Question Doom Eternal review Q&A - Ask me anything!

PCG James

Staff Writer
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
Hey there! I reviewed Doom Eternal. It's excellent. Go read that. Many words. I'm very tired.

DOOOOOOM Eternal review

And if you have questions after reading it (I won't blame you), ask 'em here! Happy to clarify and expand on whatever you're curious about.
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Mar 17, 2020
Awesome review! I can't wait to play it.

What are the biggest differences from Doom 2016, good and bad? Also, what would you like to see them add either in DLC or in the next DOOM game?

PCG James

Staff Writer
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
Awesome review! I can't wait to play it.

What are the biggest differences from Doom 2016, good and bad? Also, what would you like to see them add either in DLC or in the next DOOM game?

The resource management and overall feeling while playing. You're getting pulled in every direction by your quickly depleting resources nonstop, be it health, ammo, or shields, and keeping them topped off while pulling off perfect headshots and aerial maneuvers means you're spinning more plates at once, all the time. It's a much more desperate, stressful vibe than the last game, which might turn some folks off, but I love it.
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PCG James

Staff Writer
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
Awesome review! I can't wait to play it.

What are the biggest differences from Doom 2016, good and bad? Also, what would you like to see them add either in DLC or in the next DOOM game?

Realizing I didn't address DLC or future Doom games. I'm not sure, honestly! It feels like this is as intense as a shooter can get before becoming too overwhelming, but I think there's still room for more demon types that screw with long-established habits, much like the Marauder does in Eternal.
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Mar 17, 2020
Realizing I didn't address DLC or future Doom games. I'm not sure, honestly! It feels like this is as intense as a shooter can get before becoming too overwhelming, but I think there's still room for more demon types that screw with long-established habits, much like the Marauder does in Eternal.
I was thinking maybe a co-op mode with Gears-like level design, split paths etc.

How cool would dual slayer finishers be? Also, I've always wanted to see the Slayer be able to chain finishers together but I think that would be hard to do technically. Smashing two Imps heads together etc.

Sorry last question, did they ever mention ray tracing again? I remember that being a feature at one point for Eternal.
Mar 17, 2020
I have an Acer Nitro 5 laptop, with a GTX 1050; can my laptop handle Doom Eternal? I’d be fine with the lowest settings as long as the game is at least playable.

PCG James

Staff Writer
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I have an Acer Nitro 5 laptop, with a GTX 1050; can my laptop handle Doom Eternal? I’d be fine with the lowest settings as long as the game is at least playable.

We'll have a more thorough performance analysis on the sit soon-ish, but you'll be able to play it with that card, for sure.

Our PA guy was able to play it on the highest settings at 1080p and maintained 60 fps with a GTX 1650. I'm guessing you'll need to bump some stuff down, but it will still look good, I'm thinking.
Mar 17, 2020
We'll have a more thorough performance analysis on the sit soon-ish, but you'll be able to play it with that card, for sure.

Our PA guy was able to play it on the highest settings at 1080p and maintained 60 fps with a GTX 1650. I'm guessing you'll need to bump some stuff down, but it will still look good, I'm thinking.
That’s a relief. Thank you. I just pre-ordered the deluxe edition on Steam. I’m so pumped! 🤘😆

Schism Navigator

Registered Developer
Jan 5, 2020
Had a blast with this so far. There are definitely some rough areas and things which I hope will be patched. For example the animation on the chainsaw when you try to get ammo from the wrong demon and then can't fire whilst the animation loops.

Looking forward to the invasion mechanic.

Schism Navigator

Registered Developer
Jan 5, 2020
Had more time with Eternal now. Definitely a great FPS. There are parts I find lackluster though. Primarily the platforming feels like it was so close yet so far with it being too floaty. Surprised they didn't make use of the meathook for platforming sections.

Looking forward to the invasion and DLC down the road.
Apr 4, 2020
I'm probably the only one here who asked for a refund :D

I played Doom 2016, it was very good, but I didn't finish it. This one, being better according to most reviews, I bought in an instant...but an instant later I got my refund. The thing that bothered me is the leveldesign. It's like the game never gives you a choice to turn left or right, it's all very corridor-like. Any form of exploration is minimal. One several occasions I wandered off to go and explore that ridge or room, but only to find out that it was blocked by an invisible wall. Falling through solid objects isn't all that fun either. I'm an explorer, I LOVED finding all secrets in the original Doom and Doom 2. Those games had a ton more explorable parts and I even play them today. This one however, it didn't stick on me. Playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order on the same moment, which is (according to me) a masterpiece, didn't help it. Maybe it just isn't me piece of cake anymore.
Jan 14, 2020
I am 35 years old and I think I am "okay" with shooters.

While I cant compete with a 17 year old CS:GO player (maybe I never could?), I think the biggest effect that I felt is something I noticed in games that have a similar demand on reaction speed. I can only play these games effectively for 60-90 minutes and then I need a break. That worked pretty fine in DOOM Eternal, since most of the levels are around that frame.

I would say it took me about 12 hours to finish the game on the Ultra Violence Difficulty.
Apr 19, 2020
Hi all! Apologies I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. But I'm having trouble with Doom Eternal. The game is absolutely awesome love it! But I've hit a potential technical problem.

In Taras Nabad, I've gone past the sewers and have climbed back up to the surface to retrieve the crucible from the mouth of the Titan. I was having major difficulty with the battle after so jumped back down to the sewers to see if I can retrieve anything that would help. Even tried some of the secret missions to see if it will reward me with a bfg cell. Anyway, had no luck there so went back up to the surface. But when I returned, there were no enemies. Nothing. And the gate to the following part of the level was still blocked. So at the moment I'm stuck there as no demons would appear for me to fight. I even went and played the previous chapter to beat the Gladiator again but still returned to the same problem.

Any idea what to do?
Apr 19, 2020
The review in itself is quite good, but are you sure you have written about the right things? The main conclusion from this one is that you'll start enjoying things that were frustrating you earlier, like scrolling weapons(which I did like how you presented it) when marauders appear for example, once when you enter the Flow Zone. Is frustration and sweating everything this game has to offer? I mean, each game has to offer the same things or the development team has failed. I like the tactics section, but the same things happen with each other shooter game, including completely different Counter-Strike where someone's tactic(or config) can't work for you since you are playing the game. You have written about it like its a sequel, but what do you think about those who have not played it earlier? I mean, those guys are the only ones that would read it when we look at it from a different angle. That is why you should include the story, which indeed is quite rich in today's genre-difference. Overall, besides the things I have mentioned, the review is quite great. I have looked at it like this only because I have played all the other releases throughout my childhood.

Best regards, berroni.


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