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I'm hoping to play a bit of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I'm also hoping to finally do the first scenario of Gloomhaven properly (we tried once but died in the first room because we forgot you can discard a card instead of taking damage). But that requires 4 people to be available, willing and rested...
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
didn't like those biters chewing on me
Been a while, but if I recall correctly, did you get the nearby pistol to zap the little pests?

I'm still plodding thru Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, seeing the sights, trying new ways to clear an outpost—I like that the outposts repopulate each time you quit the game. Frustrating but enjoyable game.
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@Johnway Been thinking a little about coming back to PoE but scared my brain will explode as to the sheer amount of new things you can do now since I last visited it, which is...let me see: 14th of April, 2019 with 189 hours of playtime. I also wonder how many hours it would take to visit all the ? in Witcher 3. Soooooooooooooooo many, lol

Honeslty a lot has happened in the last year and they've not only sandwiched the old stuff from the previous 2 leagues (heist and harvest) but they've also thrown in more new content like maven and the ritual stuff. Its a lot to take in. I don't know why i keep playing that game, i'm sort of burning out (especially when you lose nearly all your 50% exp at lvl 90) as my challenge progress slows to a crawl and enemies are hitting harder.

I too investigated all the ? in the witcher 3 and it took a long time. Skelliger nearly broke me as i went to each bloody site looking for loot and sailing back to shore to dump it off. In total i spend 178 hours on that game.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@Johnway I have heard about the Skelliger (?) points. Mainly as a way to earn good money, but also because it is very, VERY tedious. Done some myself, but I have to admit most of my map in Wicher 3 looks like a big (?). I got around 80 hours myself so far.


Community Contributor
I abandoned Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children for a while to let the developers get their free DLC together. The DLC still isn't quite done (fargin' COVID) but it will take me some time to catch up to them anyway, so I'm back in it again.
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Community Contributor
I also wonder how many hours it would take to visit all the ? in Witcher 3. Soooooooooooooooo many, lol

According to the average is 180 hours. I never managed to get close to visiting all of the question marks. Good thing that the regular quests are marked with exclamations, so you don't have to visit the question marks to complete all of the side quests.
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Community Contributor
No games for me today or (likely) tomorrow! Rolling blackouts due to the super cold weather in Kansas City mean we're supposed to conserve electricity and natural gas. Sanderson's Rhythm of War should keep me busy.

As I understand the conservation of electricity is only a suggestion? Are you experiencing a lot of blackouts due to low temperatures lately? What are the exact temperatures? I'm asking because we had low temperatures in Poland as well some time ago, but they haven't surpassed -25°C at night (that's -13°F). Thankfully there were no blackouts.


Community Contributor
As I understand the conservation of electricity is only a suggestion? Are you experiencing a lot of blackouts due to low temperatures lately? What are the exact temperatures? I'm asking because we had low temperatures in Poland as well some time ago, but they haven't surpassed -25°C at night (that's -13°F). Thankfully there were no blackouts.
Suggested only - though I think "pleading" might be more accurate. The temps actually sound very similar to Poland's, about -14F last night and this morning. That's actually something we're more-or-less ready to take here in Kansas City. However, these cold snaps normally don't dip down much further past us - maybe down to Oklahoma City. This one went clear down and gave northern Mexico an icy kiss!

The critical bit is that the USA is divided into just a few electric grids. No matter what energy source you use, it takes people to run the power plant and right now so there's a bunch of power plants of all types (coal, nuclear, whatever) that have to shut down because people simply can't get to them. Some are having equipment failures, too, like wind turbines freezing up. In normal times, the parts of the grid that don't get hit bad can make up for the parts that do but this one is so widespread that a really big part of the grid is producing less while demanding more. It's resulted in rolling blackouts as power utilities try to keep brown-outs from happening.

Southern Texas has their own grid, which is really getting slammed. They've got nobody else at all that can take up the slack. What's more, that's far enough south that "winterizing" is an unknown concept. 30 hours with no heat is going to mean a lot of freezing pipes.
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Community Contributor
People aren't worry about working right now, they are trying to stay warm and melt snow for drinking water.. Texas is an absolute mess right now. really makes you think about how much the power systems need to be upgraded and people that own homes have back-ups.

I presume that in Texas such a weather is a serious anomaly. People there aren't prepared for snow. This state reminds me of a warm weather and now they're struggling with a real winter. The climate change problem is a serious one. Extreme weather phenomena will be even more frequent than they're now.
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Community Contributor
Yep. Freezing temperatures are rare and normally get back above freezing once the sun has been up for a few hours. They'll have few if any snow plows, no salt to put on roads, lots of pipes that aren't insulated, people that just flat out don't own a heavy coat, and so on. Unfortunately, global warming is a huge political issue here - and even more so in Texas where oil is a huge part of the economy.


Community Contributor
Caught up to the developers in T:AC so I started playing BattleTech 98 Redux. Pretty good but I had forgotten how much you need to re-load/re-start.

Grabbed Styx off of Steam for $2 so I'm playing that until X4's second expansion shows up.


Community Contributor
Styx is, well, pretty cheap. The graphics aren't much and the music really isn't much. I encountered some bug critters last night that are blind but have great hearing so I tried to get a few to attack the guards a floor above them. Nope. Seems they only eat Styx, not humans. The gameplay is fun, though, and the voice acting is well done. It isn't about the knock the old Thief games off the stealth throne but it's good enough.

It also has ridiculously low achievement rates. Less than half of all "players" even finish the tutorial mission. I guess with those cheap prices, a lot of people buy without even looking at what the game actually is. They get it, install it, start it, and quit very quickly. (I'm pretty sure you actually have to run the game once to count as a player - just owning it isn't enough.) If you're looking for a game where you can get rare, glowing achievements then this one can get them to you pretty quickly.
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Community Contributor
Time for us X fans to geek out some more!

The fan community is releasing a new expansion to X3. Not X4, which has been out a couple of years, but X3 which hasn't seen a paid expansion for ten years now.
It's free, too, assuming you already own the game its built on.

P.S. See what that planet looks like at 1:17? THAT is why I turn my Field of View down into the 60's for most games. Drives me bonkers.
Apr 9, 2021
I'm hoping to play a bit of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I'm also hoping to finally do the first scenario of Gloomhaven properly (we tried once but died in the first room because we forgot you can discard a card instead of taking damage). But that requires 4 people to be available, willing and rested...


Community Contributor
Let's see, what's been going on of late...

I've been playing the X4:Foundations beta a lot. It's in that awkward stage where there's a bunch of nice features I really want around but also a bunch of bugs that I really don't want around.

What's with the word "Foundation" lately? X4 is using it. One of Control's DLCs is named Foundation. I think there's a TV series based off of Asimov's books coming up, too! Guess it's all part of the Cosmic Unconsciousness.


Community Contributor
Let's see, what's been going on of late...

I've been playing the X4:Foundations beta a lot. It's in that awkward stage where there's a bunch of nice features I really want around but also a bunch of bugs that I really don't want around.

What's with the word "Foundation" lately? X4 is using it. One of Control's DLCs is named Foundation. I think there's a TV series based off of Asimov's books coming up, too! Guess it's all part of the Cosmic Unconsciousness.

I bought X4 recently and downloaded it yesterday, but haven't had a chance to get to it yet. I assume the first session is going to be pretty involved, and I want to make sure I have enough time for it.
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