YT channels and random interests.

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On a Journey
Hmm, I can't find a link for this channel on his official YouTube. I wonder if it is a fan-made one, sure looks like it now.
He didn't play it very long, maybe 2 hours.

this was before he played it himself

The disappearing sandworm shows they didn't expect people to notice. Or just didn't care.

There is a disconnect between how games are reviewed and how they are recieved. Great reviews don't translate to sales anymore. Who are the reviews for? Gamers or investors? Their job is to keep up the pretence that there is a great demand for your games, from people who will actually buy the games, and totally not just telling you what you want to hear.

The bridge between gamers and devs is meant to be reviewers. Seems many aren't neutral anymore and more PR for the devs, and blame gamers for not blindly buying the games. People will only put up with that for so long before they just ignore you. Then the gap widens and you have highly reviewed games crashing and burning.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Great reviews don't translate to sales anymore

That's not new in the entertainment industries. Great movie, book, TV and music reviews have never guaranteed sales, or longevity for TV shows.

Their job is to keep up the pretence

Conspiracy theories all founder on one glaring loophole, that all those people can keep shtum about the great secret for longer than 2 minutes.

Now sure the dogpile brigade will all jump on a carcass as soon as they get a whiff of clickbait opportunity, but that's a different fettle of quiche—we're not talking about social media cynical manipulators when discussing reviews to take seriously. Or are we?


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
This Long Island Retro Gaming Expo looks so cool or "rad" to use LGRs own wording. I'd spend hours upon hours in a place like this and most likely would have bought a custom console/gaming pad of sorts because I have always wanted one. The LAN party room would be a must and they even have a map over the whole place made as a retro manual!
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Community Contributor
this is less transient
I thought the machine at 1:56 was "Gatcha" for a second!

Wow, $25 for a full day they said? My legs would be on fire by the time I got home. Hey, I might even be able to get all the way through Dragon's Lair! When Gauntlet starts complaining about food, just click the button!


On a Journey
Tidal is now predicting rain

will be a nice change.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
really long words

Longest I know is the classic…
…@ 42 letters. Any longer in the video?

Well I suppose I should include the behemoth…
…@ 79 letters, but that is defunct now since the organization it names in pre-WW2 Vienna no longer exists. Not under that name anyway—my guess is the sign writers union went on strike over it!

You can't really include German numbers in this discussion, since their length is theoretically infinite as there are no spaces between the individual words—eg English 'twenty two' is zweiundzwanzig, the words being either side of the 'und' which means 'and'. Example:
Neunmilliardeneinhundertzweiundneunzigmillionensechshunderteinunddreißigtausendsiebenhundertsiebenundsiebzig—you can count that!

In English, the 28-letter 'Antidisestablishmentarianism' I see in the video is the longest undisputed word I know. But there is a debate whether or not the 45-letter medical term…
…is a legit word.
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On a Journey
most of them are either German words or Chemical names.

I used to be a readers assistant. My job was to read the printed text out loud and the person next to me would have the original and would be looking for differences. Yes, I was replaced by spell checker. I had to read out chemical names, they were a lot of fun.

It means I can generally spot misspelled words. My short coming is I can't type all that well so I tend not to point out errors now as I am often let down by my typing later on. No one is perfect after all.