PCG Article Dying Light 2 Stay Human. Any personal experience with the game?


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Dying Light 2: Stay Human review | PC Gamer

I've had this game on my Steam Wishlist, as well as Dying Light 1, for quite a while but have yet to buy or play either of them. I do love killing zombies, as well as ghouls and assorted undead creatures, in a single player game that has at least that "B" movie type of story. I thought Christopher Livingston's review was so good that I almost purchased the game.

But I didn't. Mainly because this whole parkour thing concerns me. I'm not being critical of that type of gameplay, it's just that I'm concerned that I won't be able to adapt to it. It looks great in videos, but it reminds me too much of the Quick Time Events where you had to hit certain keys at precise times in sequence to be successful. It looks exciting, but I fear that my reaction timing might be a bit too slow which would just lead to me being frustrated.

By definition, parkour:

  1. the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing.
The Parkour thing in games is a bit new to me, though I realize that it's been around for awhile, but the games I normally play don't have that gameplay element. I can also adapt to new gameplay mechanics, so I'd be interested to hear your experiences with the mechanics of Dying Light 2.

I should also mention, that while I like melee combat (and kicking enemies off rooftops looks fun), when facing zombies and ghouls, I really prefer guns (not in real life, just in games). Shotguns, rifles, explosives; but it seems that Dying Light 2 is more focused on the melee, as well as the parkour elements
Played the original and enjoyed every bit of it. Expecting to get DL2 now that it (finally!) arrived. Won't lie truth be told it looked like it was in development hell for a while and might not see the light of day.

That said, i'm in no rush to play it. With 5 year of content, i might just wait and see what they release and then decide when to play the game. So... probably not until 2027 ...or later...
I really liked the first game, and I was ready to buy 2 around release but I'm into God of War now so I'll probably wait for its first sale now as there are other things coming soon. I'm definitely getting it.

Its been a while but in the first game the melee combat was some of the best in a first person game I've played, and I remember physically moving and stretching in my seat while jumping for ledges and from building to building. Dont remember it needing particularly fast reflexes (I'm not the fastest either), but there are quick time events in a few places. Not sure if playing on easier difficulties would give you some leeway there. The game was quite hard in the beginning as you are pretty under powered early and there's a lot of zombies to avoid. That all might have changed some in the new game of course.

Maybe try and pick up the first game on sale? Its 60% off right now on Steam. Looks to me like the second game is building from the first, so if you don't like that then chances are you wont like the new game. I didnt much care for the expansion The Following, because it didnt have enough parkour and that was one of my favourite parts of the game.

Edit: sale just this minute ended unfortunately.
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Maybe try and pick up the first game on sale? Its 60% off right now on Steam. Looks to me like the second game is building from the first, so if you don't like that then chances are you wont like the new game. I didnt much care for the expansion The Following, because it didnt have enough parkour and that was one of my favourite parts of the game.
I think that's the best way for me to proceed. I've almost purchased Dying Light 1 on the past 2 Steam Sales, as it always seems to be around that 60% off level, so even if I ended up not liking the parkour elements I wouldn't really loose much. Maybe the Spring Sale.

I love a single player game that has an apocalyptic-type environment, whether it be viral, nuclear, or any other worldwide disaster scenario. And truthfully, my whole hesitation over the parkour elements stem from a negative experience I had years ago with QTEs in a Tomb Raider game, which I think was Angel of Darkness. It felt like a constant die/repeat sequence over and over.

I know I didn't have a mechanical keyboard back then, so the response time of keystrokes may have been just slightly off. Anyway, it's probably not fair of me to judge games of today based on that experience, but it's so ingrained in my mind, that I get a bit twitchy when I see parkour or QTEs in a game.

So how do you prefer to take on zombies & ghouls in real life?
Ha! I guess you've never met my relatives.


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I enjoyed the first game greatly and had big hopes for the sequel. This kind of gameplay suits me. I haven't played DL2 yet, but from what I saw on the streams the combat is very satisfying. Same goes for parkour. I was a little scared when the game received a huge delay, but it looks like the developers used this time very good. I'm looking forward to playing it, but I'm unsure whether I'll pay the full price. I rarely buy games on the release date and I don't have a huge enough pressure to do so with DL2.
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But I didn't. Mainly because this whole parkour thing concerns me.

But I didn't. Mainly because this whole parkour thing concerns me.

I'm not that far into it, but I'm having a lot of fun. The trailers for the game make the parkour seem nigh impossible, but it's not like that in reality. Sure, you're going to miss jumps occasionally, but I'm terrible at platformers, and I do this just fine. Plus, your character can grab onto nearly everything. There was this one small rock jutting out of a cliffside. I figured it was just decorative, but I jumped anyway, and, sure enough, my character grabbed onto it. And the game basically assists you when you are leaping for ropes and stuff. I really don't like parkour or platforming, but so far I'm enjoying it here. Based on my short playtime, I'd say they really improved the parkour system over the first game, where I would often have a hard time grabbing onto ledges and stuff. In this game, if you think you might be able to do climb or grab something, you almost certainly can.

I should note that I just got to the end of the introduction. If it becomes pure hell from here, it's not my fault :)
Mar 15, 2022
Dying Light 2: Stay Human review | PC Gamer

I've had this game on my Steam Wishlist, as well as Dying Light 1, for quite a while but have yet to buy or play either of them. I do love killing zombies, as well as ghouls and assorted undead creatures, in a single player game that has at least that "B" movie type of story. I thought Christopher Livingston's review was so good that I almost purchased the game.

But I didn't. Mainly because this whole parkour thing concerns me. I'm not being critical of that type of gameplay, it's just that I'm concerned that I won't be able to adapt to it. It looks great in videos, but it reminds me too much of the Quick Time Events where you had to hit certain keys at precise times in sequence to be successful. It looks exciting, but I fear that my reaction timing might be a bit too slow which would just lead to me being frustrated.

By definition, parkour:

  1. the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing.
The Parkour thing in games is a bit new to me, though I realize that it's been around for awhile, but the games I normally play don't have that gameplay element. I can also adapt to new gameplay mechanics, so I'd be interested to hear your experiences with the mechanics of Dying Light 2.

I should also mention, that while I like melee combat (and kicking enemies off rooftops looks fun), when facing zombies and ghouls, I really prefer guns (not in real life, just in games). Shotguns, rifles, explosives; but it seems that Dying Light 2 is more focused on the melee, as well as the parkour elements
It's just Mud Dying Light