Another pre purchase rip off

Just seen on steam that the latest dragon age game is going to be released on october 31 ... its called the veilguard.

If you have more money than sense you can pre order it now £49.99 for standard version or £69.99 for the deluxe version.

I think any new game should cost less than this especially when you factor in that they are selling to the whole world and not just one country and to produce a more advanced version at a cost of an extra £20 is simply not on.

The first dragon age game came out in 2010 and i have them all.

I can afford to buy it but unless they come up with a more realistic price i wont be getting it.

I think its about time steam and other distributors put price caps on what games companies want to charge us.
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On a Journey
At least Steam doesn't have a sub scheme where they price games in such a way that the most obvious choice seems to be the $20 subscription but its a trap... wonder what minimum time period is on the Ubisoft games sub. I don't intend to find out.

I don't want it anyway as I didn't really enjoy last one. All I remember is loading screens... was on a play station so might have been better on PC.
May 13, 2024
I'm playing through the prior games now for the first time and I'm really loving them. So chances are I'll buy the new one when it releases, but I won't pre-order. I normally wait for sales or prices to drop, but I'll make exceptions for RPGs and games that I know I'll easily clock 50+ hours or more.

My only complaint so far with playing DA is that I picked up a new GPU not too long ago, but what's the first thing I do? I play a 15 year-old game, then immediately jump into its 13 year-old sequel. At least the 1,000,000 fps is nice.

And I haven't been on this forum in a while, so a quick hello to everyone. :cool:
My only complaint so far with playing DA is that I picked up a new GPU not too long ago, but what's the first thing I do? I play a 15 year-old game, then immediately jump into its 13 year-old sequel. At least the 1,000,000 fps is nice.

My wife often laughs that I have a PC that costs as much as a cheap car, and I often use it to play indie games that absolutely do not require such horsepower.


Community Contributor
I can afford to buy it but unless they come up with a more realistic price i wont be getting it.
Darn tootin' you won't, because you've either got Horizon: Forbidden West to play or a new PC/video card to save up for! Plus, this one is extremely likely to have DLC and lots of bug fixes. Might as well wait for them to really the whole game - which will likely include all those extras.

WE put the price caps on, not some other party like dev, pub, distro, retailer or truck delivery company.

This approach works very well across almost all commercial product sectors.
I'll be skeptical, but I could be convinced to stick price caps on necessities. Video games, though? Not a chance. If those cost too much, you simply don't buy them.
May 13, 2024
I'll be skeptical, but I could be convinced to stick price caps on necessities. Video games, though? Not a chance. If those cost too much, you simply don't buy them.

I love making smart choices by waiting to buy new titles after 6 months when they go on sale for 20-25% off, only to finally get around to playing them 3 or more years later when they're regularly below $20.
The fact that this game can be played entirely offline is whats gonna determine if im gonna fork over 70+ to play this one, esp it being released by EA. Im not a big fan of the genre, but DA:O was great, probably one of the rare few i like in this genre, so i want to at least try it before i buy it.

The full price of releases is too much imo always, esp with the ungodly amount of DLC (cosmetics etc.) that is usually added (where they can more than make up their money if they have a hit and the game was a mere 40 bucks, look at Helldivers 2). Its not as bad as a "more money than sense" kind of purchase (thats reserved for the rights of paying, idk 2k+ for a 4090) but im also not a huge fan of the series enough to pay that either, but if this game blows me away then im here for it.
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On a Journey
(thats reserved for the rights of paying, idk 2k+ for a 4090)
You need to update dreams to 5090, about same price. Which is about $3300 Australian
Mind you, if I believed Ali Express wasn't just a minefield of fake products, I could get one for way less

I feel sorry for people who would believe it.
Mar 28, 2021
This seems like a regular price for a big studio/publisher game? To me at least.

It's fine though, if you don't like it then you can wait until they start discounting. It just means you won't be playing straight on release. For some people (especially the long-term fans) they may feel they're missing out in that case.

Similarly the +£20 for (quite a lot of) cosmetics is also aimed at such fans. Personally I feel that's overrated since I don't value cosmetics items at all. But then also it feels like I'm not the target market for that offer.

Another way of looking at the "deluxe" edition could be an additional way to support your favourite studio / francise. I've bought Frostpunk on 3 different platforms (at various times/prices) because I enjoyed the game and had the urge to load it up and have another play. So why not throw extra money to the devs with a deluxe version instead? Even if the individual workers don't get to see this money (maybe as a salary bonus), at the very least it would make the francise look more profitable/popular and thus more likely to get a sequel.


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