What's the highest Level?
I believe it's 20, but not sure—there's conflicting info around, with some claiming to have gotten over 30. I'm at 15 now, Commandante 1, and I don't recall hitting 20 on a previous playthru. Still got loads to do, especially story missions, so I should find out this time.
Leveling up slows down a lot the higher you get—obviously more XP required. I finished the game and am still only Level 18 despite zapping guys and vehicles on the way to missions.
Story Finished
The last 2 missions were a lot less painful than I expected—no stupid stuff like drugged or fantasy sequences. Final boss fight was urban with plenty of melee and corridor-style layout—but there were still options re how you went about it. Best ending since FC4.

New Game+ & Insurgency
My main objective for this playthru was to avoid having to restart the game from scratch every time I want to visit Yara. Mission accomplished—I now have 2 choices.

I selected NG+ and game started over—including the mostly unskippable tedious intro—but it didn't take long before I had all my weapons with upgrades and gear/perks that I finished the story with. I also had a nice store of starting materials in inventory, except for the 3 you need to build the camps in the regions HQs—Metal, Medicine, Gasoline—so I had to make sure to loot those. Pesos were also missing.
Build Hideout Network asap
You only really need to loot enough to build the Hideout Network and upgrade it fully, ie 180 Metal and 180 Gas. Then buy the 12 location maps from the HN gaffer—cost ~2,000 pesos total—and do a quick spin around 'em all via Fast Travel. Each had a cache where you grab 20 of each resource. You can repeat this trick 24 hours later—that's IRL time—if you need to, but one spin was enough for me.
Building HN also gives you the Wingsuit and enables Airdrop, 2 other major aids for getting around. So if you're building some other camp before HN, you're doing it wrong!
Here's Dani on approach to Fort Santa Maria, after airdropping from a friendly location across the bay.

In menu above, if you 'Select Save Game' your finished Story game will also be there.

When you launch this, there'll be a new 'Insurgency' item in the menu:

It looks like a weekly thing—every week forces loyal to dead President Castillo take over 2-3 counties, and you have to take those back. I just poked my nose in so far, so I'll leave it for another post when it should be clearer.
In Insurgency looks to also be where you can pick and choose any bases you'd like to return to the FND forces—so you can go capture it again. I expect to use this to complete my roster of Undetected with Bonus captures—I have most Undetected, but only 8 with the Bonus included. So work to be done!