YT channels and random interests.

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May 11, 2022
Thanks I'll check those out. It's getting the right presenter often, without a whiney voice, not too much advertising for sponsor and unbiased even though they probably were gifted tech. Sounds like a good home job.
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I mostly just fast forward to the graphs and conclusions. Those two go a bit deeper on their testing methodology so theyre often more accurate and have more reliable data than a lot of Youtube reviews.

Jayz 2 Cents and Linus Tech Tips are a bit easier to get to grips with for more casual reviews and entertainment content.
So, I wonder if @ipman you might find this interesting. I couldnt get the smile off my face for a while first time I saw it, nothing like anything I've seen or heard before. Kind of an audio-visual live PA, where the guy live reacts to chat and plays audio and video clips. Hard to explain, and its pretty weird.


Guys been doing something like it for a long time apparently and streams on Twitch regularly under the_Windbag. Nuts.
May 11, 2022
So, I wonder if @ipman you might find this interesting. I couldnt get the smile off my face for a while first time I saw it, nothing like anything I've seen or heard before. Kind of an audio-visual live PA, where the guy live reacts to chat and plays audio and video clips. Hard to explain, and its pretty weird.


Guys been doing something like it for a long time apparently and streams on Twitch regularly under the_Windbag. Nuts.
It's definitely Nuts. I see those live chat feeds and they are most nuts anyway. (Yes sorry I am being a bit of a grouch today, not feeling great, toothache, neighbours like Frank's in God Bless America, etc, etc. Had to escape to RD2 to chill, but it kept crashing because of Razer, and Evga issues. Back on form tomorrow)

When I see a lot of what's going on online and tv (although I only see reference to that in other media), tv like; Love island or celebrity whatever, and I'm not using social media, as a filterof sanity.

It makes me think of that film Idiocracy where the guy is put in hibernation and wakes up in the future 500 years later, he is the smartest person on the planet.

And that makes me think of the film God Bless America where Frank has had enough of the idiots, the dumbing down of tv, etc and decides to go on a killing spree.

Filed under Random>
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I dont think it's representative of social media in general, but it makes you want to go on a killing spree, sure. :ROFLMAO:

Havent seen Idiocracy in a long time, but I remember it was funny. Mike Judge did soem good stuff. Bringing it back around the Windbag reminds me of MTV cartoons like his Beavis and Butthead, somehow. Max Headroom evolved. It would have fitted in there.
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May 11, 2022
Yes I remember Max Headroom, I can remember that coming out. Also watched some Beavis and Butthead.
Two I really liked were Adam and Joe who did something different but seemingly simple.

Actually I've never been on any social media. Forums are enough for me.

Already enjoying the Hardcore Overclocking channel. I'm not sure if it's always the same guy but he knows his stuff.
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AFAIK its always the same guy who goes by Buildzoid, he used to collaborate with Gamers Nexus sometimes, not sure if they still do.

My entire family from grand uncles and aunts to cousins are on Facebook, as well as all of my old friends. I cant avoid it without convincing around 150 tenuously connected people to move to an alternate platform. I dont post anything there though, only use the messenger.

Adam and Joe are great the Star Wars stuff and American Beautoy etc, had a good 6 Music show or used to.?

Adam has a podcast too, I've listened too on occasion. That reminds me of The BlindBoy podcast, lots of different themes from literature, to mental health to Irish history but always makes me laugh. Guys a natural, pretty sweary though if that bothers anyone.
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May 11, 2022
AFAIK its always the same guy who goes by Buildzoid, he used to collaborate with Gamers Nexus sometimes, not sure if they still do.

My entire family from grand uncles and aunts to cousins are on Facebook, as well as all of my old friends. I cant avoid it without convincing around 150 tenuously connected people to move to an alternate platform. I dont post anything there though, only use the messenger.

Adam and Joe are great the Star Wars stuff and American Beautoy etc, had a good 6 Music show or used to.?

Adam has a podcast too, I've listened too on occasion. That reminds me of The BlindBoy podcast, lots of different themes from literature, to mental health to Irish history but always makes me laugh. Guys a natural, pretty sweary though if that bothers anyone.
I did go on FB for a while but I first connected to my son who was an adolescent at the time, and I thought I don't want to know all this stuff he and his friends were posting about each other. An old friend sent me a letter recently, but we use email.

Yes I listened to some of Adam's Radio 6 shows and Joe has done well with films and tv. He was on promoting his new tv series last week, made me laugh. Just checked still some Adam and Joe on YT(feeling a bit better today but contractors and I think neighbour drilling the **** out of the building. Time to start up the anglegrinder and Arbotech:devilish:).

That God Bless America film is cathartic, I also find GTAV killing sprees cathartic.

I feel with this thread we've now gone down one of Woodensaucer's wormholes.

Brass eye and Charlie Brooker were also good. I think he did some shows about gaming.
May 11, 2022
Yes it's good to intersperse with randon interests. There are a few very smart guys who are also slight outsiders and have intelligent viewpoints on culture. I bet there's loads of Charlie's Screenwipes on YT which I watched regularly.
I think I've seen parts of the one above, but will watch that. Charlie is a gamer, he and Peter Serafinowicz have always given an intelligent and interesting take. Time for some Black Mirror on Sci Fi thread.

Also since Peep Show enjoyed David Mitchell's intelligence and Stewart Lee.

Good to focus on some intelligent media when much seems to be dumbing down.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I have over 140 YT subs at the moment—not all still active for sure—so I'll post some of them in dribs and drabs.

Wide-ranging General Interest topics

The Economist

My fav general news & current affairs analysis and opinion outlet, I've been consuming their output since the 70s. Founded in the 1850s, their take is economically and politically Center Right—they state their bias and positions clearly—while being socially Center Left.

Thoughty2 and Tom Scott

Interesting and entertaining presenters who cover unusual or thought-provoking subjects.

Wendover Productions

Does really good dives into big general topics.
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May 11, 2022
Yes I think Mr Llama slightly misunderstood me there. It's a wormhole I like. If I get bored I can come here and find some randon topic, publication or YT video or channel to explore.

I used to subscribe to the Economist, and not wanting to get political, I think I prefer escapism these days.

A cultural philosopher who has interested me is Slavoj Zizek. When he made this he hadn't started gaming but just watched his son. I like the way he makes philosophy and psychology relevant by relating it to culture.

Also his words are read over gaming footage(he does go off into an area I don't agree with late in video, but usually interesting). He also looked at the films They Live and The Matrix among others.

May 11, 2022
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May 11, 2022
I've posted some Viva La Dirt League before, which does comedy skits. Often game related ones, like this one for Red Dead 2.
So funny because it's true. Had exactly that with a horse rider other day, just kept ignoring untill he shot at Arthur and reflex reaction killed him.

Also enjoy Big Train skits(Simon Pegg before becoming Scotty).

Do you speak English?

It's worth skipping the first hour of that vid How video games changed the World, because although the history of gaming is only about 50 years, the first hour is like watching cave people.
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May 11, 2022
@givemejalapenos you like the dark side at present, with this and horror films. Sometimes I'm in that mood.

I was thinking the Monty Python sketch which S of W references is the 4 Yorkshiremen(massive exaggerations).
And of course dedicated to those believing they live in poverty;)

4 Yorkshiremen

I think WIRED channel has been mentioned, but this came up yesterday 'Mathematician Explains Infinity in 5 Levels of Difficulty'. (there are few of these; Gravity, Dimensions, Black Holes, etc). Way to make me feel stupid.

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I'll list off a few channels I follow. Most of them don't have anything to do with PCs, gaming, or tech.

Graenolf is a skit guy who has some clever skits. Several of them are about Skyrim-like settings.

Scary Pockets is a couple of guys who get really good musicians/singers together to do what they call "funk covers" of a bunch of songs. They're really talented

Cart Narcs is this guy who patrols parking lots and shames people for not taking their carts back to the corral. It can get pretty awkward and funny at times.

Bill McClintock is probably the king of making music mashups. His work is unbelievable.

Tom Scott is the king of short documentaries. He talks about a lot of really interesting things around the world.

Charles Berthoud is probably the best bassist in the world.

And I'll throw out there my own channel, Swyzzle Sticc. I made a few funny videos based on movie clips and/or music video clips.
May 11, 2022
Been checking out many of channels in above posts, liked the DaniellaBelle one about humans moving around in different ways; roller blades are a very simple human augmentation that if we all mastered when young would speed up movement, and the 'floating' one was like a recurring dream I had.

I think stand ups do get away with saying what many people are thinking, but know it's considered unacceptable.
Bill Burr is good at that. Nature does have ways of keeping the right balance of healthy individuals alive that then produce the next better generation.

(may contain the odd expletive for dramatic effect)


Bill's channel
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May 11, 2022
I just watched the Wendover Productions 'How cyberwarfare actually works'. Good stuff.

Has anyone seen the work of Adam Curtis? He seems to take a very broad look at the way societies across the world are developing , competing ideologies vs individualism, and the mostly hidden forces at work.
He then trawls the film archives to illustrate his thesis. One good example is; Can't Get You out of my Head, but also HyperNormalisation and Oh Dearism (some on YT & i Player)

Can't Get You out of My Head Pt6
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