Question DDU or Fresh Windows install?

Jan 21, 2020
Hey all! I'm getting a "new" to me GPU, to replace my troubled GTX 1080 which was also used as I just can't afford a brand new GPU right now. My 1080 has been acting really weird and I'm not sure if it's the newer Nvidia drivers or just the age of the card or the fact I purchased it used. Whatever it may be, the card is acting up and has been for the last few months. MW2 (2022) used to run great at Native 1080p Medium/High settings and now I can barley hit 60fps in Multiplayer. Warzone I get 32 to 42-ish FPS with AMD FSR 2.1 set to Ultra Performance and resolution scale down to 75%; which makes the game look absolutely terrible. While running it in Native 1080p MINIMUM settings I get around 20 to 30 FPS on my GTX 1080.

I've stressed it with other games and those are also underperforming, I tried using an older driver and it helped by MAYBE 2%. I've cleaned the card, tried old drivers and even overclocked it and nothing has done the trick to get the performance I had with it about 5 months ago.

My CPU also might be the problem but I've also stressed tested that with multiple programs and even used the Intel Processor Diagnostics Tool which tests everything on the CPU and maxes it out at 100% per test.

The test section I was looking at the most was the clock speed to see if the CPU might have been thermal throttling or maybe not clocking at the right speeds, according to the results this wasn't an issue either.

Below are the results of the clock speed (Frequency) that the CPU is expected to run at and what it actually ran at.

Frequency Check
Module Version:
Start Time: Sun Oct 29 03:42:02 2023
Test Result - PASS
Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz
Expected Processor Frequency: 3.60
Measured Processor Frequency: 3.599175

End Time: Sun Oct 29 03:42:03 2023
Total Time: in seconds: 1

so with all that being said, I'm switching to an RX 580 8GB. I have had an RX 580 before I "upgraded" to the GTX 1080 and I've never had any issues with them before, plus from my understanding they take better advantage of AMD FSR.

My question is, do I use DDU and/or is it enough or should I just re-install windows on my m.2?

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Reactions: Brian Boru
Jan 21, 2020
Regarding your 1080, have you tried dusting/cleaning out the GPU and case? Almost sounds like heat throttling. Might be worth it to repaste, as well.
I have cleaned the 1080 but not replaced the thermalpaste on it. I took it out of the case immediately after gaming on it and it was hot to the touch, it started to burn my fingers, not literally but it was that hot. I dusted the case, GPU and let it cool off, I set the fan curve to 100% while gaming and it's SUPER loud as I have the blower style 1080. will see if anything improves but I might need to replace the thermalpaste like you mentioned.

Jan 21, 2020
Well, I got the RX 580 and it was a bust. Card didn't like more than one port at a time, while all "worked" the card had nothing but artifacts and permanent ghosting and none of it was fixed with a driver update and restart into safe mode. so I'll be returning that RX 580 and hopefully getting a different one for around $90 from a different seller.


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