Dragon age veilguard have you got it or getting it.

Ok so i know a lot of players wont agree with this but even if i got the best game in the world i would object to paying £50 for it and the reason being they are selling it to the whole world and not just your local games store. £50 for something new just says to me they want a quick return on their hard work.

So to the game itself , i have all the other dragon age games and could not believe how good inquisition was when i got it.

I have looked at comments about the game on steam discussions page and 90% of the comments are LGBTQAI related and some are very toxic , i am NOT anti anything but it would seem that the devs are monitoring what is being posted and removing things they feel are inappropriate because a lot of postings that were their a few hours ago have vanished.

I have not seen any bug posts and i dont believe any game gets released without bugs or crashes. Their are quite a few posts questioning so called sales figures.

So i then went to youtube to look at video clips , the same comments are tagged to videos a lot of players say game play is rubbish and the characters have changed their appearance a lot.
Example i spotted a little fat guy i did not recognise and it was not until the text came up that i realised it was supposed to be varic ... its not the varic i remember.

I always give good comments when a game deserves them but from what i have read and what i have seen i will reluctantly be giving this a miss and wont wont rethink that even if its in a steam sale at 50% off

i found this

Dragon Age: The Veilguard will require at least 30-40 hours of playtime . If you plan to get through every side quest, it may take between 60-100 hours to fully beat the game
May 13, 2024
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF-Kd2BBpx8

I love the prior games and was initially going to go against my rule of buying a game when it released, but I held off on Veilguard after seeing the aforementioned review on Wednesday. First off, the physical changes to the NPCs that the reviewer referenced (especially the Qunari) doesn't sit well with me, nor does the overall cartoony look of the characters.

I'm not normally one to listen to reviews and in fact I rarely ever read or watch videos and prefer to decide on my own, but I saw the video I linked to above in passing on another forum and gave it a watch. What I mentioned above plus the reviewer's comments like the following don't inspire me to front the $60 for this:

... too scared to do anything confronting or dark, in fear that it might make the audience uncomfortable

every interaction between the companions feels like HR is in the room

The LGBTQ stuff doesn't concern me, and it isn't like that kind of thing was fully absent from the prior games being that gender didn't always matter on who you can romance. But the bottom line is I play the games for the story, and from what it sounds like, that aspect of the game has been watered down, which also has me wondering if it decidedly coincides with the cartoony look of the characters. And in that respect, I also saw a person mention on another forum that although only after 5 hours of play, it feels like a G rated cartoon story so far. It just doesn't sound like the Dragon Age that gripped me for 3 games, especially when I consider what happened in the first couple of hours of the prior games. And not that I have anything against a G rated fantasy adventure, but if I wanted that I'd go play Zelda.

For now, I'm going to wait for more content/playthroughs to make their way to YT before I decide, otherwise if this isn't at least bargain-bin for me I may just skip it entirely.
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On a Journey
The game is bad, the social stuff is just a layer of paint slathered over a GOW type game. It doesn't make the game bad, but it sure is a red flag to me that you need to look harder for cracks.
There is no innovation in game play, no new ideas here, its been done before and better already.

This isn't Dragon Age, its just wearing it as a skin suit. Reminds me of Sacred 3, bait and switch. Take a game where you could control an entire party, pause mid fight to change their targets or attacks, and continue fighting groups, and change it into to what appears to be a single character driven game where the party members hide in your back pack... so Pokemon?

When some things are removed as they too hard now... see last paragraph

When the only thing they could show off to anyone was the character creator, there may not be much game there.
They didn't show any combat before release... the trailer supposedly did but all I saw was cut scenes. What did you have to hide guys?

Skillups best quote in that is about the combat - He and two other reviewers reduced their difficulty, not because game is hard, but because the combat is so boring

So only way to make game longer and extend combat is make everything a damage sponge. Some games would add extra attacks on to enemies as they got more advanced... nah, just make numbers bigger.

If you play your games for the conversations then you might like this game... might. It can't hold a candle to any of the previous games.
May 13, 2024
^^ I forgot about the lack of full party control. I used that tactically, and frequently. It seems you can at least still issue commands, but damn there were times when I switched to whoever mage - or mages - I had in the party when I wanted to switch tactics on the fly, or if I simply just wanted to play a mage for a little bit if I was playing a non-mage for my main character.
Skillups best quote in that is about the combat - He and two other reviewers reduced their difficulty, not because game is hard, but because the combat is so boring

The PCGamer review says that the combat is actually good, so I suppose that's a matter of taste. Though it is very different from other Dragon Age games, so I can imagine that players who liked the previous games might not like the new combat system.


Community Contributor
The PCGamer review says that the combat is actually good, so I suppose that's a matter of taste. Though it is very different from other Dragon Age games, so I can imagine that players who liked the previous games might not like the new combat system.
The other Dragon Age games are different than the first Dragon Age game, too. ;)

I'll play it eventually. It will be a year or two, though. Got to get through other stuff on my list.


Community Contributor
They've seemed to have decent concurrent counts on Steam. Not sure what that translates into sales, but maybe it's sold decently.

This just isn't what I was looking for in a DA game with the action comment. Don't really care so much about the "woke" stuff or the playing it stupid with the Marvel-esque dialogue. It's not something I ever see myself playing.


On a Journey
It reminds me of some people in the music business who have been around for decades and live off their name , somebody needs to have a word and tell them to call it a day.
There are a lot of big names that only tour now because their audience hasn't caught onto fact they just mime on stage. Its really easy to perform if all you have to do is move around on stage. Music industry is built on lies, and deception. Keeping general public in the dark is essential to maintain the illusion and profit.
Very few people would pay money just to see their favorite artists dance around on stage, and yet... here we are.

I can understand old artists that have been performing for 50 years, as no one ever caught onto them faking, and perhaps they can use excuse they can't hit those notes anymore... so why pretend to? But its not just the old... its just easier to pretend and charge people a fortune to see you do it.

Wow X band sounds exactly the same live as when they recorded album 30 years ago... yeah no
People change, so do their abilities to sing.


Community Contributor
There are a lot of big names that only tour now because their audience hasn't caught onto fact they just mime on stage. Its really easy to perform if all you have to do is move around on stage. Music industry is built on lies, and deception. Keeping general public in the dark is essential to maintain the illusion and profit.
Very few people would pay money just to see their favorite artists dance around on stage, and yet... here we are.

I can understand old artists that have been performing for 50 years, as no one ever caught onto them faking, and perhaps they can use excuse they can't hit those notes anymore... so why pretend to? But its not just the old... its just easier to pretend and charge people a fortune to see you do it.

Wow X band sounds exactly the same live as when they recorded album 30 years ago... yeah no
People change, so do their abilities to sing.
Lots of people willingly pay to watch lip syncing. I mean, everyone should realize all these pop stars are doing it. Pop concerts are dance shows to pre-recorded music.

Rock concerts are another story. I've never been to a rock concert that wasn't performed live, and I've been to a ton of concerts.


Community Contributor
I thought i might get some grief for what i said about the game but it seems like everyone agrees with me.
It reminds me of some people in the music business who have been around for decades and live off their name , somebody needs to have a word and tell them to call it a day.
I'm glad that some of them are still going. My kids, born in the 2000s, got to see the Rolling Stones. That's history right there.


On a Journey
Lots of people willingly pay to watch lip syncing. I mean, everyone should realize all these pop stars are doing it. Pop concerts are dance shows to pre-recorded music.
pop is fake anyway so sure, I will accept that. But bands that are only look like they are playing instruments, and just mime along instead and pretend, are just taking you all for a ride. You can continue to believe a bunch of 80 year olds can still sound the same as they did in the 1960's all you like, the music industry relies on people not looking too hard and just feeding it.
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Community Contributor
pop is fake anyway so sure, I will accept that. But bands that are only look like they are playing instruments, and just mime along instead and pretend, are just taking you all for a ride. You can continue to believe a bunch of 80 year olds can still sound the same as they did in the 1960's all you like, the music industry relies on people not looking too hard and just feeding it.
I'd wager a lot of money that I have more experience with live performances than you do given that I worked part-time for Bandit Lights for almost 7 years, and I can instantly tell when a backtrack or autotune is being used. I say again that I've never been to a rock concert where they lip synced. I'm sorry, but your cynicism and bad attitude don't count as knowledge to me, but I'm sure you'll find some random dude on YouTube you'll believe.


On a Journey
I didn't mean to upset you.

BTW if you watched his videos, he proves what he is saying. its not just speculation. He wouldn't get away with calling The Eagles fake for very long otherwise. They wouldn't change their shows after to try to counter his claims, like they have.

Not saying all live performances are fake, but a lot of the big acts are now. Small local bands are probably real... its just when you start charging a lot for tickets the pressure to be perfect every night might get too much.

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On topic, I wont be buying the game soon, maybe if its on a good sale in the future.

Said before here I liked DA 1 and Inquisition OK but I never loved them. Guess that means I'm less put off by the change in direction as some, while also still not being that excited by it.

Apparently its EAs most successful game on Steam ever concurrent player wise, and Andrew Wilson is making happy executive noises. :unsure:
Some really based takes in here i cant get behind. And instead of arguing about it or explaining things like steam numbers not being the only player count number on the planet (even though its review score is sitting at mostly positive) Oh wait, i cant say that because here come the "EA and every company buy their reviews , its all a SCAM" people.

The reaction to this game is what makes it so sad to be a gamer tbh. A LOT of people just bandwagon hating because of no actual research or playing and just watching any old negative review video off youtube from their favorite youtuber (because they cant be wrong). Its just toxic.

Its also just that the loudest most patheitc portion of the hate for this game comes from people who use the word "woke" to describe everything thats bad to them. If you cant get behind some dialogue about a transgendered player, then you dont deserve to be playing games imo its just that plain and simple. Most of you who use this term have no concept of the word, youre just showing your ignorance.

If this game was like Golem, or that one King Kong game, sure id get the backlash but this game is far from that terrible.

The game has its flaws, absolutely, i feel there couldve have been better dialogue, more choices etc, but the combat is fun (but i AM the rogue) playing at its hardest difficulty. You can also use your other characters, the movements are nice, works well with a controller and M/KB. Its not boring to me at all, not any more boring than whatever game that a hater of this combat plays. Certainly a lot better than TBC.

I have no problem with the way it looks either. I played and loved games like Fable and thats what this style reminds me of. Its well optimized, which is hard to say for a lot of games these days, and im hitting over 100fps with max raytracing etc. So theres that if you care. Its a solid game and has great passed DA references and lore but im sure OP has already made up their mind.

As for price, well thats always a problem, it certainly seems like some people dont mind paying what they did for the game (its 60 and not 70 also). Its all single-player. Its all offline and no MTX.
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I would call myself woke and I'm skipping it. I don't really mind if people tear a game I like to pieces. Because I like it and that's all that matters. I wouldn't say I'm being sad or toxic. It just doesn't sound like interesting storytelling and I don't want to splash out £50 to find out.
Some really based takes in here i cant get behind. And instead of arguing about it or explaining things like steam numbers not being the only player count number on the planet (even though its review score is sitting at mostly positive) Oh wait, i cant say that because here come the "EA and every company buy their reviews , its all a SCAM" people.

The reaction to this game is what makes it so sad to be a gamer tbh. A LOT of people just bandwagon hating because of no actual research or playing and just watching any old negative review video off youtube from their favorite youtuber (because they cant be wrong). Its just toxic.

Its also just that the loudest most patheitc portion of the hate for this game comes from people who use the word "woke" to describe everything thats bad to them. If you cant get behind some dialogue about a transgendered player, then you dont deserve to be playing games imo its just that plain and simple. Most of you who use this term have no concept of the word, youre just showing your ignorance.

If this game was like Golem, or that one King Kong game, sure id get the backlash but this game is far from that terrible.

The game has its flaws, absolutely, i feel there couldve have been better dialogue, more choices etc, but the combat is fun (but i AM the rogue) playing at its hardest difficulty. You can also use your other characters, the movements are nice, works well with a controller and M/KB. Its not boring to me at all, not any more boring than whatever game that a hater of this combat plays. Certainly a lot better than TBC.

I have no problem with the way it looks either. I played and loved games like Fable and thats what this style reminds me of. Its well optimized, which is hard to say for a lot of games these days, and im hitting over 100fps with max raytracing etc. So theres that if you care. Its a solid game and has great passed DA references and lore but im sure OP has already made up their mind.

As for price, well thats always a problem, it certainly seems like some people dont mind paying what they did for the game (its 60 and not 70 also). Its all single-player. Its all offline and no MTX.
I'd also add that its feature complete at release as well as being well polished going by reviews.

I think its hard to seperate the noise from genuine old time fans of the series who arent excited by the change of direction narrative and gameplay wise and a small group of loud people trying to use games as weapons in their culture war, a lot of whom didnt have any intention of playing the game in the first place. But thats exactly why the minority are trying to use it, to amplify the hate for the game and try to suggest the reasons for it being 'unpopular' are political. It all falls down when it turns out a game isnt a failure and they have to move the goalposts and eventually give up which is where we are at now.

The game is doing pretty well all things considered, good for them.