Fallout inspired indie hardcore isometric cRPG SpaceWreck

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Jan 13, 2020


The most recent addition to the Space Wreck fleet - "Sprīdītis". With a crew of up to 12 and space for cargo, this small relay ship was usually dispatched to fix mining equipment wherever needed.
Jan 13, 2020

I am currently working on a content and thus there's less to share. However there's a tiny bit of general gameplay to show off: crit fails.

As many role playing games, Space Wreck sports dice rolls and when you roll very low, it is a critical fail. This can happen with many interactions, most common being combat, but it also can happen to your character when trying to engage in a conversation. There are two rolls - CHARM and speech. CHARM determines whether the other person is actually willing to engage you and if you fail it, it means she/he perceives you as ugly, repulsive, maybe frightening and does not want to talk to you.

You can, then, try to force conversation by speaking to him/her but that's a speech roll and if you fail it, then you cannot muster a word out of your mouth, basically you are frozen, overwhelmed by anxiety. If you have failed both of those rolls there's a third way out - take a sip of any alcohol. That'll boost your self confidence and allow you to force yourself upon the other person even if they don't want to talk to you.

Worth noting that if you have above average CHARM/speech (3) then you'll never fail this way, these outcomes are reserved for people who sacrifice those social stats. This also may force you to look for other ways to achieve your goal.

My ultimate goal was to improve the role-playing experience, to change a little bit of your game play if you decide to have low stats.
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Jan 13, 2020
Like in many RPGs, there are vents in Space Wreck. However, there's a twist - they have a size parameter attached, so you can be "too big" for that hole.


I think this adds another role playing nuance to the game - if you want to play as a tanky character with lots of HP and carryweight, you can not squeeze through the tight vents. Lighter characters, in turn, can take advantage of this - e.g. navigate around enemies, access locations, get loot.
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Reactions: Ahmad Syukron Jidan
Jan 13, 2020

As touted, combat is 100% optional in Space Wreck. There are many ways to deal with threats, but here's one example of the engineer character using a remote control "gun" to turn otherwise hostile sentry bot into a loyal companion.

Context: there are generally five main character archetypes in Space Wreck - smooth talker, soldier, "thief" (stealth oriented), explorer and engineer (techie, hacker etc.). While there are more than few shades of gray and these roles often overlap and transcend each other, I try to provide solutions in one of these areas.

This example is of an engineer play style - granted you have high enough SCITEC and TINKER skills, necessary components, tools and access to a workstation, you can create a remote control device that allows turn your enemies into your friends (granted they are of metal). Given your success in targeting them with your PERCEPTION and RANGED, of course. There are other gadgets and tools you can construct that give you some edge in certain situations.

It's also worth noting that it is not a single skill you depend on. For example, SCITEC unlocks blueprints for items but you must roll TINKER to actually build these things. And, as I noted above, when trying to apply these in action, you must either have some decent RANGED aptitude or have to SNEAK close enough that that does not matter.
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May 17, 2021
Indeed, you can see Fallout's inspiration. The cabinets look the same :) I would like an isometric Fallout to be created, but it is currently impossible :(
Honestly, the graphics are off-putting to me, but maybe you'll improve it someday. I keep my fingers crossed and congratulations on a good job
May 19, 2021
View attachment 165

Umm, hi!

I am hobbyist game developer (I was full-time but the company kind of went down) and together with my friend, just two of us, are working on a computer RPG, inspired by the original Fallout games of '97 and '98 as well as some ideas from New Vegas.

The game is set in relatively near future where space colonization has just started but not yet evolved pass the Solar system. Emerging market becomes a boiling pot since political systems on Earth are not ready to deal with companies so far out and away from their reach. Worker exploitation together with harsh reality of living in space drives a conflict between employees and employers which results in wide and unexpectedly bloody clashes in Asteroid Belt. The game takes place decades after the violent conflict; you are newbie captain fresh out of Space Academy on your first voyage. Unfortunately, "space pirates" attack the ship, damaging the engines. While you manage to escape from immediate threat, you are stuck in so called Junkspace among space wrecks. Only hope - getting a replacement part, a Fuel Controller Chip, from one of the wrecks.

And that's how the game begins.

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Most notable feature is probably the primary focus on non-combat solutions. While you can attack and murder anybody you see, any NPC, the game can (and is intended to!) be completed without ever spilling a blood in various ways. Every quest has more than one peaceful solution (+ always the violent one, if you want), there are skill checks everywhere and your decisions carry consequences. Not only game has multiple main endings, each of them has variations in form of different NPC/location fates you have impacted, not unlike classic Fallout games.

So yes, this is a game we are making and I am hoping there are people that - in the era of Fallout4s - that still can appreciate the hardcore role-playing focus of original games. At least that's what we are shooting for.

Steam page is de facto our homepage: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1063540/Space_Wreck/

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This can probably be considered shameless plugging but it's very hard to fight for exposure these days so I'll take what I can get. If I am not banned and deleted immediately, I'd love to post some progress updates time to time, like I do on RPGCodex, RPGWatch and GameJolt, and, if anythings picks your interest, I'd be happy to discuss it. I've implemented quite a few suggestions from people on message boards.
oh good idea. good luck. I'll be waiting to be able to play it
May 24, 2021
View attachment 165

Umm, hi!

I am hobbyist game developer (I was full-time but the company kind of went down) and together with my friend, just two of us, are working on a computer RPG, inspired by the original Fallout games of '97 and '98 as well as some ideas from New Vegas.

The game is set in relatively near future where space colonization has just started but not yet evolved pass the Solar system. Emerging market becomes a boiling pot since political systems on Earth are not ready to deal with companies so far out and away from their reach. Worker exploitation together with harsh reality of living in space drives a conflict between employees and employers which results in wide and unexpectedly bloody clashes in Asteroid Belt. The game takes place decades after the violent conflict; you are newbie captain fresh out of Space Academy on your first voyage. Unfortunately, "space pirates" attack the ship, damaging the engines. While you manage to escape from immediate threat, you are stuck in so called Junkspace among space wrecks. Only hope - getting a replacement part, a Fuel Controller Chip, from one of the wrecks.

And that's how the game begins.

View attachment 164

Most notable feature is probably the primary focus on non-combat solutions. While you can attack and murder anybody you see, any NPC, the game can (and is intended to!) be completed without ever spilling a blood in various ways. Every quest has more than one peaceful solution (+ always the violent one, if you want), there are skill checks everywhere and your decisions carry consequences. Not only game has multiple main endings, each of them has variations in form of different NPC/location fates you have impacted, not unlike classic Fallout games.

So yes, this is a game we are making and I am hoping there are people that - in the era of Fallout4s - that still can appreciate the hardcore role-playing focus of original games. At least that's what we are shooting for.

Steam page is de facto our homepage: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1063540/Space_Wreck/

View attachment 168


This can probably be considered shameless plugging but it's very hard to fight for exposure these days so I'll take what I can get. If I am not banned and deleted immediately, I'd love to post some progress updates time to time, like I do on RPGCodex, RPGWatch and GameJolt, and, if anythings picks your interest, I'd be happy to discuss it. I've implemented quite a few suggestions from people on message boards.
thats actually look nice
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Jan 13, 2020

One thing that became clear from playthrough videos was that inventory management is a very substantial part of Space Wreck gameplay. To help with this, we added some new improvements that will definitely make life easier -

1) now item entries have small subtype icons associated;
2) there's a progress bar that clearly denotes how much carrying capacity you have left to spare.
Jan 13, 2020

Welcome to KROGUS-III - a refueling stop and entertainment station in the Asteroid Belt. At least that's what it was 20 years ago, before the Revolt.
Jan 13, 2020
Good news everyone! Well, sort of...

First, we have a new start to the game - a sort of better version of Temple of Trials. On the other hand - unfortunately, (but, probably, unsurprisingly) - we have to postpone the release. I tried to sandwich this announcement in between E3 and Steam Summer fest but failed even that.



New beginnings

The very first area you start the game - KROGUS III Welcome Terminal - has been significantly expanded and reworked. Now it is your first quest - to get out of the terminal by any means necessary. I have counted 7 ways to do it but there may be more, some of them very simple, others - somewhat complex.

Explore the surroundings, meet a new character, scour the terminals, loot the containers, fight the cambots! You will get a taste of the whole game experience in the first 5-10 minutes.

Acting as a tutorial, this is effectively an escape room.


Item icons and inventory fullness indicator

With this new update, your items will have item type-specific icons, so it is now easier to quickly find, for example, a weapon in the mess of things. The same goes for sorting toggles which also now feature a visual icon instead of a letter.
The other important thing is the carry load indicator - a big, prominent progress bar on the bottom of the items list. It displays how full your inventory is visual - so it is now easier to "sense" the encumbrance coming before it becomes an actual problem.

Postponed release

Based on the generous user feedback we have received about our demo, the game has drastically improved over these few months. Unfortunately, our original estimates, made before the demo release, have turned out to be imprecise - there is still a lot of work to be done to rework the existing content more in line with the list of improvements discovered from the demo.

As a result, we have to postpone the release. There is no specific date this time because - turns out - it's hard to estimate these kinds of things.
Just a reminder - our free demo version is essentially the first chapter of the full game and we are treating it as Early Access.
If you have some qualms, please let me know here!

Link to Steam announcement: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1063540/announcements/detail/2981927408930105373
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Jan 13, 2020

If spilled, the AnX compound quickly evaporates, filling any room within seconds and knocks out everyone without a spacesuit. The gas disperses quickly but people stay asleep until woken up. You can use this situation to your advantage, of course.

However, there are few caveats:
1) if you are seen doing this, they can become hostile (depending on your reputation);
2) it does not affect robots;
3) the item itself is quite uncommon.
Jan 13, 2020

Space toilets are working now!

And it's not just for fluff - you get +5 temp buff to your carry capacity! Additionally, if you are not wearing clothes, you can take a shower as well, which grants +1 temp bonus to your CHARM. Which can come in handy if NPC usually avoid talking to you.

(And even that is not all of it, if you want, you can take a look inside. You probably should not though.)
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Jan 13, 2020

Subspray - non-invasive subdermal spray - can deliver any medication without piercing the skin (and patient - noticing).

For example, sleeping meds will knock the NPC out but the effect of any available drug can be applied to the victim.
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Jan 13, 2020

You can stumble upon this biped robot while exploring the derelict space wrecks. Unlike cambots, there is no official info available about this machine though.
Jan 13, 2020

SMPSV Klaipeda is a small multipurpose space vehicle. Those can push containers, shuttle people and cargo, also deploy explosive charges to crumble the asteroid ore. Some of them have had a tumultuous and eventful service this far.
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Jan 13, 2020

Change your clothes to stay under the radar!

Some groups in the game have specific uniforms - faction armor if you will - and if you wear it, you are perceived as a member of that group.


Note that this does not work with every group out there (e.g. demo) because a tight or small crew would easily recognize each other. "Faction armor" usually comes into play when there are societies with sub-groups that can be generalized as 'they' by others.


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