Beautiful Game Appreciation

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Aug 2, 2023
Quantum Break, a 2016 game, still looks like it could go agaist the latest titles in visual quality

May 1, 2023
Far Cry Primal
I have been playing this Far Cry Primal all week. A pretty cool game- also looks runs nice 4K. At first when started the game it was locked 1080p in upper left of my screen- and I could not mouse down to change resolution- like it cut off the gui and blocked the buttons. I stop start the game a few times it opened into full screen and then let me set the resolution. It has worked right since with no problems.






May 1, 2023
Zup Bundle- Steam

I dont normally play games like this. I bought a 17 Zup game bundle over the Steam Holiday sale. The reason for me buying/ playing them- most of the games had collector cards for badges and some had added dlc content. All the games together - gave me like 18,000 achievements and was easy to get 100%. I am trying to level up a little and trying to up my count of completed 100% games and achievements on Steam.

May 1, 2023
Cats Hidden- Steam

Another game type I dont normally play. I bought a 4 game bundle for little money on Steam. The cats are easy to find and 100% achievements and has collector cards.

It is lots of free cats hidden games- but I normally void free stuff. I will wait until they are on sale in a bundle and if have cards and achievements.




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Aug 2, 2023
I have been playing this Far Cry Primal all week. A pretty cool game- also looks runs nice 4K. At first when started the game it was locked 1080p in upper left of my screen- and I could not mouse down to change resolution- like it cut off the gui and blocked the buttons. I stop start the game a few times it opened into full screen and then let me set the resolution. It has worked right since with no problems.






try alt+enter next time.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Far Cry Primal

Did a bit more, but may drop it—the prevalence of melee has always been the major flaw for me, and it's getting to me already early on. I've only got the Owl and tamed my first Beast, but it feels like my dip into FC3 last year—ie off the Replay list.

Shame, cos it's a beautiful world:


Here's my Owl friend:


And here's the annoying 5m Vision Of Beasts 'quest' to acquire the Owl—it was almost RPG like in its…
Ok I've done that, now what?
Do it again
Hmm… alright, now what?
Do it again
WTF, is this game an RPG but missing the warning label??


[Acronym explainer: RPG = Really Painful Gaming]
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May 1, 2023
Far Cry Primal

Brian, I might not understand what you are or trying to say. Yes- Primal is an A-RPG game.

I like the melee and bow' and fire- a change from guns and swords in most of the games I play.

You can set your arrows and melee weaps on fire- helps in dark places- plus you actually have to set some things on fire- and as actual weapons makes them a little more powerful when have to kill enemies.

The Owl- You have to follow it and then its tamable. I crashed first 2 times until I figured out what I was doing and got my dexterity down with my keys and could follow it. The Owl is your long distance far way eyes- and can use hunter vision like the player- and can also tag enemies- can also attack kill single enemies- and can drop all the bomb types on enemies.

Early in game is best seek out explore and find the main tribe members. You will see large images of them around the outer parts of the map. Do their little requested quests and they will join your tribe and home base. Upgrade their huts and they open upgrades for you. Early on is good to get Jayma the hunter. get Karoosh. get Wogah.

Jayma- after upgrade gives you a sling and upgraded long bow. Jayma also has a quest- hunt elk at night I think it is? and you get Blood Fang- a Sabor Tooth Tiger- that can kill most everything. You can ride it and it moves fast almost like a car in other far cry games- and you can fight from its back and loot enemies and resources from its back- you dont have to jump on off every time you need do something- but you cant ride it into water it will drown.

Karoosh- gives you the winter clothing- you can hit the mountains no probs.

Wogah- gives you the grapple hook. Life is a lot easier with these things.

I am going to get the Blood Fang quest as soon as I can. I just learned of it. I have most of the main members and already upgraded all their huts to max- and I have the upgrades/ gear stated above. Now I want my Sabor Tooth. Playing 17 hours and seen this vid below yesterday. :)

Owl wiki. -- >>,on the HUD and minimap.

This vid has some good New Player Tips. -- >>

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I might not understand

Oh my bad, this is my 3rd or 4th playthru, I should've mentioned that—thanks a bunch for wanting to help :)

I beat it first time with exception of final boss Ull of the Udam—couldn't get him in 3 tries, not interested enough to keep at it. I beat the Izila queen boss first go, but skipped both bosses on later playthrus—the Izila was just a boring 20-minute grind, the way I did it anyway.

I've heard some others call some FC games RPG-lite before, and I wouldn't argue—altho officially they're all Action-Adventure. Primal and New Dawn have the most interesting RPG elements imo, which I have personally liked, without forced repetitive grind in constricted environments.

The Owl- You have to follow it and then its tamable. I crashed first 2 times

Oddly enough I got the Owl first time this playthru, such annoying sequences usually take me a few tries also—the wingsuit escape in FC4's Death From Above mission comes to mind, took me ~5 tries to get thru the final opening!
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May 1, 2023
Oddly enough I got the Owl first time this playthru, such annoying sequences usually take me a few tries also—the wingsuit escape in FC4's Death From Above mission comes to mind, took me ~5 tries to get thru the final opening!

Yah I didnt understand and didnt know you have played it so much. I am learning myself. I still have trouble with the wing suits lol. :p

I think also- game types might be who is talking. This might be an Action Adventure game but also has rpg elements- they are called Action RPG' A-RPG. If buying- games like this now on Steam are listed under a few genres- so either or can surely be said right. The same for Fallout 3-4- Days Gone- Red Dead- The Witcher- Cyberpunk 2077 etc etc. I am not sure what can be called just an RPG. :)

I a few hours in tried to attack I think its Dah' base. Think its one of said main tribe for your settlement characters- think said extra hard- also think he was tossing bombs at me- think its one of the photos on the map- Think I was trying to get all the tribesmen to my camp. I am not sure- but I run the map and try to take out all the enemies and take their bases- explore hit the caves climbs the mountains- find and loot all I can and hunt rare animals for upgrades etc. I have only done a very few actual quests. This one caveman was large and has a bone mask- I was not powerful enough to kill him and take his base so I ran away after killed me 2x. I know some of the bases have tanks/ big guys with same type mask- but I think this caveman was the boss. I dont know if I need hammer club him or what- my arrows and spears and bee bombs did very little. I could kill all others but him. The pop ups go so fast- I cant always read the text. I think I need ride a mammoth in and crush chit. I am not pressed- I have lots of game left to play and lev up.

LOL- I might need be asking you for help. You are the Primal Caveman Master. :p :)
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More Cyberpunk!



I'm glad photomode has the option to set your gun to firing. Otherwise, these pics would be too dark!

Car you get for finishing Dino's gigs.

Johnny is starting to take over!

(Look carefully and you'll note that V is grimacing musically)

"Post your best shot on X or Instagram tagging @Ubisoft and using #UBISOFTPHOTOMODECONTEST or in the dedicated channel on Discord"
Second prize is better than first prize! Why would I want to go up to Montreal and look at the studio? That's a long way to go to see a mo-cap setup.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum


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