I could then add the Zen Can later if I need more than that. The Can offers up to 2000Mw so would be more than enough for anything I own. It has some features I won't use like Xmems which makes TWS (True Wireless Crap) headphones sound better as I am not buying the Bluetooth module, I will never use it.
  • Can buy a separate power cable if its needed. USB is said to be enough, and if I buy the CAN I believe it does have power cable since it doesn't have a USB in...
  • Will need to pick up a balanced 4.4mm to 4.4mm cable if I buy the Can - to connect both units. Can use rca but they suggest 4.4 for best sound.
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