Your first computer screen you ever owned? Do you still have it?

Feb 18, 2024
OK here is a picture of my first computer screen. I miss it. Do you own yours? Let's see what you owned.


Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
CRTs are trending

Really? Why? Seems like a step backwards…

I miss degaussing

Ha ha, you're on your own there—as with using the buttons every few months to get the view window back in line with the physical screen :D

This looks right for my first—I don't have any old screens, they're major space hogs, esp the CRTs.


I worked with Wang back then, and they held a lottery for staff to get rid of some old stock. I was one of the lucky ones to grab a 386 system for ~£3,000—that's with the hefty employee discount. I was able to quietly upgrade it to 8MB RAM and a 40MB HD before taking it home. Built like a tank, lasted a long time, great machine.

I'm fairly sure the screen was VGA 640x480—and color! My first color if I recall correctly, I'd been using monochrome monitors at work up to then—remember that lovely shade of green? :rolleyes:


On a Journey
The only other monitor I still have is the last one I used, 4k Sony 28inch... spare.

First monitor came with a IBM Aptiva in 1999, I recognise the PC in this one:

My 1st computer used a colour TV as its monitor... it didn't come with one. We just used one we had. I see they did sell them but I don't think we got it... Computer was a
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On a Journey
wait for errata in next month's edition…
search for the one typo where you put an ; instead of an :
load game once... if you want to play again, you need to rewind cassette and load it again.
kids these days

Get off my lawn

it did have a cartridge slot, so not all games were that bad. Just as well as typing in code for Asteroids might have taken too long. Probably wouldn't fit on a cassette either...
I got my first pc in 2003 and it was a packard bell and flat screen monitors were apparently only just starting to appear so i guess thats why the pc was £850 and the monitor with 4 usb sockets in the base was £500.

The cnc lathe i used at work had a crt monitor built into the control panel , it did not have a screen saver in it and when you went onto a plaint white screen you could see pixel burn of the tool layout page.
May 13, 2024
I have no pics, but I had an Acer CRT I think mid 90s. Probably a 14 or 15". Have no idea what model it was. I replaced it I think with a Princeton 17" CRT in the early 2000s, maybe 2001 I think that I got at Best Buy. I was so stoked to get that thing, a whopping 17" monitor that I thought that was end-all and be-all of gaming monitors lol.

And funny story behind that Princeton. Commiefornia charged a recycling fee that gets tacked on at the time of purchase. When I finally decided to get rid of that CRT (maybe 10 years ago now), I tried to do my due diligence and scheduled a recycling pick up from my waste service provider. They told me that there was a recycling fee of $40 or something like that (might have been more, I can't remember for sure). I asked the lady what that was for, and she said it's a fee that Commiefornia charges to recyle, to which I responded, "You mean the one I already paid when I bought the monitor?" She was like, "uhhh, err, oh". I asked if it could be waived and I stil had the receipt as evidence, and she said no with the usual excuse that the system won't allow it. So I happily told her it was going in the normal trash and hung up. I ended up donating it instead.
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I have no idea but most monitors in my life has been very mundane. Hand me downs, old monitors being sold for cheap, something my dad dragged back home from the office. One anecdote I have, while working at a Thai restaurant in a bowling alley, I asked my boss if I could buy the 28inch HP monitor he had thrown in the back of his messy office for $50. He said “I’ll give it to you if you clean my office”, so I spent 3 hours straight scrubbing floors, organizing his desk and shelves, and throwing out garbage. It was worth it since it was slightly better than my current monitor at the time. I think my brother still uses it to this day.

As for my first monitor that I actually paid full price for, it was a Philips E-Line 32inch curved monitor in 2020. Not really a gaming monitor but 32inches, curved, 75hz refresh rate and 2ms response time was perfect for me at the time since I was used to standard 60hz high response rate monitors. I broke it by trying to take too much stuff to my apartment as I was moving in, crushing it underneath a box or something, and I was very upset. Since then I’ve used an old Samsung 32inch TV from about 2011 I wanna say. I like the size but picture quality and response is not the best of course. I just haven’t been bothered to buy a new one yet because it works perfectly fine for me honestly.
May 13, 2024
I have no idea but most monitors in my life has been very mundane. Hand me downs, old monitors being sold for cheap, something my dad dragged back home from the office. One anecdote I have, while working at a Thai restaurant in a bowling alley, I asked my boss if I could buy the 28inch HP monitor he had thrown in the back of his messy office for $50. He said “I’ll give it to you if you clean my office”, so I spent 3 hours straight scrubbing floors, organizing his desk and shelves, and throwing out garbage. It was worth it since it was slightly better than my current monitor at the time. I think my brother still uses it to this day.

As for my first monitor that I actually paid full price for, it was a Philips E-Line 32inch curved monitor in 2020. Not really a gaming monitor but 32inches, curved, 75hz refresh rate and 2ms response time was perfect for me at the time since I was used to standard 60hz high response rate monitors. I broke it by trying to take too much stuff to my apartment as I was moving in, crushing it underneath a box or something, and I was very upset. Since then I’ve used an old Samsung 32inch TV from about 2011 I wanna say. I like the size but picture quality and response is not the best of course. I just haven’t been bothered to buy a new one yet because it works perfectly fine for me honestly.

That reminds me, back before 27" monitors were a thing, I bought a 27" LCD TV that had a VGA input and used that for a bit as a monitor. That was around 2005 or so. Worked just fine for the 2 or so years I used it. A few years ago I bought a Samsung 32" just because it had decent HDR capability and was MUCH cheaper than a monitor that could properly do HDR, which at the time were upward of $1700 for a 27".