J jmorr116 Sep 12, 2020 2 0 10 Sep 12, 2020 #526 Probs the Assault Fighter cause that ship style looks more in line with how I imagine space fighters and single pilot ships. Looking really forward to blowing stuff up
Probs the Assault Fighter cause that ship style looks more in line with how I imagine space fighters and single pilot ships. Looking really forward to blowing stuff up
Jennifermelto Sep 12, 2020 0 0 10 Sep 12, 2020 #527 The annihilator seems awesome. The ability to multiply damage in the form of a virus is one i can't wait to see.
The annihilator seems awesome. The ability to multiply damage in the form of a virus is one i can't wait to see.
swipe_ Sep 13, 2020 3 1 15 Sep 13, 2020 #528 Quantum Entangler seems like a great device to use against more powerful enemies when you're just plain outclassed. Return damage to sender.
Quantum Entangler seems like a great device to use against more powerful enemies when you're just plain outclassed. Return damage to sender.
A abomb1987 May 29, 2020 2 0 10 Sep 13, 2020 #529 The annihalator device sounds like it would deal a lot of damage.
Canibuz Sep 13, 2020 0 0 10 Sep 13, 2020 #530 Assault fighter! Because it comes closest to my style of play
FishBasher Sep 13, 2020 2 1 15 Sep 13, 2020 #531 Annihilator is pretty good- emp go beep beep but idk- commenting for giveaway
botnonhacks Sep 13, 2020 0 0 10 Sep 13, 2020 #532 I'll say the magnetic repulsor so i can push other ships into each other.
madxmike Sep 13, 2020 1 0 10 Sep 13, 2020 #534 i like the Colonial Sentinel because i'm a up close and personal fighter, and don't do great with distance between me and my target.
i like the Colonial Sentinel because i'm a up close and personal fighter, and don't do great with distance between me and my target.
V VindictiV Sep 13, 2020 1 0 10 Sep 13, 2020 #535 I have to say Annihilator as I love being the big lumbering bringer of death haha
Slavic Kodi Sep 14, 2020 1 0 10 Sep 14, 2020 #537 I would also have to go with magnetic repulsor, since it is useful for keeping your enemy at a certain distance.
I would also have to go with magnetic repulsor, since it is useful for keeping your enemy at a certain distance.
E Eric Theiss Jan 20, 2020 5 1 1,515 Sep 14, 2020 #538 EMP is definitely got to be a fun one. Stealth in...shut them down
D dreamweaverkp Sep 3, 2020 3 0 1,510 Sep 14, 2020 #542 wow, very cool giveaway , I Like the Aurora lights . good luck to all.
L LuckyFire May 28, 2020 3 1 15 Sep 14, 2020 #543 I'd choose a scout ship to be as fast and dexterous as possible.
krazykellerxkid Sep 14, 2020 0 0 10 Sep 14, 2020 #547 The cloaking devices for sure. I love to sneak around to a track the enemy!
NDLien Chipo Sep 14, 2020 13 10 4,515 Sep 14, 2020 #548 Magnetic Repulsor without a doubt. Blast off & wax off enemies without a trace of nukes. My kinda WAR!🤞🏾
Magnetic Repulsor without a doubt. Blast off & wax off enemies without a trace of nukes. My kinda WAR!🤞🏾
A asliddin07 Aug 5, 2020 2 0 10 Sep 14, 2020 #550 i dont know much about this game but the annihalator sounds amazing!