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Community Contributor
Another self-aware bit from Anachronox

Many games come up with ways to keep you out certain sections until you're high enough level to deal with them. This is definitely one of the stranger ones.

This use of TACO should have really gotten more popular in gamedom
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@Rensje Thanks, that outfit is actually the costume you get after collection all of the 100 action figures of Impotent Rage. A bit tedious as the action figures are scattered all over the map, but well worth it at the end.
There are definitely a lot of griefers, so I often try to find a public solo session or a session without a too low level of players (those to new to the game that they don't know about not blowing up cargo missions) or people with griefer outfits, super high level or a big red circle around them.


Community Contributor
So, almost four months with nary a haircut and I start playing Resonance of Fate. And what do you know? They've got haircuts just like me!



Japan, out in front of us all again. How did they anticipate this ten years back!? ;)


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