Fallout inspired indie hardcore isometric cRPG SpaceWreck

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Jan 13, 2020

A new addition to the arsenal: a crowd-control weapon, shockgun. While it deals less damage per hit and uses unpopular ammo, it's a blast when you have a tightly packed group of enemies...

Also, on a side note, you are not the only one anymore that can zero-G-kick people around...
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Jan 13, 2020

Meet the qtank - a small and deceivingly cute armoured drone on magnetic tracks.

Allegedly the company wanted a friendly security bot because the cambots - deadly metal spiders - were understandably freaking out a lot of people. Hence the name.
Still, don't let the cute looks fool you - qtank does pack a punch. In fact, the drone is equipped with a variation of Horsestopper gun which is specifically designed to knock the target off its feet upon hit.

Of course, engineer characters can obtain this weapon from the wreckage of a downed bot but it is not designed for humans, so there are skill penalties if you decide to use it.
Jan 13, 2020
Ironically, space is really precious...in space. That's why the ships, stations - the levels in the game are so cramped, and sometimes hard to navigate.

I think our next update improve things: pixel-perfect selection should make the navigation and interactions easier.

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Jan 13, 2020
Do you sometimes get frustrated by dice just not rolling your way?

- Introducing *Nominal tablets* in the next update - take one and remove any RNG from your skill checks whatsoever!

(Warning: potential side effects may apply.)


RNG in RPGs is a hot topic - opinions tend to differ. Even Fallouts tried it both ways - originals with dice rolls under the hood and New Vegas with fixed skill gates. In Space Wreck we actually tried both of these approaches - originally fixed gates but eventually refactored everything to dice rolls. The chance distribution is natural - rolls tend to fall mostly around the nominal value. However, there is undoubtedly a certain level of randomness. And that can and does frustrate players from time to time.

To alleviate this feeling, we are adding optional tools to the game. One of them can be seen in the GIF - drugs that remove randomness. In-game, it's a type of medication that removes both anxiety and excitement and dulls your character's senses, so they can perform adequately to their competence. Your character will not come up with unexpected ingenious ideas or find extra strength with an adrenaline rush but, on the other hand, doesn't have to worry about performance anxiety and underperforming. The drawback is that experience is suppressed too as you don't challenge yourself and won't grow.
Jan 13, 2020
Coming next update: fix up broken robots.


Hypothetically, if you can find enough R/C controllers (random drop), you could create a small robot army.


And yes, you can repair a broken cambot, use it to destroy another cambot and then fix up that one, and so on. And if any of your bots get broken, you can repair them again.
Jan 13, 2020

Like in many RPGs, containers can be trapped. However, you can disarm the trap, take it and then trap some other container yourself.

This can be an alternative way to safely knock-out an NPC who has a routine.

(* Coming to EA next update.)
Jan 13, 2020
Update 1.2.65

A cure for randomness
If you have ever been frustrated by a dice roll failure, this update is for you!

The main focus of this update is on managing the randomness factor in the game. Following player feedback, we noticed complaints about the game's dice rolls. While the math is sound - we use natural distribution algorithm which means that rolls will most likely fall around your skill/attribute value, there were clearly some things we could improve. Read on to learn specifics!



Plain and simple: now you can reroll failed skill checks. Rejoice! Of course, there are some caveats, though:
  • you have a limited number of rerolls, based on your FOCUS attribute;
  • you have to be "concentrating" - you must select the option before the rolling ends.

There are many skill checks in the game - some important, some less so; now you have an additional safety buffer for those crucial ones.

Clearer difficulty messaging


Previously difficulty of a skill check was based on its absolute value: that is, regardless of your skill level, it would show "easy", "hard" etc.

With this update, however, we describe the difficulty based on the difference between your skill and the target number. See here:
  • if delta >= 4 then "guaranteed"
  • else if delta == 3 then "pretty safe"
  • else if delta == 2 then "easy"
  • else if delta == 1 then "likely"
  • else if delta == 0 then "50/50"
  • else if delta == -1 then "risky"
  • else if delta == -2 then "unlikely"
  • else if delta == -3 then "unrealistic"
  • else if delta <= -4 then "impossible"

Remove random completely with Nominal tablets


Lastly, if you still are annoyed with randomness as a concept, we got a solution for you too - Nominal tablets. This is an item that can be found in the game and, once consumed, will remove any dice rolls whatsoever. That is if your tinker is 3, you will never "roll" anything but 3 while under the influence of the drug,

Lore-wise, these Nominal tablets suppress your anxiety and stress, remove stage fright, but also dull the excitement and adrenaline. Basically, you don't crumble under the stress but you also would never perform above expectations or get the "second wind".

Be warned of side effects, though: while medicated, your XP gain is severely hindered - because you never challenge yourself, you cannot grow.

Grenades, mines and traps


Take advantage of the new throwables - grenades. If you manage to land a hit - based on your PERCEPTION - the target will be paralyzed for a turn. Good if you want to follow up with a killing blow or just run away.


Or, if you tend to avoid combat (which is a good idea, btw) the new shock traps can be useful - set it up on a container that NPC might use (e.g. where they keep their water bottle) - and it'll knock them out cold upon next interaction. All their stuff - keys included - now is yours for taking!

Repair robots


There are now new possibilities for engineers: repair a destroyed robot to get a loyal mechanical follower! Even better, if defeated in battle, you can "resurrect" it right after; granted you have the components and skill to pull it off.

To be honest, there's really no limit to how many robots can you repair - as long as you have R/C Controllers to spare.


Book's worth of proofread NPC dialogue

We've been slowly but steadily proofreading the game's texts. With this update, all of the character dialogue in the game should be now covered. This amount to a whopping 130 000 words!


To give you a perspective - Andy Weir's Martian is around 110k words long. An excellent book, by the way: its realistic near-future Solar system exploration has been an inspiration for many things in the world of Space Wreck.

The Chief Snitch


And last - but definitely not the least! - we've been adding subtle content all around the game. The biggest and the most impactful addition is the new quest The Chief Snitch on Kurbads. To be fair, it's not just the "quest" per se but rather all the new options to advance your main quest or provide new ways to interact with the world that are noteworthy here. You also get a chance to explore some of the characters more and interact with them.


Note: there are now new story stars and even new final ending slides related to this storyline.


These are the major highlights of this update but there are still more subtle changes and fixes in the game.

Until the next time!
  • if delta >= 4 then "guaranteed"
  • else if delta == 3 then "pretty safe"
  • else if delta == 2 then "easy"
  • else if delta == 1 then "likely"
  • else if delta == 0 then "50/50"
  • else if delta == -1 then "risky"
  • else if delta == -2 then "unlikely"
  • else if delta == -3 then "unrealistic"
  • else if delta <= -4 then "impossible"

What are you programming this in?
Jan 13, 2020
That sounds terrible, I'm impressed you made it this far. I mean, it would already be impressive with a decent programming language, but this is extra impressive.
Oh, you don't even know half of it. My rendering is based on an obscure indie library that got deprecated mid-development. And to top it off, the latest version contains a bug, so I had to dig up older versions (with different bugs) and then work in needed features into decompiled JS code.
Jan 13, 2020
Space Wreck is available now!

What would you do stranded in a post-apocalyptic space wasteland?

Create a character of your liking - strongman or weakling, talker or an extremely shy introvert, ugly repulsive blob or charming sexy model - and kick them into a space of derelict stations and dilapidated spaceships, searching for the one thing - a fuel chip - that can get you home!

Intentionally short but surprisingly deep

The game is as long as a movie - but you dictate the action and whatever you do, branches the plot in its own unique path. And best of all - if you liked it, play it again later, it's made to be replayable from the very first moment til the ...err... every one of the ends.

Your story, your rules

There are hardly any spoilers for this game, Do you succeed? Yes. And no. Do you meet pirates? Yes...and no. Do you get home? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno, man! I mean, how it ends - it depends on you, not me!

So, jump in and find out what YOUR story is!

P.S. The game is available with a launch discount of -15%.


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