Far Cry 6 random notes

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What's the highest Level?

I believe it's 20, but not sure—there's conflicting info around, with some claiming to have gotten over 30. I'm at 15 now, Commandante 1, and I don't recall hitting 20 on a previous playthru. Still got loads to do, especially story missions, so I should find out this time.

Leveling up slows down a lot the higher you get—obviously more XP required. I finished the game and am still only Level 18 despite zapping guys and vehicles on the way to missions.

Story Finished

The last 2 missions were a lot less painful than I expected—no stupid stuff like drugged or fantasy sequences. Final boss fight was urban with plenty of melee and corridor-style layout—but there were still options re how you went about it. Best ending since FC4.


New Game+ & Insurgency

My main objective for this playthru was to avoid having to restart the game from scratch every time I want to visit Yara. Mission accomplished—I now have 2 choices.



I selected NG+ and game started over—including the mostly unskippable tedious intro—but it didn't take long before I had all my weapons with upgrades and gear/perks that I finished the story with. I also had a nice store of starting materials in inventory, except for the 3 you need to build the camps in the regions HQs—Metal, Medicine, Gasoline—so I had to make sure to loot those. Pesos were also missing.

Build Hideout Network asap

You only really need to loot enough to build the Hideout Network and upgrade it fully, ie 180 Metal and 180 Gas. Then buy the 12 location maps from the HN gaffer—cost ~2,000 pesos total—and do a quick spin around 'em all via Fast Travel. Each had a cache where you grab 20 of each resource. You can repeat this trick 24 hours later—that's IRL time—if you need to, but one spin was enough for me.

Building HN also gives you the Wingsuit and enables Airdrop, 2 other major aids for getting around. So if you're building some other camp before HN, you're doing it wrong! :)
Here's Dani on approach to Fort Santa Maria, after airdropping from a friendly location across the bay.



In menu above, if you 'Select Save Game' your finished Story game will also be there.


When you launch this, there'll be a new 'Insurgency' item in the menu:


It looks like a weekly thing—every week forces loyal to dead President Castillo take over 2-3 counties, and you have to take those back. I just poked my nose in so far, so I'll leave it for another post when it should be clearer.

In Insurgency looks to also be where you can pick and choose any bases you'd like to return to the FND forces—so you can go capture it again. I expect to use this to complete my roster of Undetected with Bonus captures—I have most Undetected, but only 8 with the Bonus included. So work to be done!
Chute 'em up

I've gotten better with the parachute, can usually land on a roof or whatever these days… say 4 times out of 5. Playing a bit of Insurgency, tasked with capturing Sureno Shipyards which I have Undetected but not +Bonus. Here's Dani approaching via Airdrop from captured Checkpoint just north:


I decided to have a go at landing on the tall crane in the reticle. Nailed it!


Great vantage point, was able to eliminate all but 2 of the opposition and 1 of 2 alarms from up there. Could've got one more baddie but was worried the last hidden guy might be an officer who would notice and trigger the last alarm.

Dropped down, zapped the last alarm and started the intel download for the bonus. This alerted the remaining 2 baddies who made a beeline over my way. I hunkered down in a corner to protect the download—but they didn't go for it, and it finished.

Now I have a problem. If I go hunting, there's a good chance one of 'em will spot me and I'll lose Undetected. So I stay put, and soon enough one of 'em comes around the corner looking for me—no problem, boom, easy. Except… the other had simultaneously come around the opposite corner and saw me before I could finish her off. Gah!

In hindsight, hunkering was a bad tactical choice, as it fixed me in place. I should've gone to a more flexible location where I had options with low risk of exposure. I should also have tossed a grenade as far as I could, to encourage the baddies to investigate that area.

Another maybe is to go after the hidden guy before the bonus. In case you missed it in an earlier post, to get the bonus there must be one enemy still alive when it completes—so you can't wipe everyone out beforehand, the ideal is to leave some isolated outlier alive for the last zap.

Ah well, live and learn. But I have my chute landing as a positive anyway. And if you do such landings blindfolded and backwards before breakfast, I don't want to hear about it :D
Special Ops

These exist in the main game—talk to Lola at any of the 3 main regional HQs. They involve grabbing a box of volatile PG-240 and keeping it cool enough via shade and water until your exfil. I tried one in my first playthru a year or two ago and decided to skip them from then on—one of the good things about FC is you can skip entire quest lines and still have loads to do.

They're also part of the weekly challenge in the Insurgency mode after you complete the game. While they're aimed at Coop mainly, there is a SP option which I played.

Puerta Del Eden

Tactical spoilers ahead.

This week's Insurgency challenge has the PDE Special Op. I'd completed the other parts of the challenge so decided to have another attempt at a SO. Nice valley map which reminded me of Crysis and the FC4 DLC Heart of Darkness—which Dani mentions at one point, so clearly an inspiration. That means map is wide, but not Open World—plenty of room to maneuver tactically, but you can't wander off exploring.


Success at the second attempt. First attempt was more or less running down the center of the valley to try and hit water sources I'd noted on the way in. Except apparently 3-inch-deep puddles don't count as suitable for cooling a volatile WMD—good to know 🤷‍♂️

I'd made it my business to eliminate every enemy soldier on the way in—in case there was a set amount, and it'd make the exfil easier. That may be the case, as after I eliminated all those at the main target location, no one else came to bother me so I could wander around their HQ poking my nose into various crooks and nannies.

No trouble with WMD overheating this time. I decided that since the sun was in the south I should try hugging the south side of the valley. That worked a treat, loads of shade all the way to the exfil area and made the various water stations with plenty of time to spare.

It sounds like all the SOs feature a delay at the exfil point, as your ride is temp distracted making a buck. You'll need to find a shady spot you can defend, and I recommend you consider proximity explosives to cover your rear approaches. I didn't have those, so it got a bit hectic.

As best I can tell, enemies spawn regularly to take you on, but didn't attack in more than 2s or 3s from 2 sides—only got mildly hairy a couple of times in my shady side flush against the south side, which eliminated one direction vulnerable to attack. Some camp a bit away and take pot shots, so zap those asap when you spot 'em.

After a few minutes of this, Lola will call to tell you to clean up the place so she can grab you. No more spawns after this, just kill the remaining few and you're done.

Nice mission, I'll try a few more when they pop up in the weekly challenge. This was 'Standard' difficulty, there are 3 higher Mastery levels—quick search suggests main diff is shorter get-hot-go-boom time for the WMD. If so, that's disappointing, I'd much prefer additional enemies added rather than getting lucky with water.
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In hindsight, hunkering was a bad tactical choice, as it fixed me in place. I should've gone to a more flexible location where I had options with low risk of exposure. … Another maybe is to go after the hidden guy before the bonus.

I played a bit of the NG+ tonight and found myself back at Sureno Shipyards. Got it this time!


I didn't have an air drop this time, I assume there was a nearby anti-aircraft site—I've done almost nothing else over that side so far. But I was able to climb the same crane, so same prep tactics, took out everyone except the guard at the front gate.

Got out of the laptop downloading area asap and went up high as the loner made a beeline over. Download finished before they got there, so it was just a case of being careful not to be seen—tossing a proximity explosion sealed the deal.
New Amigo K-9000

I may have missed it before, but I think this is only in NG+


Apparently he's from Blood Dragon, a spin-off from FC3 which I never took to. Look at those upgrade requirements—100, 24, 50 events… altho I assume the hundred damage won't rise in ones. Better not, if I choose to give 'im a spin. Hey maybe I can implant some AI…


Strange thing I noticed when checking out K9 was that I don't have Boomer as an Amigo—thinking back, I never encountered him cos if I had, I'd definitely have recruited him… I have the other 4.

Reloading FND Bases

I finished the Insurgency challenge, which happily included capturing Fort Esperanza undetected with bonus first try. So I decided to ride my luck and 'abandoned' the Castillo Senorial Tobacco Factory base—you just mouseover it in the map and there's an 'Abandon' button.

Took me 3 tries to get it undetected with bonus. One little wrinkle of NG+ is that all the enemy are Special Forces, so they're tougher and more aggressive. But I should be able to complete my goal of all bases captured undetected with bonus—still got 11 of the 21 without bonus, of which 5 are also missing undetected. It's only a 'win' if I get both in the same run.

Level 23

I mentioned a day or two ago about checking for a level above 20. I've almost got 19 finished, but I noticed this when doing above mission:


So unless it's an error by Ubi, the enemy can go above 20. Interesting, must keep an eye on other bases when I abandon them.…
unless it's an error by Ubi, the enemy can go above 20. Interesting, must keep an eye on other bases

Same with another base I abandoned to chase the bonuses—Maria Marquessa Productions, got 'em—and it was Rank 23 iirc, above 20 anyway.

Which Explosives to Carry?

The rocket launcher Supremo—and maybe others, I don't play them—has 4 slots for 'gadgets' which include various weapons. I tried and dropped the Molotov, Auto-Turret and Claymore, and have been playing with Dynamite, Grenade, Pipe Bomb and Proximity Explosive.

What do you use?

I've found I use only the Prox and the Dynamite—others only come into play on rare occasion I run out of Dynamite, which hasn't happened recently. I run out of Prox every time tho—there's a carry limit of 3, altho wouldn't surprise me if there's a Gear piece to up that… if you know, please share :) I place them to cover rear approaches, and after I've made a couple of advances, they're gone if I haven't been able to recover them.

So I ditched the Pipe and Grenade, replaced with Poison and Flame Prox Explosives. Should be better RoI.

Rescuing Hostage in Base

I've learned to leave this bonus objective to as close to the end of base capture as possible, ideally just before zapping the last defender. Do it earlier and the hostage grabs a gun and insists on 'helping', mostly by getting in the way, revealing our position to the enemy and needing to be revived—thanks for your contribution Pal :mad:

Special Op Maceo

Had time to run the first half of this, the infil and grab the WMD. In Spec Op above, I died once during exfil and respawned at the grab WMD point. So I quit this one ready to resume today. Except… it had me restart the whole operation. Annoying.


Made the best of it by going in along the other side, some new scenery—and new enemies to kill too, all freshly minted pixels :) Killed all I saw on in road, so there weren't many on the exfil run, mostly just guarding the vital water spots for cooling the WMD.

Map shape was similar to the Puerta Del Eden one, wide and long. Lola got held up again when I reached exfil point, and it looked like there were 14 enemy there to be zapped—including a Tank. I stayed hidden and picked off wanderers, and they didn't figure out where I was until near the end, which was a big help.


Good chunk of XP for completing the weekly Insurgency challenge, especially the Spec Op part—I must try and remember to note the amounts next week. I have about 1/4 of L20 complete now, so shouldn't take too long to max it and see if I get 21 or not.
FND 2nd Armored Division


How do I capture it Undetected with Bonus?

If you've done this, please tell me what you did with the tank—the bonus here is to grab a tank. I've got it undetected on one run, and I've got the bonus on another run by driving the tank outside the base and then going back to finish the stragglers. But I can't get both together [plus of course no alarms] on the same run.

It seems if I leave the tank until near the end, an enemy soldier will have boarded it by then and I get detected as soon as I get near it—there's usually one sitting up top on the HMG and another inside as driver.

So just now I boarded it early, shortly after killing the officer, and drove it out of the base—but alarm went off while doing that, so I assume I was detected even tho hidden inside tank. I probably should've killed all the alarms first as well as the officer, but I'd still have been detected… I assume.

Possible Solutions

♦ When I was doing the deed on Valle Prehistorico—the dino park repurposed as an enemy chopper refueling base—I only killed the officer beside the chopper, and it was enough… I didn't even enter the chopper. So maybe just standing beside the tank is enough?

♥ Kill the officer, all alarms, and most of enemy. Then enter tank and kill last guy before he can detect me?

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Capturing Undetected, no Alarms, with Bonus

Known as UNAB for short :)

Making a mess of some of these. I have 13 of 21 done, but…
I suspect that the rules are a bit different in NG+, where all the enemy are Special Forces. It would make sense that any of those can raise the alarm if they see a body, which is a change from the normal forces who can only alarm if they see you.

I'm half wondering if I need to bring Oluso to kill the officer so his body disappears—Oluso's special power.

FND 2nd Armored Division
Kill the officer, all alarms

Bah, when I killed 2nd alarm it popped up 'All alarms disabled'. There are 3 alarms, so I figured I was catching a break. Parked near tank so no one could enter it, and picked off a few guys. But you guessed it, alarm went off! Will try again in a day or three.

GDP Oil Platform


Same thing here, killed officer but others raised alarm—clearly gotta kill alarms too before leaving bodies around. This will be a tough one to UNAB, big sprawling oil rig with many levels and lots of open ground—it's the only one I haven't done undetected so far. The bonus is to siphon oil from some tanks, don't see a problem with that.

Espinosa University

Bah again! Did it all and shot the guy guarding the hostage—rescuing the Uni President is the bonus here. But he was the last enemy and it didn't give me the Bonus award :( But I don't see a problem getting it next try.

Special Op Mesozoico

This was part of this week's Insurgency Challenge, and was fairly easy apart from a melee ending while waiting for my exfil ride. Map structure similar to others, long and also quite wide, so plenty of room to maneuver.

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FND 2nd Armored Division

Got it!
But no pic, the result screen with all 3 objectives only stays for about 1 sec, and there's a slight lag on my print screen, so got me a blank black piece, ie just like a valuable modern art piece which captures man's inevitable descent into darkness and despair—it'll be one of my moderating PCG introspective series.

Anyway, the tank mystery is 99% solved—I didn't have to get into it at all, just make sure no enemy did either. I had all 3 alarms disabled this time and an officer killed—not clear if there was a second officer around, I think there was but maybe needed to see me before se could raise alarm with all the physical alarms down, or else was one of the enemy I zapped in a quick whip around after disabling 🤷‍♂️

This was part of this week's Insurgency challenge, so all Special Forces and their officers' markings didn't persist. Anyway, should be easy enough to reproduce and get a pic, assuming conclusions are correct.
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2 more UNABs collected, La Divinidad Cathedral and Fort Esperanza—5 to go.

Parachute Fails on some Low Jumps

This must be 90% of my deaths, 3 of 'em tonight alone :( Jumping off low heights, press Space to activate chute, nothing happens, RIP. Maybe there's some small range between 'safe to jump' and 'chute will open' which is designed to catch us out, do you by any chance know?

Hmm I wonder would pressing 'E' do anything—when wingsuiting from high and you get very near ground, the Spacebar prompt disappears but the 'E' prompt to 'Close' remains—pressing it then opens the chute, whereas pressing it earlier doesn't, just gives free fall.

These 'failures' seem more common in bases or urban areas when jumping from a high building. It usually works, but fails often enough to make me look for grapples or ladders.

Cathedral for XP farming

If you want to boost your XP and kill count, try La Divinidad after you've captured it. Since it's bang in the middle of the capital city's urban area, it's easy to bait the enemy into attacking in or near the base.

You'll want anti-air and anti-tank weapons—in the space of ~20 minutes goofing around there, they threw 5 tanks and 8 choppers at me. Plus of course dozens of jeeps and foot soldiers.

Beauty of it is you have a 'Workbench' at the Cathedral's main door where you can refill all your ammo any time just by entering and leaving.

Primal Pants

I swapped my speed pants for this one, which gives 50% more arrows, up from 15 to 23. Explosive arrows are a mainstay for whacking jeeps and APCs plus finishing off tanks.
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Special Operations

Completed this week's Insurgency challenge, which included the Cocodrilo SpecOp:


I'm about over these SpecOps, they're essentially the same mission, just on different maps—but the maps have very similar structure, so the degree of variation is low. I may have them all complete now, or perhaps one left—I'll do that if necessary, but that's it, for a while anyway.

Main PITA is the normal map function is unavailable. In tonight's I lost my bearings and kept hitting the out of bounds—at least that doesn't kill you, just respawns you nearby. Probably added a half hour to this one.

Since you can't complete an Insurgency without its constituent SpecOp, I'll stick to my NG+ game from now on—with the exception of retrying the Bases I still need to fill my UNAB card, which can only be done in the Insurgency game.

Confused? :)
I have 2 games going:

NG+ is a new game from the start, but you bring your gear and weapons with you from the finish of the normal game—ie no need to hunt the map for them again.

Insurgency is for the weekly challenges and preserves the map as it was when you finished the game—eg all bases captured. In this mode, you can 'abandon' any base(s) you like and have another go at capturing them.
You can also continue with side quests you didn't do earlier—I've started chasing the Cryptogramma chests, which I never completed before.
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I've started chasing the Cryptogramma chests

A benefit to this which I knew but forgot is that you get special Gear for each unlocked chest. I'm looking for one which allows me to carry more explosives. I don't use explosives much in the normal game, but find them useful in my quest to capture all the bases UNAB.

Speaking of which, 2 more cleared tonight—Cortina Weather Station …easy, didn't know about separate Bonus when I captured it early in the game… and Espinosa University which was trickier with its various floors, rooms and corridors. 3 to go… with the GDP Oil Platform likely to be the doozy with its lack of cover.
Special Ops

These exist in the main game—talk to Lola at any of the 3 main regional HQs. They involve grabbing a box of volatile PG-240 and keeping it cool enough via shade and water until your exfil. I tried one in my first playthru a year or two ago and decided to skip them from then on—one of the good things about FC is you can skip entire quest lines and still have loads to do.

They're also part of the weekly challenge in the Insurgency mode after you complete the game. While they're aimed at Coop mainly, there is a SP option which I played.

Puerta Del Eden

Tactical spoilers ahead.

This week's Insurgency challenge has the PDE Special Op. I'd completed the other parts of the challenge so decided to have another attempt at a SO. Nice valley map which reminded me of Crysis and the FC4 DLC Heart of Darkness—which Dani mentions at one point, so clearly an inspiration. That means map is wide, but not Open World—plenty of room to maneuver tactically, but you can't wander off exploring.


Success at the second attempt. First attempt was more or less running down the center of the valley to try and hit water sources I'd noted on the way in. Except apparently 3-inch-deep puddles don't count as suitable for cooling a volatile WMD—good to know 🤷‍♂️

I'd made it my business to eliminate every enemy soldier on the way in—in case there was a set amount, and it'd make the exfil easier. That may be the case, as after I eliminated all those at the main target location, no one else came to bother me so I could wander around their HQ poking my nose into various crooks and nannies.

No trouble with WMD overheating this time. I decided that since the sun was in the south I should try hugging the south side of the valley. That worked a treat, loads of shade all the way to the exfil area and made the various water stations with plenty of time to spare.

It sounds like all the SOs feature a delay at the exfil point, as your ride is temp distracted making a buck. You'll need to find a shady spot you can defend, and I recommend you consider proximity explosives to cover your rear approaches. I didn't have those, so it got a bit hectic.

As best I can tell, enemies spawn regularly to take you on, but didn't attack in more than 2s or 3s from 2 sides—only got mildly hairy a couple of times in my shady side flush against the south side, which eliminated one direction vulnerable to attack. Some camp a bit away and take pot shots, so zap those asap when you spot 'em.

After a few minutes of this, Lola will call to tell you to clean up the place so she can grab you. No more spawns after this, just kill the remaining few and you're done.

Nice mission, I'll try a few more when they pop up in the weekly challenge. This was 'Standard' difficulty, there are 3 higher Mastery levels—quick search suggests main diff is shorter get-hot-go-boom time for the WMD. If so, that's disappointing, I'd much prefer additional enemies added rather than getting lucky with water.
We did a mission like this, but it's completely different in co-op. Requires no tactics other than "I'll carry this, and you shoot everyone." Not all missions are this simplified in co-op, but this one was obviously designed to be a two-person mission.
this one was obviously designed to be a two-person mission

Yes, I read that somewhere, especially at the higher difficulty levels which are available for each Op. There's even a 'Single Player' button in the SpecOps mission screen which is much smaller than the 'Add Partner' button:


This week's Insurgency Challenge includes a SpecOps I've completed, so I'm probably done with these for a while.
Yes, I read that somewhere, especially at the higher difficulty levels which are available for each Op. There's even a 'Single Player' button in the SpecOps mission screen which is much smaller than the 'Add Partner' button:


This week's Insurgency Challenge includes a SpecOps I've completed, so I'm probably done with these for a while.
I'm sure "single player" probably gives you less enemies, but it doesn't likely do anything about needing to carry a nuke and shoot things at the same time. But I believe you said it stopped spawning people after awhile, so that's helpful, but if I remember correctly, the co-op version was the same until you reached the final defense section. Dunno. I played 4 and 5 both co-op and solo, but didn't play 6 solo, so I'm having to rely on my faulty memory of the co-op mission plus your description.
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stopped spawning … until you reached the final defense section

There would be a few troops in each water location, but nothing of note—not much more difficult than taking over a Checkpoint, so pretty easy.

Final location spawns 14 enemies, which can be tricky. Got to find a defensible corner but with room to maneuver when they toss grenades or fire RPGs.


Got the 2nd- and 3rd-last base captures Undetected No Alarms Bonus objective completed!

Santo Gusto Coffee Factory
Bonus is to steal oil via activating valves on a couple of large storage tanks.

This was a bit of a round-the-houses op, but went off well first go.
♣ First was to activate the friendly Intel laptop on the N side, to ID the officer.
♦ Then circle to S and sneak in to activate an oil tank and kill an alarm.
♥ Circle back to the NE corner which provided a nice view of both the officer and last alarm—take those 2 out, and then it was just a bit of patience needed to stay undetected while picking off the last few.

Gran Roca Telecom Station
Bonus is to download Intel from an enemy laptop.

This on the other hand took me 3 goes, and I wasn't even sure if the 3rd had succeeded.
First go I did a noob—stepped on a tripwire on the S perimeter, which of course alerted the whole base :oops:
Second go saw an enemy launch the base chopper, which distracted me enough to be detected by a ground troop :(

Round 3—decided I needed to neutralize the chopper just in case they went for it again.
♣ Came in N side, activated friendly Intel laptop and dropped a proximity explosive beside the chopper.
♦ Circled to SE corner, took out a guard and officer, disabled all alarms via officer's keycard access.
♥ Snuck into central tower, activated enemy Intel laptop and scooted up the inside ladder to the top vantage point in the base.
♠ Hunkered down there and picked troops off as opportunity presented itself. Throwing out more prox bombs took care of some, and explosive arrow of a group of 3 obligingly stuck together—so not many needed shooting in the end.

GDP Oil Platform
The last one, likely to take a few attempts also as it's large with multi levels and relatively little cover. I may need to bring an Amigo for this, probably Oluso who can kill and make the corpse disappear—but I'll try to remain Amigo-free.
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3rd attempt, brought Oluso along who disappeared 3-4 of 'em before he got killed. First attempt I tried at night using the headgear which highlights enemies, sniped a few from the nearby towers in the water, then from a high perch on platform. But bodies were quickly discovered and alarm raised.

2nd attempt I though I had it, but 2nd-last guy raised the alarm. 3rd attempt I got the Oil bonus first, then snuck around to kill all the alarms, then got officer. Just a matter of staying undetected then, working down from my beloved high ground level by level and killing guys in out-of-sight locations.

Speaking of high ground, this is the vantage I used for the 1st nighttime try—nobody ever looks up!


I'll have more shots at it Amigo-free, growing familiarity should lead to an eventual success. There are also 2 other bases where I didn't get the screenie, so must fix those too.


3rd attempt, brought Oluso along who disappeared 3-4 of 'em before he got killed. First attempt I tried at night using the headgear which highlights enemies, sniped a few from the nearby towers in the water, then from a high perch on platform. But bodies were quickly discovered and alarm raised.

2nd attempt I though I had it, but 2nd-last guy raised the alarm. 3rd attempt I got the Oil bonus first, then snuck around to kill all the alarms, then got officer. Just a matter of staying undetected then, working down from my beloved high ground level by level and killing guys in out-of-sight locations.

Speaking of high ground, this is the vantage I used for the 1st nighttime try—nobody ever looks up!


I'll have more shots at it Amigo-free, growing familiarity should lead to an eventual success. There are also 2 other bases where I didn't get the screenie, so must fix those too.
looks like a fun murder playground
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I've been playing away since, nothing new or major to post about—except…

Avoid Ubi Connect Delay

I'm sure I mentioned earlier it takes Ubi Connect a long time to connect and load the game, and that's after Steam doing its thing—so usually launch when going on an errand or to a meal. Completely by accident I discovered:

If I launch OBS [video recorder] and then click the FC6 desktop icon, the main menu is up within a minute! This has held for 4 days in a row, so prob not a fluke. No idea why it works 🤷‍♂️
Aug 28, 2024
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Hi, I would like to start playing Fac Cry 6. What can you advise to get started in the game? What are the nuances? Is it worth buying without the discount on Steam? I've played the 4th and 5th part of the game, it's divine. Waiting for your advice!
Welcome to the forum :)

What can you advise to get started in the game?

Download the demo from one of the retailers, eg Ubi or Steam, to discover whether you like it or not.

What are the nuances?

What aspects are you asking about? The demo will probably answer most of that.

Is it worth buying without the discount on Steam?

Of course not, no game is worth that.

These threads should prove useful:



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