Coconut Monkey Cornerclub

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I remember a relative driving into KC back around 2000 - he wasn't sure exactly when he would get into town, so he figured he would just find a payphone and call us up. Nope! I haven't seen a payphone since the 90's.

Long distance was such a racket. Growing up I had a friend who lived about 8 miles away from me who was "long distance". I guess the most surprising thing is that cell companies didn't keep it alive.
We had some sort of "middle distance" around here. Calls that went far but not far enough to be long distance (maybe under 150 miles inside the same state?). Those cost a lot, even more than long distance!


Community Contributor
I remember a relative driving into KC back around 2000 - he wasn't sure exactly when he would get into town, so he figured he would just find a payphone and call us up. Nope! I haven't seen a payphone since the 90's.

We had some sort of "middle distance" around here. Calls that went far but not far enough to be long distance (maybe under 150 miles inside the same state?). Those cost a lot, even more than long distance!
This could have been something like that. I was a teenager and didn't really pay that much attention. I just know it wasn't local.


I have to take care of my sister-in-law's animals next week while she's at the beach. I told her no promises on survival rates. One time maybe 20 years ago, right after Easter, they were going on a two week trip and brought a duckling in a box to our house for us to take care of while they were gone. During that two weeks, it went from a ducking in a box to a full, grown-a$$ duck running around my house. I checked later and it takes less than 30 days for a duck to hatch and become full grown. They were lucky I didn't prepare the thing for dinner.


Community Contributor
Diet has slowed down. I've only lost 2 more pounds, but feeling good about it. No desire to quit. I've decided I'm going to lose 50 pounds instead of 30 and hope that this fixes some of my back problems.

I've got to get to the point where I can help my wife with things instead of being confined to a chair all day. She'll spend hours doing things that would take me 30 minutes. She worked on the pool for 6 hours yesterday. No idea what she was doing all that time. I tried to convince her to just leave it closed this year, but she won't hear it. To make matters worse, after I reinjured my back last fall I forgot to winterize the pool, so after she finally turned the pool on, she discovered a pipe that needs to be fixed.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Why do people cramp up in the middle of the bus when there is room at the back? I don't understand it and it annoys me when I get on the bus only to be met with a cramped space making it hard to get in. Not to mention it makes it an inconvenience for the elderly or people with prams that have to use the space. The collective transport system could have been better with more buses and whatnot, but come on, is it that hard to move some meters?
Why do people cramp up in the middle of the bus when there is room at the back? I don't understand it and it annoys me when I get on the bus only to be met with a cramped space making it hard to get in. Not to mention it makes it an inconvenience for the elderly or people with prams that have to use the space. The collective transport system could have been better with more buses and whatnot, but come on, is it that hard to move some meters?

Because it really sucks being stuck at the back once it's time to get out.


Community Contributor
I've lived in cities with great mass transit--subways and extensive bus systems--but where I live now is too small for a subway, and the only people who ride the busses are the very poor, so they sort of have a stigma against them.

As an example, Mrs. America, this was years ago, took a Greyhound to Knoxville and was arrested at a bus stop because the police thought she was soliciting for prostitution--because she was dressed nicely! Apparently they don't see that much at bus stops.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Are you mad?
If you gotta ask, you haven't been paying attention!

spread us to other universes
So you don't want the other universes destroyed—why's that? In our mirror space—known as the esrevinu—Kot Kit videos are in nearly as bad taste as Kit Kat is here.

In the immortal future words of The Zuck, from his 2050 autobio 'Mark, My Words': "I never metaverse that would accept me as a member". So if we appoint him eternal external ambassador, other unis should be safe… maybe.


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Probably their third robbery of the day, and they were cleaned out and pissed off :D

Can squirrels be trained?
Atlanta doesn't have any more crime than other gigantic cities. When you have more than 6 million people, you're going to have some crime, but I've never felt endangered walking around Atlanta and used to take my kids with me. People stopped us to ask for money quite often, so I always took cash with me, but other than the panhandlers, who were always pleasant to deal with, we never had any complaints about Atlanta, which is quite different from places like Baltimore, where I lived for awhile. In Baltimore there are places you simply don't go, even in your car. Now in the 60's and 70's and, to a lesser extent, the 80's, Atlanta was a clusterf***, but not anymore.


Community Contributor
There's an article on PCG about a Pakistani-Indian love affair gone wrong, with the couple being arrested by Indian authorities. I have zero love for that part of the world. Back in my real life before I dropped out and became Zed Clampet, when I was kinda/sorta/slightly famous in political circles, a Pakistani news site requested an interview, which I reluctantly granted. Fortunately, I only received a handful of threats. :ROFLMAO: Honestly, they weren't so much threats as strongly worded warnings, but when I was asked for a second interview, I politely declined. The last thing anyone should strive for is becoming known in Pakistani political circles.



Community Contributor
There are definitely places in KC that I wouldn't feel comfortable walking through. Something I've always thought was crazy about Kansas City is that the most expensive houses in the city (and possibly both Kansas and Missouri) are only about a mile from those places where I wouldn't go. Talk about a financial cliff!

Back in my real life before I dropped out and became Zed Clampet, when I was kinda/sorta/slightly famous in political circles...
I think we need to have a discussion about whether political life or gaming life is more 'real'. ;)

Can squirrels be trained?
I guess... but by whom? You do NOT want a squirrel in your house!


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